Fighter Name (Signature ability name)
- Current signature ability part 1
- Current signature ability part 2
- Suggested change to current signature ability part 1
- Suggested change to current signature ability part 2
- 5% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 7 seconds
- 10% bonus to CRIT RATE if opponent has BLEED
- 10% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 10 seconds
- 20% chance on HIT to inflict a random negative COMBAT EFFECT for 5 seconds if opponent has BLEED
- 15% chance when HIT to inflict BLEED for 7 seconds
- Inflict 50% bonus damage against an opponent with BLEED
- 15% chance when HIT to inflict BLEED for 10 seconds (also applies while blocking)
- 15% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds if opponent has BLEED
- COOLDOWN for TAG INS is reduced by 25% for all teammates
- COOLDOWN for SPECIAL MOVES is reduced by 25% for all teammates
- 25% chance to instantly reset COOLDOWN for TAG INS when any teammate uses a TAG IN
- 25% chance to instantly reset COOLDOWN for SPECIAL MOVES when any teammate uses a SPECIAL MOVE
- 50% chance on CRITICAL HIT to DISABLE opponent's TAG INS and SPECIAL MOVES for 6 seconds
- Also DISABLES opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER for 6 seconds
- 50% chance on CRITICAL HIT to DISABLE opponent's TAG INS and SPECIAL MOVES for 8 seconds
- Also DISABLES opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER for 8 seconds
- When HIT, reflect 35% of the incoming damage
- If the opponent lands a CRITICAL HIT, the opponent will receive HEAVY BLEED for 10 seconds
- If the opponent lands a CRITICAL HIT, the opponent will receive HEAVY BLEED for 6 seconds
- Reflect 100% of the incoming damage if the opponent has HEAVY BLEED
- On TAG IN, SLOW opponent's BLOCKBUSTERS for 10 seconds
- On TAG IN, gain HASTE for all BLOCKBUSTERS for 7 seconds
- On TAG IN, SLOW opponent's BLOCKBUSTERS for 15 seconds
- On TAG IN, gain HASTE for all BLOCKBUSTERS for 15 seconds
- Inflict 15% bonus damage for each living teammate
- All teammates TAG IN with ENRAGE for 6 seconds
- Inflict 20% bonus damage for each living teammate
- All teammates TAG IN with ENRAGE for 10 seconds
- Getting HIT has a 10% chance to gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds
- Also inflicts ARMOR BREAK on the opponent for 10 seconds
- Getting HIT has a 10% chance to gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds (also applies while blocking)
- Also inflicts ARMOR BREAK on the opponent for 10 seconds
- Start every match with 20% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
- Teammates start every match with 20% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
- Increase METER GAIN by 15% and start every match with 15% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
- Increase teammates METER GAIN by 15% and start every match with 15% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS
- 10% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 3 seconds
- Also converts 2 of the enemy's beneficial COMBAT EFFECT(S) into BLEED
- 10% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 6 seconds
- Also converts 3 of the enemy's beneficial COMBAT EFFECT(S) into BLEED
- Gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds every time an opponent's attack inflicts more than 10% total HEALTH
- Once per match, gain HEAVY REGEN for 5 seconds when HEALTH drops below 25%
- Gain 2x ENRAGE for 10 seconds every time an opponent's attack inflicts more than 10% total HEALTH
- Once per match, gain 2x REGEN and 2x ARMOR for 10 seconds when HEALTH drops below 25%
- 5% chance on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 10 seconds
- Gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds when an opponent's HEALTH drops below 25%
- 5% chance on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 15 seconds
- 15% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds if the opponent has HEAVY BLEED
- Gain permanent ENRAGE when your HEALTH drops below 25%
- Attacks quickly build BLOCKBUSTER meter whenever HEALTH is below 50%
- Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 25% HEALTH and gain permanent ENRAGE
- Also gain HASTE and FINAL STAND for 15 seconds
- Teammates in reserve regenerate SCRATCH DAMAGE 100% faster
- Teammates in reserve gain BLOCKBUSTER meter 20% faster
- Teammates in reserve regenerate SCRATCH DAMAGE 100% faster
- Teammates in reserve gain BLOCKBUSTER meter 50% faster
- All teammates TAG IN with REGEN for 6 seconds
- On TAG IN, all teammates gain 15% meter for ALL BLOCKBUSTERS
- All teammates TAG IN with REGEN and IMMUNE for 10 seconds
- On TAG IN, all teammates gain 20% meter for ALL BLOCKBUSTERS
- Gain REGEN for 15 seconds after defeating an opponent
- When any teammate is defeated, all remaining teammates gain REGEN for 15 seconds
- When any teammate defeats an opponent, gain 2x REGEN for 15 seconds
- When any teammate is defeated, all remaining teammates gain 2x REGEN for 15 seconds
- Gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds after defeating an opponent
- When any teammate is defeated, all remaining teammates gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds
- When any teammate defeats an opponent, gain 2x ENRAGE for 15 seconds
- When any teammate is defeated, all remaining teammates gain 2x ENRAGE for 15 seconds
- 20% chance on HIT to REMOVE all negative COMBAT EFFECTS from self
- 20% chance on HIT to REMOVE all beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS from opponent
- 25% chance on HIT to REMOVE all negative COMBAT EFFECTS from self
- 25% chance on HIT to REMOVE all beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS from opponent
- Once per match while Valentine is alive, teammates gain HEAVY REGEN for 10 seconds when dropping below 25% HEALTH
- Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 50% health
- Once per match while Valentine is alive, teammates gain INVINCIBLE and 5x REGEN for 6 seconds when dropping below 25% HEALTH
- Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 50% health and permanent HASTE
- Inflict 50% bonus damage against an opponent with beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS
- Convert 3 enemy BUFF(S) to BLEED when triggering Sekhmet.
- 25% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds if the opponent has any beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS
- Sekhmet Mode attacks have a 25% chance on HIT to convert enemy BUFF(S) to BLEED
- Regain 10% HEALTH when either Fighter uses a SPECIAL MOVE
- Regain 15% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS when either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER
- Regain 20% HEALTH when either Fighter uses a SPECIAL MOVE
- Regain 20% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS when either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER
- Inflict BLEED for 15 seconds on both fighters when triggering Sekhmet
- 50% chance to convet all BLEED effects on self into ENRAGE
- Sekhmet Mode attacks have a 25% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED on both fighters for 10 seconds
- 100% chance to convet all BLEED effects on self into ENRAGE
- If either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER, both fighters are afflicted with BLEED for 6 seconds
- 100% chance to convert all BLEED effects on self into REGEN
- If either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER, both fighters are afflicted with BLEED for 10 seconds
- 100% chance to convert all BLEED effects on self into REGEN and inflict 100% bonus damage against an opponent with BLEED
- Increases CRIT RATE by 10%
- Increases teammates CRIT RATE by 10%
- Increases CRIT RATE and CRIT DAMAGE by 20%
- Increases teammates CRIT RATE and CRIT DAMAGE by 20%
- Gain REGEN for 6 seconds when spawning a TEAR
- On TEAR DETONATION, immediately recover 6% HEALTH per active TEAR
- Gain REGEN for 10 seconds when spawning a TEAR
- On TEAR DETONATION, immediately recover 10% HEALTH per active TEAR
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