• [2018/06/22]
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  1. Manowar

    High Score Thread

    Post your highest single PF score. Genuinely curious to see some of these scores as I've run into some of your monster teams.
  2. S

    Fights Sort enemy teams by total FS at streak 15+

    In this patch, you added a way to pick a difficulty, so to say, and you also mentioned that the average score balance out at a high streak. However, at high streaks the order is broken up and a 31.1k team can come before (above) a 29.2k team. This difference can go a long way if you use a team...
  3. BrolaireOfAsstora

    How to Improve Scores in Prize Fights?

    I'm able to score upward of 1 mil usually, but then I see scores upwards of 21 mil on here. How do I reach that rank, or even just pass 2 mil?