• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Maximus_David045

    SG Custom Fighters

    The Dreams I Left Behind... until now... BRONZES SILVERS GOLDS DIAMOND
  2. Maximus_David045

    SG Custom Fighters

    They're back! After months and years took out! (Sorry, you two) PARASOUL — PERIL STOPPER "Why yes." Parasoul as Penelope Pitstop REFERENCE: BLACK DAHLIA — EVIL HOOD "Blast again! I'll kill you slowly!" Black Dahlia as The Hooded Claw REFERENCE:
  3. Maximus_David045

    SG Custom Fighters

    These ones may be the kids' favorites. Well... They're currently my favorite ones too. 😅 FUKUA — FOG IMPRESSION "Stop" Fukua as Herobrine (an urban legend from Minecraft) REFERENCE HERE: HER SIGNATURE ABILITY: IDEAS BEHIND: CEREBELLA — HERO TIME "It's hero time!" Cerebella as Ben...
  4. Maximus_David045

    Other Rift & Catalyst balance suggestion

    I don't know. Same character usage penality is more considerable, since the game offers more than 200 different variants to use and just a few nodes to pass. But when it comes to catalysts, I feel like they're very limited in their uniqueness. You can use more than one character/variant to...
  5. Maximus_David045

    SG Custom Fighters

    FUKUA — FOG FORGER "Even the strongest attacks are pointless if they don't hit" Ref: Fukua as Muichiro Tokito SIGNATURE ABILITY: OBSCURING CLOUDS (SA1) Suffer SLOW and gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds each every 4/3/2 seconds while far away from the opponent (SA2) Gain HASTE for 15 seconds and...
  6. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    I know, right? That's because I made that catalyst before that recent catalyst update. I'm kinda shocked they decided to give that property to Cripple Decker instead, but not surprised (since it's easier). Sad. Still, I couldn't afford making all these catalysts and posting them ignoring the...
  7. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    DISSENSION: Avoid interactions between the target and its teammates Fighters suffering from this debuff can't... • revive or get revived by allies; • gain or grant BUFFS to allies; • heal allies or get healing effect from allies; • get any other benefit from allies or grant them any benefits;
  8. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    Thank you all for the feedbacks. I haven't took these scenarios in count. I'll be editing these catalyst effects to make them as balanced as possible. Neither broken nor useless. Current changes: • NEUTRALIZING BARRIER now avoid only CRITICAL HIT damage when a stack of BARRIER is active...
  9. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    MENACING STARE 50/100% chance of gaining DEADEYE for 10 seconds when the opponent gains a BUFF. 50% chance of removing all opponent BUFFS when DEADEYE expires Removal Activation Chance per Tier: • Bronze: 25% • Silver: 35% • Gold: 50% • Silver (character-exclusive): 75% • Gold...
  10. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    DROP ANCHOR 50% chance of inflicting IMMOBILIZE for 5/10 seconds on the opponent when either fighter get HIT while DASHING Activation Chance per Tier: • Bronze: 25% • Silver: 35% • Gold: 50% • Silver (character-exclusive): 75% • Gold (character-exclusive): 100% PREVENTIVE BARRIER...
  11. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    STENCH OF THE DEAD Gain MIASMA for 5/15 seconds every 3 seconds while near a dead body. Seconds Needed Near A Dead Body per Tier: • Bronze: 4 seconds • Silver: 3.5 seconds • Gold: 3 seconds • Silver (character-exclusive): 2.5 seconds • Gold (character-exclusive): 2 second...
  12. Maximus_David045

    SG Custom Fighters

    Recent card of mine that got me veeeery proud #2 ANNIE — PRODIGY OF AGES "No matter the costume I wear! I'll always fight for what is right!" Annie as multiple Robins, from DC Sagan as Batman, Beast Boy and Jon Kent, all of them from DC HER REFERENCE HER SIGNATURE ABILITY HER SPECIAL...
  13. Maximus_David045

    SG Custom Fighters

    Recent card of mine that got me veeeery proud #1 BEOWULF — WOLF OF STEEL "It's a wolf! It's a fighter! No. It's both!" Beowulf as Superman, from DC Comics HIS REFERENCE: HIS SIGNATURE ABILITY: HIS SPECIAL TRAIT: I want him so bad 🥲
  14. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    HALT! For every 15 HITS suffered, gain AUTO-BLOCK for 5/15 seconds Hits Needed per Tier: • Bronze: 20 hits • Silver: 17 hits • Gold: 15 hits • Silver (character-exclusive): 12 hits • Gold (character-exclusive): 10 hits UNGUARDED 20/50% chance of inflicting 3 stacks of GUARD BREAK...
  15. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    BARE WIRE 50% chance of inflicting POWER SURGE for 5/15 when the opponent uses a BLOCKBUSTER Activation Percentage per Tier: • Bronze: 25% • Silver: 35% • Gold: 50% • Silver (character-exclusive): 75% • Gold (character-exclusive): 100% ADVERSE REACTION Inflict INVERSE POLARITY for...
  16. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    ROSE THORNS 15% chance of getting THORNS for 5/10 seconds when getting HIT while suffering from any DEBUFF Activation Percentage per Tier: • Bronze: 10% • Silver: 12% • Gold: 15% • Silver (character-exclusive): 17% • Gold (character-exclusive): 20% SECOND CHANCE Once per match...
  17. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    Lol. Maybe. 😂 Defensive Windswept. That sounds funny and uncanny. I'm just glad she would be less troublesome than old Host, since CURSE, DEADEYE and multi-hit strategies would work just well and quite easy. Still, why to think so little? There would be more interesting things to worry about...
  18. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    YOU CAN'T CATCH ME 50% chance of gaining EVASION for 5/15 seconds when either fighter uses a SPECIAL MOVE or a BLOCKBUSTER out of a combo Activation Percentage per Tier: • Bronze: 25% • Silver: 35% • Gold: 50% • Silver (character-exclusive): 75% • Gold (character-exclusive): 100%...
  19. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    CHARM: Get immune to opponent's Signature Ability effects. Also drain 5% meter gradually while near the opponent.
  20. Maximus_David045

    Custom Catalysts / Custom Modifiers

    Welcome to the Custom Catalyst & Modifiers thread. A place where you can share your awesome ideas of... well... catalysts and modifiers (buffs and debuffs) that currently don't exist in game, but could do. Example: I made two catalysts for neutral-element only ON THE FENCE [Neutral Element...