• [2018/06/22]
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  1. doggy.artist

    Leveling up a Fighters score

    I ended up pulling a Surgeon General Valentine a while ago and started to train her so she can go with my Persona Assistant Robo-Fortune and Jawbreaker Double. As I'm almost done leveling her up (3 levels away from max level) I realize that she and Robo-Fortune aren't going to be able to reach...
  2. TonyPartridge30

    Resolved Wulfsbane SA procs inconsistent

    Game version 3.2.0 iOS 12.2 iPhone 8 When throwing with Wulfsbane, the debuffs are being applied at inconsistent time. Sometimes they’ll be applied at the beginning of the throw, sometimes at the end. One time I even saw one of the debuffs applied at the start of the throw and the other applied...