• [2018/06/22]
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  1. snivee

    OFFICIAL: Brand New Skullgirls Mobile Character FAQ

    Hell yeah! Never felt so good about being wrong. :D
  2. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Air Elemental PF. 10:11AM GMT Plausible, but I don't buy it. especially when their best fighter here is this
  3. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Fireworks Show 11:24 PM PST
  4. snivee

    OFFICIAL: 4.3.3 Update Notes - Now Available!

    epic sax rocked critical mass shocked doublicious resigned ❌
  5. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    This guy's been going at it for quite a while now. Screenshot taken from Dark PF @6:40PM PST GMT+8
  6. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Last light elemental PF Current big band PF. Plausible, but my SG has ICU so I have a massive doubt.
  7. snivee

    OFFICIAL: Brand New Skullgirls Mobile Character FAQ

    I'm really hoping for Annie but the ice cream truck gives a strong Umbrella feeling :confused:
  8. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken just now Gold Bloodsport PF
  9. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Screenshot taken just now. From A Shining Example prize fight.
  10. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    From gold Two to Tangle PF I would've believed this was possible if my val didn't have ICU
  11. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Screenshot taken 12:32AM EST Gold Highwire Hijinks
  12. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken just now, 90 win streak with this profile.
  13. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    From gold Blood Sport prize fight
  14. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    From gold casket match prize fight
  15. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken 4:20PM, July 7, 2019 EST Fireworks PF
  16. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Fireworks PF Taken 5:27PM, July 5, 2019 EST
  17. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Gold Second to Nun prize fight Taken 9:37AM, July 4, 2019 EST
  18. snivee

    Bug - Normal Cheater / Hacker Reporting

    Taken 9:36pm EST, 06/22/19, Gold Rumble Pack PF.