• [2018/06/22]
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    Marie Heartless is good enough?

    i think that she is actually way less impressive that Sans, since aleast one of her debuff must fail because of resistance... I dont really know what to do with her.
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    Fights Marie’s current underpowered gameplay

    Sadly this dont get enough attention, i dont get the real use for heartless.
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    Bug - Normal Health bug on Unholy host

    You found this bug 3 times?? woah, thats actually pretty cool. You should try to record it if you can, but i hope this get attention.
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    Bug - Normal Health bug on Unholy host

    You are playing realms? then is not a bug. That's a interaction with marie, when someone revives gets 50% hp more, so we go from 25% to 75%. There must be other modifier that gave them a bonus or so.
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    How does work Star meter charge?

    I mean about base annie, i saw the bot tag in with almost full star meter after just 15 seconds but my annie tags in with way less
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    Bug - Normal Health bug on Unholy host

    I think that is not a bug but megalo powers~ u could share the rep?
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    stats, what happens when you stack two buffs that cannot be stacked usually? like 2 haste, death mark etc

    Also i want to know if haste stacks up with meter gain. Like if i have 50%meter gain and i get haste then i have 150%?
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    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    7 WORDS Heavy hands.
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    Nerf Curl Scout

    What you mean with the time limit modifiable?????
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    what stats are good for Blue streak (gotta go fast)?

    I am thinking about ATK% Block proficiency, crit rate & damage and special cooldown. This are 5 stats, maybe a little too much split up but with the little guest star bonus it could be right, i think. with deadeye, she can ignore piercing and meter gain thanks to haste.
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    Why replays are available just for your own attacks?

    The problem with replays is that they are only available for your own attacks and NOT for defenses. I already saw my attack, i am not playing with me eyes closed, regularly. The idea that it has not been implemented first for defenses is incomprehensible to me, and I would really like to know...
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    Bug - Normal Big band bypass guest moves?

    i tried to use guest moves on big band, after tried to use them on many other character him s the only one that not reacts to them.
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    Mortuary charge needs a buff, Marie is not a good support.

    Quizá me exprese mal, actualmente Marie carga más rápido después de matar a alguien, esto ya está implementado. Pero esta aceleración debería activarse inmediatamente tras realizar la baja, el problema es que tiene un coldown derivado de otro "Bug", este bug consiste en que un enemigo muerto no...
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    Mortuary charge needs a buff, Marie is not a good support.

    When Marie dies, she lost all her mortuary charge, so is actually impossible to rely on bless or any kind of resurrection with Marie. Also, she takes too much time to charge her ability because of a problem with post dead animations. When you kill an enemy, the charge speed-ups for a while, but...
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    How does work Star meter charge?

    i want to charge it faster
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    Fights Sistema de salvado automático para brechas (Rifft)

    Sugiero un sistema donde se guarde el último equipo que usaste para cada nodo. Cada semana los nodos de brechas tienen modificadores únicos y se dividen de esta manera: Nodos 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3. Son dos de cada uno. Aparte puedes agregar tus propios modificadores en defensa. Cada semana las...
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    Sneak peek when???

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    What are the next variants in shard exchange?

    I want to know if i should save diamonds relics...
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    SGM modding

    Listen!! this is not a risk, risk means that it could end well. Any kind of mod will result in ban surely, if your account is already invested dont do it!!