• [2018/06/22]
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  1. D

    Bug - Normal Poor optimization

    Desde las últimas actualizaciones y de la salida de marie como personaje jugable el rendimiento del juego y sus servidores online an bajado muchísimo y cada vez se pegan más o en el caso del versus se desconecta más y los cambios para hacer que el juego se optimize no funcionan
  2. Izarck

    Collection Sets Mechanism

    SETs MECHANISM It is a suggestion that allows us to define sets of five movements or less, in order to equip variants in an optimal, efficient and above all fast way. (especially in PF) Example this is the vision of my suggestion. - 2 or 3 sets at the start for each unique character...
  3. CrunchyRin

    Other Device Optimization

    This is like a hard suggestion to begin with ... Can you guys implement like more graphics settings ... I'm experiencing dropped FPS on my Note 8 (Exynos Version) this occurs on many maps even with lighting disabled ... I get smooth FPS when on sparring but on some levels like the Lava Stage...