• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Piranha

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    As the big nerd I am, my favourite part of the updates in games are balance changes. They keep the game fresh and promote gameplay diversity. I also am a huge fan of Big Bonk, I'm extremely happy he's finally actually decent (thank you for giving him a chaos banish thank you thank you thank...
  2. Piranha

    Still not a fan of the censorship.

  3. Piranha

    OFFICIAL: Chat Rules and Abuse Guidelines

    Mods, kill this guy
  4. Piranha

    Got my 5th raw nerve! I can now delete my account

    Got my 5th raw nerve! I can now delete my account
  5. Piranha

    best place to earn xp in story mode

    (I couldn't fit the whole message for some reason??) // Aside from that, I'd say PF can also give a moderate amount of xp, since the battles on higher streaks give more xp, and the energy recharges faster so you'll be able to do more fights. Don't play story mode for xp tho, it really doesn't...
  6. Piranha

    best place to earn xp in story mode

    Well, holodeck should be a main way to gain xp if you do it daily. Try to complete reliably at least the Expert difficulty, and play at least 3 main fighters to the point where you can reliably clear a node using only one of them at a time. Then, you'll be able to get tons of xp on lower level...
  7. Piranha

    More then one daliy relic?

    So THAT'S why I see people with 18294 brazillion relics saved. I thought those people were just crazy Also you've been doing this for 1574 days lol
  8. Piranha

    Bug - Crash Shop sometimes softlocks in an infinite loading screen

    Glad to know it's already being investigated. Thank you for the reply
  9. Piranha

    Bug - Crash Shop sometimes softlocks in an infinite loading screen

    Most of the time when I open the shop, no matter where from, be it the shop button on main menu or clicking on the coin or theonite count, the game keeps infinitely loading forever, and the only thing you can do is close the game. Resetting/disabling the internet, flipping the screen, shutting...
  10. Piranha

    OFFICIAL - 6.1 Update Notes - Marie's Full Release

    I LOVE FREE STUFF also the new recruitment node is pretty cool