• [2018/06/22]
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Big Band Competitive PvP ToD Combos


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
It's been far too long since I have posted or since anything related to comp has come out on the forums. Today that will be changing with this post about some Big Band touch of death combos.

Combo #1
Notation: D1-L5-launch-D1-L4-Beat Extend-Cymbol Clash-L4-Super Sonic Jazz-Tympani Drive
Only works against lightweight characters, works from any position on screen
This combo is the easiest combo of what I am showing you all in this post, and also the most important one to know to play Band effectively thanks to lightweights comprising over half of the cast.

Combo #2
(Band combo starts at 16 seconds)
Notation: D1-L5-Cymbol Clash-L5-launch-J3-guard cancel L4(sub L3 for L4 against Double)-Beat Extend-D1-L4-Super Sonic Jazz
Only works in the corner
This combo is the second hardest combo in the post due to the guard cancel. It is also a resource efficient option as it only needs two BB1s and one special move to execute.

Combo #3
Video originally made by smileytrashbag
Notation: L4-Cymbol Clash-L5-launch-L4-Super Sonic Jazz-Tympani Drive-L3-Take the A Train
Works midscreen
This combo is the most difficult combo of the post as the launch to L4 requires precise timing to pull off(being off will result in J3 coming out instead) and on top of that you have to also do dash cancel L3 after the Tympani. While this combo is universal, it is resource intensive as well since it requires two BB2s.

If you know of other Big Band ToD combos, leave a reply with the combo in question
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