• [2018/06/22]
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Celebrating my new SG


Jun 12, 2019
Reaction score
I just had to post it somewhere so here we go:

At long last, after playing this game since its earliest days, after dropping tens of thousands of theonite on Valentine relics, after dropping money on this game for the first time ever to afford some shamrock relics, I finally have a Surgeon General Valentine card!

Sorry for any overexcitement on my part, but I'm pretty sure I've been the only level 70 in the known universe without an SG for over a year now, so I'm pretty stinkin' happy right now! If mty history with this game is any indicator, the devs are probably going to nerf her two weeks after i evolve her, but for now, I just wanna celebrate!

Congratulations and good job powering through without her for so long. She is hands down one of the best support characters and your gameplay will change now that you have her. Have fun!
I just had to post it somewhere so here we go:

At long last, after playing this game since its earliest days, after dropping tens of thousands of theonite on Valentine relics, after dropping money on this game for the first time ever to afford some shamrock relics, I finally have a Surgeon General Valentine card!

Sorry for any overexcitement on my part, but I'm pretty sure I've been the only level 70 in the known universe without an SG for over a year now, so I'm pretty stinkin' happy right now! If mty history with this game is any indicator, the devs are probably going to nerf her two weeks after i evolve her, but for now, I just wanna celebrate!

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On the topic of level 70s without XXXX classic character, I have been playing almost 1.5 years now but have yet to get a xenomorph drop for me. Are Xenomorphs supposed to be rarer than SG?

I am assuming each time someone gets a double gold character from any relic, the chance for getting a Immoral fiber is 33%, Rainbow blight is 33% and Xenomorph is 33%. is that wrong? or are golds stratified by rarity in drop rate, i.e. is the drop rate for certain golds a lot lower for instance it is designed to be 85% immoral fiber (common gold), 13% rainbow blight (uncommon gold) and 2% xenomorph (super rare gold). I ask because all my double gold drops are almost all immoral fiber, I only got my first rainbow blight a few weeks back.

Just wanted to ask what is the general experience of players out there on opening double relics....
I got two Xenos early on and a Rainbow a month ago so not sure whether there's any difference on the drop rate between the two. Might just be luck.

I do feel like Golds obtained from PFs tend to drop more frequently.. might just be a feeling.
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I feel you, man. Don't have SG either and was thinking on buying the shamrock relics, too. Congrats on that.

That said, I can't imagine getting to where I'm at without Xeno. She was like my... 4th gold and really changed my gameplay. Rift was doable only because of her.

And I have the same feeling as you, Kurokazeee. I've pulled more SKs, IFs, Claws and Divas than any of the other, not so common variants.
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On the topic of level 70s without XXXX classic character, I have been playing almost 1.5 years now but have yet to get a xenomorph drop for me. Are Xenomorphs supposed to be rarer than SG?

I am assuming each time someone gets a double gold character from any relic, the chance for getting a Immoral fiber is 33%, Rainbow blight is 33% and Xenomorph is 33%. is that wrong? or are golds stratified by rarity in drop rate, i.e. is the drop rate for certain golds a lot lower for instance it is designed to be 85% immoral fiber (common gold), 13% rainbow blight (uncommon gold) and 2% xenomorph (super rare gold). I ask because all my double gold drops are almost all immoral fiber, I only got my first rainbow blight a few weeks back.

Just wanted to ask what is the general experience of players out there on opening double relics....
I made a post similar to this once I pulled my first three Bio Exorcists in about a week or two. No, there is no increased chance for one in particular. RNG is just funny like that. I went the longest time without a Xeno, and then about a month ago I pulled two. All I can say is keep trying.
Just RNG, nothing more. A year and a half with three Xenos and no Rainbow Blight - then two LSDoubles within same week. Several Bloodbaths - still no Red Velvet. Two Megasonics (!) - no G.I. Jazz. And I just can't hold mentioning THREE Stand Outs, SIX Freeze Frames and SEVEN Love Crafted Squiglies...
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That's rough @Kurokazeee Xeno was actually the first gold double I got. I won her with a high score in prize fight (they changed the high prize to Immoral Fibre shortly thereafter).

Since then, I've never seen another. I've found Xeno to be invaluable. Especially in rift battles. I hope you get lucky soon.
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Just RNG, nothing more. A year and a half with three Xenos and no Rainbow Blight - then two LSDoubles within same week. Several Bloodbaths - still no Red Velvet. Two Megasonics (!) - no G.I. Jazz. And I just can't hold mentioning THREE Stand Outs, SIX Freeze Frames and SEVEN Love Crafted Squiglies...

That's really rough man... its takes so long to save for a diamond relic and just seeing the same diamond pull over and over again is really tough. I sympathise. Myself, I have THREE standouts and Freeze frames but no love crafted. Perhaps something about standouts and freeze frames being common dupes? I'm speculating though.
It’s just RNG. If you think it’s bad with variant pulls it’s worse with moves... been playing since launch and still don’t have complete sets for some characters here.

At the end of the day luck is as important as anything else! You win some and you lose some.
I'm pretty sure I've been the only level 70 in the known universe without an SG for over a year now
I've been playing since before Surgeon General was even in the game and still don't have her ;_;

