• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Prof. Rokferbranes

    A More Than Enthused Daily Boss (After Time Out Bug)

    So I guess I’m back to recant to you folks another story of how I stumbled upon another bug. I was in the Big Band Daily Event (Master), trying to level up a couple of Silver Parasoul’s. I was fighting the Boss node with a Bloodbath Eliza, and the timer ran out just as I finished off the second...
  2. Prof. Rokferbranes

    Check here for all things unusual and interesting found by myself. If you want, of course; don’t...

    Check here for all things unusual and interesting found by myself. If you want, of course; don’t wanna force ya... Also subscribe to PewD...
  3. Prof. Rokferbranes

    Fights A Strange Yet Ultimately Harmless PF Bug(?)

    Alright, so the Prize Fights have been a bit buggy as of late, so I figure that I use this forum thing to document any unusual occurrences I find. So, I was claiming the defense points for the current Prize Fights (Night’s Ghoul). The Gold PF was fine, but the Silver one was a bit bugged. When I...
  4. Prof. Rokferbranes

    Fights Prize Fight Error

    So I was in a fight in the “Shot in the Dark” Prize Fight. Lost the battle, and this message pops up about an error in connection or something (didn’t get a snapshot, unfortunately, but I think it may have been an Error: -1 if my memory serves me right). I noticed two other things after backing...