• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Kumaro

    How exactly does Death Mark work?

  2. Kumaro

    Money Prize Fight

    How many points do I have to reach at the Medici's prize fights to get to the top 100 and get 250,000 coins?
  3. Kumaro

    Other Quality of Life suggestions

    Hey man, I'm glad that you mentioned me in your post, but when you click "His thread" when you mentioned me, it doesn't go to my thread talking about the involution...
  4. Kumaro

    Bug - Normal Character voice

    Device: Moto E4 Game Version: 3.1 RAM: 2 GB Android Version: 7.0 I just updated my Skullgirls game, and the sounds in the main menu are awesome, but when I enter in a fight, the character voices sounds really weird, like low quality... I don't know If the voices sounds same as 3.0.3, but If...
  5. Kumaro

    Collection Involution Concept

    You're right :0
  6. Kumaro

    Collection Involution Concept

    Well, I was thinking about this for a while, and now I want to share this idea with you . Everyone knows the evolution mechanics, you know, sacrifice 3/4/5 characters of the current character tier you want to evolve to change his tier to Silver/Gold/Diamond, well, what about involution? What...
  7. Kumaro

    List of Elemental Variants

    Actually... There's an official tier list with every element variant of each character
  8. Kumaro

    Fights Rift Battle Matchmaking

    Hello, today I started a Rift Battle, normally, but when the game found me an opponent it was rank Gold 2, and I'm Silver 2. His base has fighters that can reach 90k or higher, and my fighters only reach 15k (the higher ones). Maybe you can fix the matchmaking because I found this very unfair.
  9. Kumaro

    Characters Brainstorming on how to make Lonesome Lenny more useful

    Well, in the original Skullgirls game, you can combo an Impending Doom, Lonesome Lenny and Argus Agony to push Lenny with Argus's projectiles, and explode un front of te opponent, and a random object falling from above. If the combo goes good, it can make a lot of damage for the opponent.
  10. Kumaro

    Big Band Event ( Master )

    Why anyone talk about how Ultraviolent Peacock can be useful? I use her very much in this event
  11. Kumaro

    Fights Bug with Beowulf

    I really enjoy your game, really, in fact, I like it so much that this is my first thread reporting a bug. I have a Moto E4 with 2GB RAM. Android 7.1.1. The bug that I'm going to report is when I enter a fight with Beowulf or the opponent has a Beowulf in his team the game go really slow, even...