• [2018/06/22]
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  1. C

    Bug - Normal Deployments

    I accelerated a deployment that assured me of a relic of Valentine, whether it's Gold, Silver or Diamond and it doesn't reflect, I need you to correct that mistake and give me back that relic.
  2. T

    Bug - Normal Reliquia de despliegue

    El tema es que yo como puse en el título, trate de conseguir una reliquia por un despliegue, era una reliquia de Valentine, el tema es que al esperar el tiempo que debía cuando la reclamé no me dieron nada, trate de entrar y salir para ver si me la daban y nada.
  3. C

    Bug - Normal I'm actually unable to use my Poltergust Squigly due to deployment's bug

    I used Poltergust Squigly a lot for deployments and then one day, while I wasn't using her I notised like 5 days later that I couldn't use her anymore as it was always seen as in deployment. I waited 2 months because I thought it was a normal bug but it didn't resolve himself... Could you help...