Summary: sometimes the app crashes in the friends section
Hypothesis: the crash occurs because user tries to send or receive a gift before loading "last connection time"
Step by step bug reproduction
1. In the main screen go to Friends option
2. Quickly try to send a gift to any friend in sight. If you wait to load "last connection time" or you can see "last connection time" from friends, gift sending works fine.
3. app freezes and GUI's not answering
Affected version 6.2.0 SGM
Hypothesis: the crash occurs because user tries to send or receive a gift before loading "last connection time"
Step by step bug reproduction
1. In the main screen go to Friends option
2. Quickly try to send a gift to any friend in sight. If you wait to load "last connection time" or you can see "last connection time" from friends, gift sending works fine.
3. app freezes and GUI's not answering
Affected version 6.2.0 SGM