• [2018/06/22]
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  1. L

    are they going to add a pvp ranked mode someday?

    I ask this because, in my opinion, adding a ranked mode could give very much life to the mode itself, and, if they do it correctly, revive the not-competitive mode so you can find people to fight with your units. They could add different ranks to organize the matchmaking with people that has...
  2. pirulitaferoz

    1° Champions PVP / 1° Campeonato PVP

    Eu sou a pirulita feroz e criei o primeiro campeonato Brasileiro de Skullgirls, abaixo esta o 1° vídeo oficial, e as regras para competir. *O campeanato não está restrito a competidores brasileiros, mas por ocorrer no Brasil, muitas informações e a maioria dos competidores atuais são...
  3. A

    Fights PVP Competitive mode should have rewards ?

    I play pvp other mode that not good because lv Item stat not balance sometimes I got one hit kill or I one hit kill that not funny and fight with bots, so competitve should be that main pvp rewards ?
  4. Waviest

    How to escape being comboed to oblivion in corners?

    Well pretty much the title. For uh...forgot what it was called. The PvP gamemode. I admit I suck at fighting games but I'm not entirely awful. Also the AI goes to maximum overdrive in this mode. Every time I get put into a corner it all ends me in my first character being comboed for an...