• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Nightmare_Paco

    Bug - Crash The game freezes in the Battle Rifts.

    This error has been happening for more than four months now, just when you finish the combat, the game freezes and therefore you lose the node. When are they going to fix it? https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15oVcS3fwC/?mibextid=A7sQZp
  2. cdhatlcve

    Can't get past the authorization screen and no error code is popping up

    i recently transferred all my data to a new phone and barely went on skullgirls for a while, but recently i decided to play so i updated the game and it got stuck on the authorization screen for a while so i tried to delete snd reinstall the app and tried logging into my account and same...
  3. M

    Other Newbies found bugs in the story mode that didn't advance the game!

    when I play the second chapter of story mode, I need to equip the character moves according to the beginner's guide, but maybe because I opened some reward boxes in advance, there are several more moves in the list, so I can't select the original moves, No other moves can be selected,and the...
  4. U

    Bug - Normal Cant join multiplayer!

    everytime i try to join my friend or any competitive match it says found potential opponent and loads indefinitely. ive tried turning off skull girls on my local network settings and ive tried leaving it be for a while and it just times out idk what to do
  5. A


    Actualmente las repeticiones están fallando, siendo que a partir de la mitad de los clips el personaje con quién se juega deja de hacer los movimientos de la pelea (se queda estático) como si fuera el modo entrenamiento, y empiezan a suceder cosas en la pela que nunca sucedieron, arruinando la...
  6. A

    Bug - Crash Valentine bug

    It happening only me or everyone?
  7. Thesmellofman

    Bug - Normal Peacock Bug "Deadly Airport"

    As of 7.0 there is a Peacock bug with "Deadly Airport" and "George's Day Out" When placing George then using the Deadly airport George would normally hit the target with the Deadly airport, now instead he just walks though the target when Deadly airport is active. Was this intended? I think I...
  8. C

    Failure to evolve from diamond to "indomitable"

    24 de octubre de 2024, al intentar evolucionar hacia lo indomable, apareció un error desconocido, se consumieron las variantes y esencias de oro, pero se dejó indomable en oro. ID de usuario:1apr-3znqo
  9. Kheul

    Bug - Normal Robo-Fortune: Phaser Burn Stun

    Why is the Stun condition on Phaser Burn entirely dependent on whether the enemy has a buff? I'm not saying a buff needs to be removed for Stun to be inflicted. It can inflict Stun if the opponent has a Permanent Buff, which can't be removed at all. This makes me wonder if Phaser Burn might be...
  10. T

    Bug - Normal weird miasma bug

    i was in a fight and as you can see i use a blockbuster but it doesn't consume it fully and doesn't get register for the prize fight modifier (pasives didn't got changed) and then i just hit again and do blockbuster again edit: dude how is a 16 seconds clip too long man i have the footage but...
  11. M

    Resolved bug in story mode praises

    I would like to report a bug with my account where I cannot obtain the rewards for the praises in story mode even though I have already completed the story mode from basic to advanced, but the progress still shows that 1 is missing even though I have already completed all 4.
  12. Kiraroto~♡

    Bug - Normal does not detect touch

    I've had the problem since yesterday, I thought it was because I had something else touching the screen, but in the end it wasn't me, the game doesn't detect when I do actions (tapping or using the blockb). Has anyone else had it? Thanks to that I lost battles
  13. djdevilgames

    Bug - Normal Does everyone have this?

    I accidentally knocked out two such characters that I already have them:
  14. C

    Bug - Normal Overclocked SA not activating

    For some reason, Overclockeds' (robofortune), unblockable attacks when she has 3+ stacks of precision doesn't seem to be working. I have a video of one of the incidents, but it's happened multiple times consistently. She was not suffering from any debuff as far as I can see.
  15. S

    Bug - Normal Hex Caliber doesn't get precision

    Greetings: When I use Hex Caliber and she gets Unflinching from her own ability, she gets Precision. But, when she gets Unflinching from other sources, for example, when tagging Prism Plumage. Hex Caliber gets Unflinching, but she doesn't get Precision. Is that correct? Video
  16. Alessx_01

    Bug - Crash Theonites Dissapeared

    I had more than 2000 theonites, i don't remember exactly the amount, but i was saving for buy something in the future, specially relics, but today, i opened the game and there was only 85 theonites. I'm kinda sad and surprised about this, i don't know if this happened to another person, i hope...
  17. C

    Bug - Normal Bug happened during Prize Fight, or maybe the player was using cheat?

    Hi, would like to report a bug that happened when I was battling in prize fight, it was during the time the enemy tried to use a special move and I was using a blockbuster that my blockbuster was overwritten/totally ignored causing me to lose because I was left with little health. Link is at the...
  18. Gift

    Bug - Normal RIFT HEX Bugs

    I have encountered 2 rift bugs. 1. GOLD HEX modifier "Every 20 seconds, inflict HEX for 15 seconds". This modifier still applies when Rose Tinted is on your teams bench. Consequently, this causes the active fighter to suffer HEX consistently, when in actuality the HEX debuff should be...
  19. Skadi

    Bug - Normal Shop not loading

    My wifi is perfectly fine and for the past couple of days i cant load the shop ive treid everything but i checked and some people also have this bug Name : meepepepep ID : 2vil-k54at phone :HONOR X8a