• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Fel

    Eliza "Stand Out" - Strategy and Discussion

    Note that shes a formidable defender with the heal on block and buff denial/meter gain.
  2. Fel

    스퀴글리 질문이요

    오 마이 라고 일일 유물에서 쓸만한 발렌타인 있어요. 그리고 다음 페치에 새벽근무가 많이 상향되서 지금부터 키워도 쓸만할거에요.
  3. Fel

    Overrated Fighters

    Beatbox can consistently get off a BB3 with one dash attack so I'd say A tier is fine. His stats do suffer but it can be patched up with move stats thanks to enrage.
  4. Fel

    Overrated Fighters

    Rainbow is worthy of the hype in my opinion. Along with Chaos she has Hex and Immune to counter basically every character in the game. The other buffs she gains along the way is just a bonus, with the noteworthy ones being Air for Blockbuster Disable and Water for the pseudo invincibility when...
  5. Fel

    3.1 버전 업데이트 공지

    제가 한국어가 좀 서툴어서 ㅎㅎ 감사합니다!
  6. Fel

    OFFICIAL: 3.1 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Best patch 10/10
  7. Fel

    3.1 버전 업데이트 공지

    안녕하세요 여러분! 3.1 업데이트가 거희 준비됬습니다! 다음주중에 나올 예정입니다. 이제 모든 변경을 소개드리겠습니다! 리프트 대전 변경 12월에 보내주신 리프트 대전 피드백을 반경해서 많은 업데이트와 상향을 했습니다! 개선된 에너지 로직 리프트 대전에서 에너지가 어떻게 사용되는지에 대한 큰 변경이 일어났습니다. 이제 파이터를 두번 써야지 더 이상 쓸 수 없게 됩니다. 파이터가 에너지를 모두 소진했을 경우 더 이상 시오나이트로 회복 할 수 없습니다. 이 변경을 만든 이유중 하나는 모든 레벨의 플레이어들이...
  8. Fel


    Here's to another great year! Naenaes to all of you at HVS
  9. Fel

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    6.57 pm mountain time Posting for Candlelight
  10. Fel

    Other Cheaters

    That sounds like a G.I.Jazz Big Band or some fight modifier. Remember to check the pause menu to see exactly what might affect your battle! Hex, buff removal, heal block, bleed and armor break all help deal with G.I.Jazz too.
  11. Fel

    List of Marquee Abilities

    I think windswept is the only one who can justify running leech because she can be built pure damage rather than bleed. Class Cutter still needs some damage to achieve the heavy bleed and heal block so I think there is an argument for running either one, but permanent bleed is too nice to pass...
  12. Fel

    Other Rift battle, matching, rift rating

    Please refrain from being so aggressive with your comments. I understand your frustration but you can always stop playing rift battles until they change matchmaking.
  13. Fel

    What should I do with extra fighters?

    I personally don't recommend powering up in most circumstances. You'll need evolution fodder often as you play the game so the general consensus is always use extra fighters as evolution fodder.
  14. Fel

    List of Marquee Abilities

    I'd personally say the permanent bleed one!
  15. Fel

    Bug - Normal Does stun count as a stagger?

    Yeah I can confirm that happens too so we can safely say that's a bug!
  16. Fel

    Bug - Normal Meow n forever one-shot no final stand

    As @TonyPartridge30 mentioned Precision ignores as SAs so that may be the cause. Ms Fortunes modifier grants Precision stacks so it's pretty likely that is what happened.
  17. Fel

    Bug - Normal Does stun count as a stagger?

    Stun does NOT count as a stagger. As for what happened in your situation, you can activate Burst even while staggered, which is seen quite often when you throw break someone with Burst as Cerebella.
  18. Fel

    OFFICIAL: 3.0.3 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    Devs give me your rng blessings
  19. Fel

    Please Improve Valentine

    All 3 Countervenoms have the same hitbox and frame data I think? They're one of, if not the best moves in the game in my opinion. Unfortunately Val's low attack often means you can't go too far in PF with her but a Diamond SG with good attack investment can probably go quite far. As for bleed...
  20. Fel

    캐릭터 질문글 올려도되나요?

    레슬러 X, 아이비 리그, 왜가리, 콜드스톤, 헤어스타일 최악, 지옥 냥이, 폭우, 무덤에서 나온 자, 방수 공격 캐릭터는 좋은거 꽤 많으시네요!