• [2018/06/22]
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Account ban appeals


New Member
Jul 31, 2023
Reaction score
Excuse me? how come you can't appeal for your SGM account anymore? I mean people that want their account back want have been probably used their accounts for years and they don't seek forgiveness because of a mistake it could be any mistake I'm just saying it's a bit unfair that they don't seek forgiveness because of a mess up they did.

And even now you can't appeal in the customer support site because even tho there is an option for it you can't appeal for your banned SGM account.
Excuse me? how come you can't appeal for your SGM account anymore? I mean people that want their account back want have been probably used their accounts for years and they don't seek forgiveness because of a mistake it could be any mistake I'm just saying it's a bit unfair that they don't seek forgiveness because of a mess up they did.

And even now you can't appeal in the customer support site because even tho there is an option for it you can't appeal for your banned SGM account.
Basically you technically "Don't" hear them out and probably believe it's not true because of the ping for piracy.
Deciding between the Level 40 offer and waiting for a New Year's offer depends on your current in-game needs and goals. Let me break down the factors to consider:
Level 40 Offer:
  • Advantages: Offers like the one you described can provide an immediate boost to your in-game resources, including relics, gold, diamond keys, and legendary relics. This can help you progress faster, unlock new characters, or enhance your existing ones.
  • Considerations: Evaluate how much this offer aligns with your current goals. Are you aiming to expand your roster, improve existing characters, or progress through the game's story? If the offer helps you significantly in any of these areas, it might be worth considering.
New Year's Offer:
  • Advantages: Special event offers, especially those during the New Year, often come with exclusive or limited-time items, bonuses, or discounts. Waiting for such an offer could give you access to unique content that might not be available otherwise.
  • Considerations: It's important to research previous New Year offers in the game. Game developers often follow similar patterns in their events. If past New Year offers have been substantial and beneficial, waiting for the New Year might be a good idea.
Regarding your specific question about the Level 60 offer and last New Year's offer, I don't have access to real-time or game-specific data, including offers from specific game levels or events. Game developers frequently update their offerings, so it's challenging to provide accurate details about past or future in-game events.
To make an informed decision, I recommend checking community forums, the game's official social media channels, or reaching out to the game's customer support. Players often share their experiences and insights about in-game offers, which can help you gauge the potential value of waiting for a New Year's offer versus taking advantage of the Level 40 offer.