• [2018/06/22]
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  1. L

    Other Bug

    No recibí las llaves de diamante al final de los 3 actos de los orígenes del pavo real, alguna solución?
  2. A

    Bug - Crash Muchos errores en la nueva actualización

    No esta dando las recompensas
  3. K

    Bug - Normal Minha conta foi banida ?

    Eu estava jogando de boas na moral usei o item de duplicar experiencia por 4 horas ( tenho + de 80 desses itens ) e Do nada , minha conta e deslogada , e quando tento voltar da ... erro nao e possivel conectar sua conta Do google ... se isso foi um erro por favor resolvam logo , nunca usei...
  4. M

    Other El parry de Parasoul

    Desde que actualizaron el juego Parasoul mi main, tiene un error uso el parry de Parasoul con algunas de sus variantes y no funcionan revise si lo habían cambiado en la lista de movimientos pero la descripción es la misma, entra la animación de el hit pero no aplica el efecto, solo eso.
  5. M

    Other Tienda

    Tuve un error, entre al juego y resivi los mensajes de que iban a dar regalos por año nuevo. Fui a la tienda para reclamar mis regalos, y se puso la pantalla de carga que dice conectando... espere unos 15 minutos y no paso nada, el juego no me dejo volver atras y tuve que salir y entrar para...
  6. X

    Other System Error

    I've been recently encountered with multiple errors in the Skullgirls Mobile Game, and others were experiencing the same act as well. Whenever I start to play in the STORY selection of the game, and try to complete a fight, it says my wifi is unstable. Please fix this if you can. -Xmeowie
  7. MoriMorii

    Bug - Normal My account logged me out and I can't get back in..

    My phone had died during a game, so I let my phone charge, and I saw that it kicked me out my account. I tried to get back in, but I keep getting an error message. This is such a shame because I've had this account for so long.
  8. P

    Resolved Diamond Collection error

    I hada problem whit one of the "badges" i currently have 7 diamonds but the page says i have 6.
  9. Narmac928

    Bug - Normal Sacrificial fighter still visible in the collection.

    Today in the morning I sacrificed a fighter that I didn't use and when I sacrificed him I kept seeing him in my collection list and when I went to fight and it came up to select my fighters, the fighter was still there as if I had never sacrificed him.
  10. Mr_brockenXD

    Bug - Normal google login error

    I got the error 2.session.6 and I had already logged in but when I wanted to re-enter the game I was just logged out and had to start and that's when suddenly I got that error and tried to reinstall it but still happens unlink my google account with skullgirls mobile and still happens, the truth...
  11. Erick Draves

    Bug - Normal "Error conecting server" and Streak lost

    I was playing the Gold Annie PF, and selected a team to fight, then the loading screen apeared, but it lasted more than usual, and the "Error conecting to our servers, please try again" apeared (Not shure if it was the classic beep buup miau error. your energy was not consumed, clicked actually...
  12. D

    Bug - Normal Não consigo evoluir minha Ms. Fortune

    Tá acontecendo um bug bizarro comigo, eu fui evoluir minha Ms. Fortune para prata, mas aparece um erro de comunicação com o servidor. E eu já desinstalei o jogo e instalei denovo. E o mais bizarro é que só ocorre com a Ms. Fortune, eu consegui evoluir meu Big Band para prata, queria saber como...
  13. Adhanjoe

    Bug - Normal Cannot evolve fighters

    Hello I'm having a problem with one o my fighters 'tomb & gloom' i reach at the max level and i cant evolve him ,show a error 5.DSE.1
  14. Izarck

    Bug - Normal Problems and errors with Double

    main passive
  15. A

    Other Error 1

    Olá skullgirls, Então, estou tendo problemas recentes com o erro 01. Quando vou abrir as relíquias, ela simplesmente aparece erro 01, e ele sai... e eu perco a relíquia.. já é a terceira vez só hoje. Eu gostaria De ter minhas relíquias de volta, afinal eu perdi por causa do jogo. Por favor...
  16. S

    Bug - Crash Error en PF

    Hoy domingo 17 de marzo desde la mañana me ha sido imposible entrar en las peleas premiadas, varias veces lo he intentado pero me sigue apareciendo que no se ha podido conectar con el servidor del juego, por favor espero que puedan ayudarme a resolverlo.
  17. V

    Bug - Normal VIDEO of the BUG INCLUDED - Unblockable Blockbuster of Ms Fortune FAILS

    Hello, My phone model is huawei mate 10 pro (Android 8.0). Of course I downloaded the game from Google Play Store Right after my enemy fighter is defeated and I am on the other side of the field, I active the Unblockable Blockbuster of Ms Fortune (Claw & Order) in order to use it as fast as...
  18. bestsuperblox65

    Bug - Normal Error: -1

    Can't connect/login, keep getting error -1 I have a solid connection. On a S7 Edge Edit: Already fixed, sorry for the inconvenience
  19. Yomady

    Bug - Normal store glitch

    Hello the store sort of did a signal error when upgrading a character but my signal was solid once it took the asking price of the item and the other was a gold key but never gave the product/item?