• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Ploppersmackle

    Character Possibilities in Spotlight Relics (OLD)

    Thanks, I forgot about the interstellar being repurposed as a general light and dark fighter relic, also the renames for them are very catchy Pretty color format, the effort is appreciated
  2. Ploppersmackle

    Character Possibilities in Spotlight Relics (OLD)

    BIG DISCLAIMER: THESE GUESSES ARE NOW IRRELEVANT SINCE IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED THAT THE FEATURED FIGHTERS DON'T HAVE TO BE OF THE SAME CHARACTER (LET'S GO HIGH RULER YEAHHHH) My guesses on what character combinations are in the spotlight relics, only guessing golds and diamonds (doing this so I...
  3. Ploppersmackle

    4.8 Update Notes (Live now!)

    I usually do not make forum posts, but this seems like the place where people are posting what their hopes and dreams for the next update(s) are, and I've yet to see people bring this up in this thread (although I've seen this suggestion elsewhere many times, especially during the speculation...
  4. Ploppersmackle

    Bug - Normal Inner Pieces no diamond shards

    I received Inner pieces from a gold gift and in the left hand corner it showed my diamond shard amount increasing from 870 to 910. However, when I exited and reloaded the game, I was back to 870 shards. My device is LG ThinQ 7 and the operating system is Android 9.
  5. Ploppersmackle

    Bug - Normal Unable to move during fight

    No, this is the first time this has happened. I haven't run into this problem again, so I have not reinstalled.
  6. Ploppersmackle

    Bug - Normal Unable to move during fight

    Yes, that is exactly what happened. Here is the link: It is not very easy to tell because most of the time I'm blocking because I'm trying to not let parasoul die, but around 1:18 is where it is the most obvious
  7. Ploppersmackle

    Bug - Normal Unable to move during fight

    Model: LG G7 ThinQ Operating System: Android 9 I was on the character select screen and was about to battle in fukua's silver prize fight using ivy league as my first character, then beatbox and infernal twin. I pressed battle but nothing happened, so I clicked ivy league's character card...