• [2018/06/22]
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bug normal

  1. I

    Bug - Normal Big Band Fireworks Show Noise Cancel Possible Bug?

    I was playing Fireworks Show, and when I used my noise cancel to parry, I also got stunned because of the event modifier. Does this mean the 10% hit still counts even if I parry, or is this a bug? Replay: 513v-1jbg5tb
  2. A

    Bug - Normal I lost my theonites

    Today, June 5, I went to spend 500 theonites to buy a relic of the month and the game took me out and when I entered I lost the theonites and it did not give me any relic of the month
  3. O

    Bug - Normal Error code 2.param.2

    This code keep popping up every time i start the game. Reinstall only help once and the next time I start the game this error code is show again. Pls help
  4. Sinner: Ussiel


    I was playing this match, I won the last one (level) and suddenly show me this even I won, perdón mi inglés gente :c, I'd like you (hiden variable team) check it my last match
  5. M

    Bug - Normal XP Treats disappearing

    My XP Treat suddenly disappeared when I power up a character. I don't know if this is a bug or not. But I wasted a lot of money for this XP Treat as a newbie.
  6. Arrozinho de Panela

    Bug - Normal Gifts

    Since the update, the gift area has been freezing and sometimes the screen ends up freezing and I have to leave it to unfreeze it. Is there a way to resolve it?
  7. hachilover3000

    Bug - Normal Error 500 while last 5 minutes of a prize fights ruined my rewards

    the game doesnt reconnect with server when winning a fight in prize fight but it occurs while last 5 minutes of the event ruinning my rewards
  8. H

    Bug - Normal Bug - login com o Facebook

    Ainda nenhuma solução, nenhum parecer. Simplesmente o problema persiste. Olha que estava cogitando em investir no game.
  9. K

    Bug - Normal Bug On the loading screen

    No se si a todos les pasa pero tengo un bug en la pantalla de carga, también le pasa a un amigo, esto viene pasando tal vez desde hace un tiempo.
  10. D

    Bug - Normal Bug on Deployments

    Hi, Mi name is Drakharys with gamer tag 4rb5-bleri Today, a bug appeared in the window of deployments, while complete the deployments, no limit appeared in screen, I was able to do almost 15 deployments before a limit finally appeared. Really it was without realizing it, but finally it was. I...
  11. ShaiBlizzard

    Bug - Normal The main menu is not displayed and shop is inaccessible

    ## Expected Behaviour * The main menu is displayed properly * The shop is accesible ## Current Behaviour * The main menu is black * The buttons still work and show what they're supposed to (Ex cabinet of curiosities is displayed, collection takes you there and works) * The only exception to...
  12. I

    Bug - Normal Bug de recompensas Galardones

    Hola tengo un bug que no me da la recompensa en Galardones aun teniendo el tutorial y el modo historia al 100%, ni la de niveles, siendo nivel 29. User: ImperWarg Id: 2uvg-1aq5x Gracias!
  13. S

    Bug - Normal se queda pegada la pantalla

    tengo un problema y es que cada vez que quiero entrar a jugar se queda pegada la pantalla de inicio y no se que hacer. ( juego en un Huawei )
  14. l1nzot

    Bug - Normal А bug with the opening of relics

    Has anyone ever had this? When opening a relic, the character and the relic fall, but it does not appear, the bug is most likely due to the fact that you quickly pick up items after a completed chapter or assignment, but I'm not sure for sure. I can't provide a screenshot because I didn't have...
  15. P

    Bug - Normal parts of characters are behind the character

    so there’s a glitch that i found that happened after the most recent update. in all the characters, if they have a layered part of them (the spikes from fukuas winning animation, squigly’s dragon charging, and eliza’s shield are some examples) have been all moved to the back of the character...
  16. G

    Bug - Normal Hability tree bug

    el arbol de habilidades de mi parasoul "the first" en algunas habilidades esta bicho y me salen como si no las comprara cuando ya las hice e incluso compre partes despues en el mismo arbol, estaba bien a ver si afectaba y ellas si afecta ya que la recarga de energia es mas lenta tambien, espero...
  17. L

    Bug - Crash infinite drop

    Y wamt to report a bug, thats make infinite items and chests,characters,etc.
  18. G

    Bug - Normal it says i need a diamond but i already have obe

    i got a diamond(beast king) and the game achievements says i still need one