• [2018/06/22]
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Collection Display moves circles on character cards in collection


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2019
Reaction score
When in collection, I’d like to see on character cards if moves are equipped rather than energy left. 903F083E-100A-456D-A240-80262BA9FFF4.jpeg 2BBF258C-7DCB-40CC-87CB-24F1D402A4AA.jpeg
In short, change the energy bar on character cards to little move circles or provide a toggle between the two would be a great help.

After a rift fight you just don’t remember which cards may have moves missing so that visual cue of circles indicating missing moves will save a lot of time from checking each card.

alternatively, a warning window before you begin fights saying “moves not equipped, are you sure you want to proceed?” Is helpful too. Especially for PvP you see a lot of people without moves...
Could this be implemented soon?
It's possible to start a fight from sorting menu yet moves aren’t displayed. Not even a warning. Quite infuriating to lose matches over this. With new fighter on horizon, there'll be more place for this error to occur with more moves.
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It would be definitely nice if you would be notified if youre heading into a battle with zero moves equipped. I have 4 diamond valentines and only one full good move set so i have to constantly be switching it around which is slightly annoying by itself, but the real killer is when i enter what would be an easy fight, only to lose it because i forgot to equip.

It would also be cool if there was a collection settings options for this type of thing. Newer players are starting out with bronzes and silvers, but I know the only time im using bronzes in a fight is when im trying to lvl up my diamonds and golds, so a customizable notification system would be good. You would only be notified of the tier you select, by default all tiers would be selected, but experienced players could change it to only notify for diamonds, gold, and silvers if they want.