One of my closest classmates who is s journalist also reports out about those similar issues. But since that this was just a game to play for fun and enjoy, we are not actually really paying that much of attention in those specific details.
However some players out there can Really be a bit sensitive and emotional towards those "sexually exposured parts" of every game that they seeing
and again the Rating system won't help much either unless if they would ask of you of your own picture and age before you get to play a game. Unless if parents should be involved with this
doesn't matter. litterally at least not for america. there's another one case considers whether the,violent video games to minors.
and the uK and Australia law to take photos of people to "prevent kids from seeing stuff"... that's dangerous.
One of my closest classmates who is s journalist also reports out about those similar issues. But since that this was just a game to play for fun and enjoy, we are not actually really paying that much of attention in those specific details.
However some players out there can Really be a bit sensitive and emotional towards those "sexually exposured parts" of every game that they seeing
i thnk you should. it's art. it's expression it's part of human rights.
worse yet, the censorhsip is taking time and energy away from actual crimes.
From the oversexualized characters in fighting games, such as Dead or Alive or Ninja Gaiden, to the overuse of the damsel in distress trope in popular titles, such as the Super Mario series, the under- and misrepresentation of females in video games has been well documented in several content...
we have that such things dont' cause sexism.
Australia censors plenty of games and i don't think it should. Disco Elysium being one of them. it's litteral government censorship. that's wrong. immoral. and they shouldn't decide for people for anyone.
i mean this is what we have. I think they're lying to themselves. there's litterally nothing wrong, they didn't have a paroblem.
one of them is a furry so it's shame for the past that they shouldn't have.

and the only reason they think that is because they're gaslighting themselves.
in fact, i'm not sure they're aware that Futureclub, Hidden variable and Autumgames are their hat with litteral abusers.
Remember they're friends with zonetan. they got a lot of flack when she was working on the game and she draws porn of cartoons for a living. and Zone said it wasn't censorship... dispite it being the actual definition.
it's fine Zone does what she does, but lying? that's bad. and these people seem to be lying to themselves and looking down the nose at people.
i guess the furry and the shinobi are trying to look better than they actually are. they removed a A COMB from an afro. that wasn't racially offensive. at all.
I don't know what they're doing but it's NOT good.
it's year zero thinking. it's 2013 was a different time.
that's some totalitarian Year Zero stuff that a lot of radicals push.
it's the same thing with metal gear solid 5
‘This game came out in 2015, and I think the video game landscape has changed quite a lot since then. People are looking for more representation, and I really get it.’ For those who don’t know, from the initial reveal of Quiet during, I think, an E3 2013 presentation up until the game’s launch in 2015, feminists online were blasting her character design for being objectifying and degrading towards women. The few religious Boomers still talking about video games agreed with them, in their way, saying they were corrupting the youth. Meanwhile, it was a coalition of normal unaligned gamers, Reddit liberals, and the few whoopie-positive feminists that existed back then coming together to say, “No, it’s actually fine to have an attractive woman with her breasts out; stop acting like a puritan.”
they became the very soccer moms that they fought against when they first made the game. adults suck then you become them.
I want to believe it's not their fault. i want to believe they're good people. they probably are but what the skullgirls teams are doing is NOT good if not also illegal.
even then. they took away the impact of police brutaitly, they took away the good lesson that sometimes the "good guys" can become corrupt with Umbrella. (it also wasn't hateful because the symbol was an umbrella) in censoring the game. they acted in a paternalistic and patronising manner to people like me.
and the fact that the first response i get is "Fillia is sixteen" just shows how people have turned their brain off. some how people are glossing over the rest of it and some pro censorship hound is looking at that and thinking sexual thoughts. if things are so bad that they have to be hidden and quashed... soemone has to look through all that to decide what needs to be quashed.
wouldn't that person be the most corrupted? the most debauched? who is good enough to decide? what if self censorship is internalizing oppression? just think about it.
and who decides? because i dont' think team made a conscious choice. because what happens when people say 2023 was a different time? and they uncensor the game or censor it even more? "the past is bad the now is always better".
that's some year zero reasoning. i don't know if they know what genocideal extremist view comes from.