• [2018/06/22]
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Anyone else getting these fridge horror moments?


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Jan 11, 2018
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I've been playing for a while because I keep having fun (whoa, such insight) and I always knew there was an undercurrent of horror behind the bright colours and smooth jazz but either I'm reading too much into this or I truly am a dumb dumb because listening to what they say to each other I'm only now just realising how deep the horror goes.

Like Filia saying "Do I know you?" to Painwheel. I can't remember if that's just one of the lines she says to anybody but if that's unique to Painwheel then I guess they went to school together and AHHH PAINWHEEL I KNEW HOW F'D UP YOU'D BEEN BUT THAT JUST MADE IT REAL GUYS

Another one was Eliza's "I could go for a dip right about now!" Took me wayyy too long to remember she dips in blood.

Phew. Just had to get those off my chest.
If you check out the story modes in Skullgirls 2nd Encore, you get a clearer picture of the relationships between characters. The story is pretty sombre at many points too, I won't spoil anything but Painwheel's story mode ending is a doozy. Eliza's story mode is probably the most akin to a "horror", along with Peacock's origins.
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Keyboards are totally fine for clearing story mode! I'm nowhere near good at the game but I managed to finish everything with a keyboard.
Keyboards are totally fine for clearing story mode! I'm nowhere near good at the game but I managed to finish everything with a keyboard.
If there's one thing I learned from Fel, it's that projectiles are really easy to abuse on terrible opponents like me. And bots. But mostly me.
Oh, I found another one, Peacock says "Helloooo nurse!" to Valentine, too!

At least that left the most impression on me, there must have been a few others interactions that I can't remember now.
"I knew wrestling was real the whole time!" Peacock to Beo.
"I told ya, it ain't real! Go home, kid" Beo to Peacock.

Those stood out to me personally ^.^
In my opinion, the hands-down best interaction (for being so darned adorable) is one of the victory quotes by Filia when winning against Cerebella.
Filia: I thought clowns were supposed to be funny…
Cerebella: I’m not a clown!

The English voice actresses really sell it for me because every time I hear it I can’t help but see Filia as the smuggest anime girl in existence and always imagine Cerebella pulling a highly comical frowny face.

Not horror, sure, but still the best.

As for "Do I know you?", it’s not exactly unique to Painwheel and sometimes Samson will butt in and forcefully reply "you don’t". If I remember correctly (which I’m probably not) the quote specific to Painwheel is "Do I know her?" addressed with a significantly different vocal tone. Really not sure, though.

"Hang back, little bird" is a great one too but I’ll let you see if you can remember what circumstance it is from.
As for "Do I know you?", it’s not exactly unique to Painwheel and sometimes Samson will butt in and forcefully reply "you don’t". If I remember correctly (which I’m probably not) the quote specific to Painwheel is "Do I know her?" addressed with a significantly different vocal tone. Really not sure, though.
there aren't any Filia to Painwheel quotes listed on the wiki, if it has been kept updated
there aren't any Filia to Painwheel quotes listed on the wiki, if it has been kept updated
Ah, well as I admitted I could have easily been wrong. I might’ve been thinking of the match start quote for Filia Vs. Big Band compared to a generic one where the only difference is the switch of the words "they look" and "he looks".
I honestly cannot wait for robo-fortune to come to mobile. In the PC version they have in my opinion the best opening interaction.

Filia: "Can we keep her Samson?"
Samson: "No."

What makes this interaction so good is not only how cute Filia sounds delivering the first line, but just how stern and serious samson replies.

again not horror, sorry x3
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Okay I can't place "Hang back, little bird" but I'm looking forward to finding it :p (someone looking after Peacock? Big Band?)

Psyche said:
In my opinion, the hands-down best interaction (for being so darned adorable) is one of the victory quotes by Filia when winning against Cerebella.
Filia: I thought clowns were supposed to be funny…
Cerebella: I’m not a clown!

I like this too. Equally adorable is Cerebella to Beowulf after defeating him: "You'll still sign my hat... right?" or something like that.

Just got Leviathan's "You've gone too far this time, Sampson!" when facing off against Filia. I guess they've known each other a long time? They do seem polar opposites as far as personality, and while we know Leviathan's stayed with a family he cares about for a while does this mean Sampson, who seems gruff and violent, has gotten a few hosts killed already and Leviathan doesn't approve of him choosing a schoolgirl this time and oh god there's the horror again.
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The interaccion of Big band wins to Peacock "Too much TV is bad for you, kid"
Sorry for my bad english
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When we get alternate voice packs (if we do, that is), I can't wait for
Yeah, in the Eliza's main story Samson and Leviathan try to defeats Neferu (Eliza's parasite).
Neferu was Eliza's old name (possibly her "true" name), while her parasite is called Sekhmet.
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When we get alternate voice packs (if we do, that is), I can't wait for
Can’t wait for what, Fel, what? Don’t keep us in suspense. ;)

Neferu was Eliza's old name (possibly her "true" name), while her parasite is called Sekhmet.
Well we can’t be sure which, if not both, of them was once called Neferu but the modern duo is Sekhmet and Eliza as you say.
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Can’t wait for what, Fel, what? Don’t keep us in suspense. ;)

Well we can’t be sure which, if not both, of them was once called Neferu but the modern duo is Sekhmet and Eliza as you say.
You'll never get to know >: D
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I think my favorites are Cerebella's interactions with Painwheel. She'll introduce with "I loooove a good freak show" and tag out with "go get em!" and it's really nice. She's so supportive lol
Also, when Parasoul says "threat neutralized" after defeating Filia with silent scope is kinda horrific. Threat neutralized? uhhh little girl /murdered/
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I think my favorites are Cerebella's interactions with Painwheel. She'll introduce with "I loooove a good freak show" and tag out with "go get em!" and it's really nice. She's so supportive lol
Also, when Parasoul says "threat neutralized" after defeating Filia with silent scope is kinda horrific. Threat neutralized? uhhh little girl /murdered/
That was quite a heartbreaking one, knowing Filia used to be friends with Painwheel...
I think my favorites are Cerebella's interactions with Painwheel. She'll introduce with "I loooove a good freak show" and tag out with "go get em!" and it's really nice. She's so supportive lol
Also, when Parasoul says "threat neutralized" after defeating Filia with silent scope is kinda horrific. Threat neutralized? uhhh little girl /murdered/
On that note Parasoul's victory quote against Painwheel is "I'm sorry" and "Noone deserves this", which is nice. She probably perceives Filia as being used by Samson (her defeat quote against Filia is "you're being used"), which is why she sees her as a threat. Filia does have medici blood in her apparently, so Parasoul probably knows her in some fashion. An interesting quote is salty parasoul's tag quote with Filia, she says "peasant" and on win "back to the dumpster, child" and "we have to do something about this homeless situation", which may indicate that Filia was abandoned in some manner.
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