• [2018/06/22]
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  1. emilgutierrez32

    The Two Accounts of [PH] ESG & [PH] ESG II! I hate this game so much!

    Well that's it for me to play the Skullgirs Mobile 📱 EmilGutierrez32 & EmilGutierrez027 is finally over for me to play because I cheat it on purpose! The Game is Over 😔 "What is the square root of a fish? Now I'm sad. This Account has been permanently banned." Because I don't really it to play...
  2. Cyan14

    Loved by many, banned for free speech

    I start by saying, I do understand that this is necessary and deserved for the most part. No one should have that much freedom. But permanently getting banned for the first time is too unfair a punishment. I know punishment should be unfair, but not when the real people in the channels know that...
  3. A

    Account banned

    I was playing this game for 3 months and after 3 months get banned because of using unsupported apps, But in my region Google play store is blocked, so I can't use it for downloads! I downloaded the game from a web site. Now what should I do with my account to get unban? Oh i almost forgot, my...
  4. R

    My account was banned

    today my skullgirls mobile account was banned and i don't know the reasons why it was banned, i readed the support page of banned accounts and i didnt have used any third apps and i installed legally the game from the play store, does anyone know what can i do so i can see if i can recover my...
  5. K

    Bug - Normal Minha conta foi banida ?

    Eu estava jogando de boas na moral usei o item de duplicar experiencia por 4 horas ( tenho + de 80 desses itens ) e Do nada , minha conta e deslogada , e quando tento voltar da ... erro nao e possivel conectar sua conta Do google ... se isso foi um erro por favor resolvam logo , nunca usei...
  6. D

    Account banned wrongly!

    I would like to understand why my account was banned and I followed all the rules described to the user? I created the account 5 days ago, I looked for several videos on YouTube teaching how to evolve the characters quickly and practically. I managed to reach level 50 in 6 game days, with 11...