• [2018/06/22]
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  1. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Ogre Achiever saying wrong fighter name when tagging out?

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.6.1 Game version 6.5.0 I was playing Accursed Experiments with Ogre Achiever Beowulf as my active fighter. During the fight I tagged in Freeze Frame Peacock, but as Beowulf left the stage, he said “Annie” instead of saying Peacock or Patricia. I tried to repeat the conditions...
  2. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Server/connection errors around daily reset cause Rift losses

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.6.1 Game version 6.5.0 Yesterday and today, I have accrued a loss in a Rift battle because the game times out when trying load a fight. These time outs happened when I was trying to play Rift in the 15 minutes immediately after daily reset. I did not close the app, change my...
  3. TonyPartridge30

    Other Rift & Catalyst balance suggestion

    I mostly like the reworks made to several Catalysts in the Rift mode. I think the occasional rework is a decent way to keep the mode fresh and encourage diversity. For example, the update to Cripple Decker has made it go from seeing little-to-no use to being a very potent catalyst. But a side...
  4. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Wrong debuff icon for Buffer Zone

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.1.2 Game version 6.1.0 The Robofortune variant Buffer Zone has an SA that applies Disable Tag In. However, the icon that appears on fight screen is for Disable Special Moves. Have not yet been able to determine if the debuff icon in the Pause screen is similarly mismatched.
  5. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal No rift rewards for week of Dec 25-31?

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.1.2 Game version 6.1.0 Hello. It’s been over a day since weekly reset, and I have not received the rewards for last week’s rift season. My rank updated accordingly (Diamond 3), I think, as I definitely completed the requisite 5 matches. I also noticed that my entire mailbox has...
  6. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Girls' Night not always counting towards Blockbuster Finish in Rift

    iPhone 13 iOS 17.1.1 Game version 6.0.1 I've noticed this issue occur a couple times, but it's rarity and situationalness make it hard to prepare to record ahead of time. Sometimes I've found when using Girls' Night BB2 with Unholy Host, if the final opponent in a Rift battle is at/around 1 HP...
  7. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Server error caused a loss on a Rift node

    iPhone 11 iOS 16.3.1 Game version 6.0.1 I was playing a rift node and after selecting my team and pressing the Fight button, I experienced an unusually long amount of time on losing screen before it said there was a communication error and took me back to match lobby. Once back in match lobby...
  8. TonyPartridge30

    Characters Black Dahlia voice lines too quiet

    In my opinion, it is too difficult to hear some of Black Dahlia’s intro and outro voice lines. I have my music volume in the game set to around 70-80%, while the SFX volume is max, and yet the music still drowns out several of her voice lines to the point where I can’t make out what she’s...
  9. TonyPartridge30

    Characters Suggestion: It’s Apple Juice should be red for Unholy Host

    Since Unholy Host’s color palette is based on Lady D from Resident Evil Village, and Lady D is effectively a vampire, I think it would be appropriate if the color of the liquid in the glass for the It’s Apple Juice move would be red, like blood. The game already is rated for “infrequent alcohol...
  10. TonyPartridge30

    Best Marquee Ability for Eager Deceiver?

    Can’t really tell if ED is best suited as an offensive or defensive fighter. But even as a defensive fighter, she has her own dedicated way to get perma Enrage, so would an ability for temp enrage really be necessary? I’m leaning towards Bitter End but wanted to get some other opinions.
  11. TonyPartridge30

    How much of Black Dahlia is synthetic?

    Love her design and it’s great to have her in the game now (even if I haven’t gotten a diamond roll yet 🥲). I understand her backstory says she’s “at least partially” cybernetic. It’s clear her legs are prosthetic and obviously her gun arm. Is she like Darth Vader where it’s just her limbs that...
  12. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Long load times and server issues

    Anyone else been having consistent server errors and long load times (sometimes timeouts) when attempting to play and navigate menus? I’ve been seeing a lot of Error Codes 0 and 1 and sometimes unable to get past the Authentication step when launching the app. I especially notice this issue just...
  13. TonyPartridge30

    Fights Social feature: invite friends to a private match

    The addition of friends list and private matches were both really great. But what if you could combine those features? Currently, private matches are set up so that someone hosts a room and provides the room code to the challenger so they can meet up. This requires posting the room code...
  14. TonyPartridge30

    Does Photo Bop deal a finishing blow?

    I was in a VS match and the opponent had like <20% health left. I activated the BB3 and it ran it's course, but once it ended, the enemy didn't die. Instead, they just staggered; I followed up with Gravity Slingshot to finish the match. I'm wondering if Photo Bop just didn't have enough kick on...
  15. TonyPartridge30

    Did you get an Annie?

    Since 4.4 is supposed to give everyone a free Cosmic Premiere Relic, I wanted to make a thread for people lucky enough to get an Annie from that free gift to post about their luck and earn the ire and envy of the rest of us. I guess you can also post about other Annie pulls, if you want. I'm...
  16. TonyPartridge30

    "Model Leader" - Strategy & Discussion

    MODEL LEADER Fighter: Annie Rarity: Diamond Element: Water Color Palette: Gym Leader Nessa (Pokémon Sword & Shield) "Flood the stadium and make it our ocean!" SIGNATURE ABILITY: Liquid Courage SA1: every 30/25/20 seconds, she clears debuffs from teammates and grants 15 seconds of Armor (while...
  17. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Error code 0 and exiting fights without confirmation

    iPhone 8 iOS 13.7 Game version 4.3.3 I was doing Accursed Experiments and the node with Bella, Peacock, and Valentine. I won the fight twice but each time, the game stalled before tallying the XP and granting rewards. Eventually I got the contacting server error message with an Error code 0...
  18. TonyPartridge30

    Character ability: Star Power

    https://twitter.com/sgmobile/status/1304252885270769666?s=20 Annie's CA has been revealed, and it's called Star Power. Aside from bringing back memories of Guitar Hero, this ability is designed to enhance Annie's attacks and even some of her moves. This puts it along the same vein as Beowulf and...
  19. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Deployment Bonus % not counting right?

    Game version 4.3.0 iOS 13.5.1 iPhone 8 The Bonus % for the 16-hr Deployment says that you get +15% bonus for each matching fighter, and +15% bonus for each matching element. However, on today's Deployment, adding matching fighters who didn't match the element actually lowered the % chance. A...
  20. TonyPartridge30

    Bug - Normal Getting stunned middair makes juggle repeat

    iOS 13.4.1 iPhone 8 Game version 4.2.0 On the Accursed Experiments node with the Personal Foul and Halftime modifiers, this interesting scenario occurred. If a hit occurs during a juggle that triggers the Personal Foul modifier, my fighter gets stunned but instead of falling out of the juggle...