• [2018/06/22]
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  1. A

    Bug - Normal Cancel expulsion with an assist

    When using the 3-star brain drain assist while being knocked out by an enemy special move it cancels the knockout (The assist animation is displayed but your character remains flying in the air until hit.)
  2. S

    Bug - Normal Valentine's time out animation bugged

    Whenever Valentine plays the "TimeOut!" animation. A glitchy thing appears I have no idea what that is...
  3. A

    Bug - Normal Shadow puppet doesn't stop time when almost dead and in replay the fight starts with her dead and the bot plays in my place in Holodek Hazards Master

    I was playing Holodeck Hazards on master mode when Peacock "That s all folks" drained all my health to my shadow puppet (who has her skill tree maxed out so she has the stop time ability) but she didn't stop time, gained the miasma for half a second and died in with the screen not even flashing...
  4. R

    Other Account banned

    oh hello dear skull girls support, I feel very bad right now so I can write with errors, today I log into the game and my account was banned, there is no reason there, I do not know what I could have violated? I think it's a mistake, so pls unban my account, I nothing violated
  5. tropicalkkkj

    Bug - Normal bug 2 slot characters

    so, today i was playing with some my friends and i found a bug on the game prize fight with only two slots only, pls resolve i wanna earn some coins. fix It
  6. ll.zara

    Bug - Normal Replay bug

    I've recently noticed a bug with the new replay feature. It appears that whenever you try to watch a video of the fight clip, it's all wrong! I've won this fight with hex caliber black dahlia, and it displays as if she's been defeated, and instead the other teammate's tagged in.. In reality...
  7. C

    Bug - Normal Lost moves

    Recently I’ve made changes in one of my move-sets and all of them are go away
  8. Iam N

    Bug - Normal Megalomaniac SA activate timer doesn't work as intended.

    Megalomaniac Signature Ability 2 "While Marie is the active Fighter and has at least 3 stacks of ARMOR, she deals damage every 15 seconds equal to 50% of Marie's ATTACK and inflicts STUN for 3 seconds." seems to work like old Starlight Rose Signature Ability 2. Her SA doesn't start counting...
  9. M

    Bug - Normal Only 1000 points, really?

    I was playing Rift battle, and after I win the Match, I only got this: Estaba jugando en brechas y después de ganar el nodo, solo saque está puntuación, ahora no podre ganar la venganza, pues por mucho que me esfuerce, esos puntos hacen la diferencia .
  10. anthonykratos

    Stats problem

    Hola todos es mi primera vez publicando aquí y quería saber si hay una manera de resolver esto (ver foto) o si tengo que vender el movimiento e iniciar desde Zero. Que yo sepa no hay manera de cambiar una estadística si no tiene al menos 1 nivel de mejora.
  11. T

    Bug - Normal Didn’t receive my rift battle rewards

    i waited hours for my rewards and I still didn’t get it yet
  12. l1nzot

    Bug - Crash game crashed and characters died

    I went to play the new mode, everything seems to be fine, and during the battle the game freezes, and just flew out, the characters are dead and not my fault, please decide, thanks in advance!
  13. odf.michael

    Bug - Crash Problema na pontuação de fenda/ hack de pontuação

    Estava jogando fenda e ganhando todas as rodadas da batalha de fenda, quando eu venci a ultima luta eu tomei uma mensagem de derrota e apareceu uma quantidade absurda de pontuação, bem acima do normal, então eu só tinha duas suposições, ou a pessoa era algum hack ou a fenda está bugada, gostaria...
  14. Smeshwork

    Превышение лимита подарков

    я копил эти подарки 1,5 года и наконец хочу показать вам мои накопления😤
  15. X

    Demonio de Pesadilla fuera de su reliquia

    Mientras compraba reliquias de Fukua me percaté que la variante Demonio de Pesadilla no se encuentra dentro de la pool de personajes. Agradecería si pudieran corregir esto, ya que debido a este error, es más difícil conseguir a este personaje.
  16. M

    Bug - Crash Hello how are you, 1 day ago I claimed my reward of 100 deployments, and I was going to open them but the game stopped and I got kicked out, but when

    Hello how are you, 1 day ago I claimed my reward of 100 deployments, and I was going to open them but the game stopped and I got kicked out, but when When I entered again, I no longer had a relic, and I didn't have new characters, what do I do?
  17. M

    Bug - Crash they took boxes from me

    I had obtained a gold or diamond box if I remember correctly. I had obtained character boxes (gold and diamond), when I went to the store the box I had obtained was not there... and I struggled a lot to get it for this to happen... Something else also happened to me when I was in story mode when...
  18. D

    Bug - Normal Valentine evade doom lol

    Basicamente en una pelea contra una space case, al casi acabarse el efecto de ruina, use ekg flatliner para al menos hacerle el mayor daño posible antes de morir, entonces, luego puse en cola el blockbuster de la jeringa, y este justo se activo cuando el efecto se acabo, pero, mi valentine no...
  19. Juuh

    Other Bug

    Os ícones da Filia e alguns golpes estão sem imagem (tela preta) já tentei resolver e não consegui, algumas pessoas não estão com esse problema. (O bug apareceu depois da atualização da Black Dahlia)