• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Stone

    Characters Star Shine rework suggestion

    As the update rolled out a few hours ago. Many variants got changed. To keep this short: In my opinion, Star Shine got arguably made worse than before, and requires something more to be diamond worthy. See below for why I believe this is the case. I want to suggest two ideas that keep Star...
  2. ING.Rose

    Other Rework a brillo de estrellas

    Buenas, un problema que trajo el "buff" De brillo de estrellas (Annie), es que la segunda habilidad no tiene sentido, por ejemplo: te enfrentas a un equipo rival de 3 variantes como cabellos dorados, sol y sombra y con deseo de muerte pierdes 15 de más a comparación de la anterior habilidad ya...
  3. S

    Characters Skullgirl Annie

    Здравствуйте, можно ли сбросить персонажа? Я по ошибке прокачал не того героя и полностью влил в нее все ресурсы, я прокачал Энни тройную угрозу, а не силу луны, очень хотелось бы сбросить героя и вернуть ресурсы
  4. A

    Fan made(?) card

    I made my first card. I want to know your opinion. I don't know who to show it to, because my friends are not fond of Skullgirls makers, so I'll show it here
  5. H

    Timeless Hero Prestige Oversight

    Not quite sure where to put this since is my first post. But today I came across quite the interesting oversight. Annie prestige charges with the expense of star meter however timeless hero’s ability allows it to use star power infinitely without the meter draining so if Annie procs the ability...
  6. B

    Bug - Normal Annie—Model Leader Visuals Glitches—SGM

    I noticed this bug while playing PFs, and I thought maybe it had been either my graphic settings or something, but the ocean textures on Annie’s sword and moves were showing up on the gallery and the training modes. Idk if it’s just the PFS specifically or ??? It also managed to somewhat fix...
  7. TheramxD

    Bug - Normal Timeless Hero not charging prestige

    I recently evolved my timeless hero annie and realized that if she gets her infinite star power, she will no longer be able to charge her prestige ability. I don't know if this is intended, and i have seen it only in prize fights so far, as i barely play anything else. You gotta charge that...
  8. UltimateShowstopper

    Bug - Normal Model Leader + Dead of Winter (opponent)

    If a Squigly revives after killing an Annie, she revives with 4 stacks of armor. Is this a bug or a coincidence due to timing?
  9. D

    Bug - Normal Annie Bug

    here's how the bug looks like
  10. albert2417

    Resolved Timeless Hero Prestige Ability Issue

    Timeless Hero Annie’s prestige ability does not work properly. If her signature ability kicks in and unlimited Star Power meter is achieved then her prestige ability will never charge, no matter how much Star Power attacks you use. However, if you use up some Star Power meter before the...
  11. S

    Bug - Normal 3 issues i've found

    First one i've found is in Cerebella's master level daily event. It has a "Get a grip" effect and makes all throws deal no damage. But some Squigly and Filia blockbusters deal no damage too cuz of this effect. Idk if this is a feature or a bug. Another issue is with the russian translation of...
  12. L

    Bug - Normal Problemas visuales con Annie / Visual problems with Annie

    Buenos días/tardes/noches, tengo el siguiente problema con todas mis Annie. Alguien le pasó? Cómo lo soluciono? De antemano gracias. Good morning/afternoon/evening, I have the following problem with all my Annie's. Has anyone passed him? How do I solve it? First of all, Thanks
  13. Pandamonium

    Characters Material Girl Re-Work

    Old SA2: While in STAR POWER MODE, gain permanent ENRAGE, REGEN, PRECISION, AUTO-BLOCK or HASTE, and 3/4/5% BLOCKBUSTER METER per second. The permanent BUFF is removed when exiting STAR POWER. New SA2: While in STAR POWER MODE, gain permanent ENRAGE, PRECISION or INMUNITY, and 3/4/5%...
  14. S

    Bug - Normal Fighter not found??

    So far, out of nowhere, my silver Galactic Glamour Annie keeps being refused to be used by the game. When I try to use her for anything it says "fighter cannot be found" even after a week or two of this happening originally and I don't know what's going on
  15. Crushnap

    Bug - Normal Annie Taunt

    iPhone 11 App version 4.6.1 There are a few frames in Annie’s taunt “Reflection Nebula”, between when she reflects an attack and when the buff is gained, where if she’s hit she won’t reflect OR gain the buff. Don’t know if this is intentional, but it feels like a bug.
  16. E

    Bug - Normal new bug?

    i was doing a prize fight when my annie that had roughly the some power level(?) and elemental advantage did about 5% damage combo to a big band, and then the big band basically did the same combo to me but it did half my annies health. i'm pretty sure there wasn't any buffs on the big band, and...
  17. G

    Characters Is annie gonna have JPN voiceover?

    Is annie gonna have a JPN voiceover? Just pure wondering bcs the EN ver is nice, so what about her JPN ver
  18. FriendlyWolf

    Thoughts so far on Annie?

    How's everyone been liking annie? I did a 10+1 jackpot pull and got ninja and Moonstruck and the bronzes by single pulls and I gotta say she's pretty fun to use. Her Blockbusters are really cool and her variants are fun to use. I do gotta say I'm not fond on her SA though. 20...
  19. C

    Bug - Crash I lost 5000 theonites

    Hello! Today, few minutes ago, I bought Jackpot Annie relics for 5000 theonites (keep in mind that collected them WHOLE YEAR). When i bought these relics, my game crashed, i came back... I didnt have 5000 theo. Cool. But didnt have any jackpots. NOT COOL. I even reinstalled game but it did...
  20. LordOozy

    7k Moonstruck vs 93.2k PF Team

    She's very strong with the right technical ability and resources