• [2018/06/22]
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  1. 7

    OFFICIAL: 7.1 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    Alright update, I was hoping for more changes (the kind related to balance). Still incredibly disappointed that there STILL is no delete/clear button for load outs, and it still seems that guest star mechanics are not fully fleshed out (why are they affected by enrage and SA’s but not by...
  2. 7

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    Hard agree with this comment. Personally would love to see more QoL changes and character improvements/reworks rather than flashy new mechanics being added. I think a big HUGE issue for the game throughout its lifetime is its heavy reliance on RNG. The rewards from daily events are RNG (I have...
  3. 7

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    Although I am a little disappointed with no news of balance changes/character reworks, can't wait to play with the Guest Star mechanic! Super excited to see the move effects and the new combos possible with it!
  4. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    Which stages are you farming/testing? I tried playing "that" stage in Peacock's Origin Story, and the AI doesn't seem good enough to consistently beat it.
  5. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    Nice update; the faster load times are huge! However, the robo-fortune prestige bug still hasn't been fixed (just tested it with overclocked, still there 😢). However, the exp change to Story Mode in my eyes is an odd choice I don't really understand the point this is making. What's the...
  6. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    More thoughts on the windswept nerf: In general it's a lot more finicky to play with her, with how many conditions she needs to fulfill just to get her evasion. Something I just noticed with the nerf is that it's almost impossible to combo into ringlet spike with precision. These aspects make...
  7. 7


    Noticed that retakes were not on the list of potential changes in 2024. Are there any planned changes for them in the future in general? IMO there's a lot of improvement that could be changed to the move upgrade system.
  8. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    Ok after playing the game after the update for a while, I finally have some thoughts to share: Overall, the update brings some good QOL changes, and changes to fighters are always welcome, even if they're not agreed upon. BIG BAND REWORK: I like that Big Band has finally gotten some changes...
  9. 7

    Characters Big Band's Ora-Ora!

    I feel the stun is kinda justified. His old BB3 also allowed him to stun and reset combos, just not as reliably. I don't see this as a huge issue since, as ZeoW mentioned, Big Band's ATK stat is low anyway. As someone who prefers to see buffs over nerfs, alternatively, you could also buff...
  10. 7

    Characters Changing Umbrella's moveset effects

    I know it's been a while since the slime rework, but what really irks me is how umbrella's moveset wasn't changed. Umbrella's moveset is too focused on one effect (slime), and I would love to see the character have some more interesting effects in their moveset than having everything be...
  11. 7

    Unholy Host Balance Adjustments

    Damn I actually did not expect unholy host to get nerfed. Still have mixed feelings that y'all decided to nerf her AFTER she had a spotlight relic and right BEFORE she was announced to be in summer breeze relics, but I'm glad she got retouched nonetheless.
  12. 7

    A Critique of Retakes

    So after a couple months after retakes were introduced and playing around with them, I still believe that retakes still need to be tweaked/reworked due to 2 major issues: 1. Retakes are incredibly random and inconsistent The fact that you could roll for the same stat twice after a second reroll...
  13. 7

    disbalanced character

    TRUEE HoD does need a buff/rework. A variant with a skin as cool as her's doesn't deserve to be powercreeped.
  14. 7

    You guys went a bit too far with Death Wish umbrella

    Death wish is definitely a strong variant, but there are counterplays to her. Precision, hex, command grab loops are a couple of counters I have on the top of my head. If anything, I would rather the devs focus on buffing the other diamonds than nerfing Death wish. If they do decide to nerf...
  15. 7

    Other Make more moves Special/Super Cancellable

    So I was watching some Skullgirls 2E combo videos to get some inspiration for some potential combos in mobile, and one key difference I noticed between the two is that 2E has more moves that can cancel into specials or BBs, while the same moves in mobile do not. I think this should be changed...
  16. 7

    Collection Free refreshes for Cabinet of Curiosities

    Title above. I think we should be able to refresh the selection of CoC for free at least once since it is completely random. 50 theonite is too much for refreshing for another random selection. I remember trying to refresh the shop 6 times just to buy a diamond key. Never got it, and wasted 300...
  17. 7

    OFFICIAL - 5.2 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Debut!

    Honestly I was thinking it could be made into another resource. An idea I had was that maybe this resource would "degrade" a move lvl down by one (so making a lvl 15 move a lvl 14 move for example). This way you still have a chance to upgrade the stat you want, but it's not guaranteed. So it's...
  18. 7

    OFFICIAL - 5.2 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Debut!

    Also to add on you can’t reroll a stat lvl up on a level 15 move which is another deal breaker. so if you lvl up a move all the way to lvl 15 but the stat distribution isn’t what you wanted, you’re kinda skrewed :(.
  19. 7

    OFFICIAL - 5.2 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Debut!

    Ok so after playing with the retake system, there is still a major flaw to the system: you cannot control which stat will be leveled up. Which means even if you get a banger 3/3 move, you cannot control the level distribution and leveling up a stat is still random. This is a big deal since this...
  20. 7

    OFFICIAL - 5.2 Update Notes - Black Dahlia's Debut!

    This update is looking sick!! So excited to use retakes and finally be able safely invest in moves! The slime rework looks nice as well, though if that’ll significantly improve the debuff. Overall this update looks really promising!