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Other Buff - Cripple modifier


Active Member
Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score

Cripple feels like an underutilized and not as impactful debuff as it should be imo. Its ability to remove Enrage is great, but considering how some variants access Enrage easily, its impact isn't immediately felt.

My proposal is the following
- Reduces damage inflicted by 10%
- Removes ENRAGE upon activation.
- Can stack up to 5 times.

- At only 1 application, its damage reduction won't be a strong, however it can now stack up to 5 times, allowing for more significant and noticeable damage reduction.

- Additionally, since it can stack now, you can more consistently keep it up. Single application debuffs suffer from not being refreshed on subsequent applications. This will no longer be the case after the change
Nice suggestion you got there!! Lupine Pummel Beo is likely to be significantly buffed with this change.

However, Lupine Pummel is the only move that can stack multiple cripple fast now, if this change is applied as is, Beo may become OP among all cripple users. So, it can be expected that an overall improvement to the fighters/moves to inflict cripple if this change is applied!
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