• [2018/06/22]
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Other Gift Conversion Placement


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2018
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Take that Gift Conversion button out of the Store page and put it in the Social Hub where it belongs.
And maybe add a number input for batch conversion. Or a "Convert All" button to make it simpler.
The more people open the STORE section, the higher the chance that players will stay and perform a cash microtransaction. It's the same reason why grocery stores place the milk, eggs, and other things which people plan on purchasing far from the store entrance while lining the path to those selections with items that shoppers might buy on impulse. Come in for the pink heart conversion, randomly pick up a 55-pack of Loose Cannon relics while you're there.
The more people open the STORE section, the higher the chance that players will stay and perform a cash microtransaction. It's the same reason why grocery stores place the milk, eggs, and other things which people plan on purchasing far from the store entrance while lining the path to those selections with items that shoppers might buy on impulse. Come in for the pink heart conversion, randomly pick up a 55-pack of Loose Cannon relics while you're there.
Agreed. I believe this is the reason for the switch for delivering some free stuff via emails to the STORE'; like the character B-day gifts, 12 Days of Gifting, the daily free stuff, etc. OR It may have been also be easier to drop these kinds of changes on to other delivery systems like the STORE.

That said, the gift conversion is kinda unique and is used more frequently than once (a day). It is chore to be in the Social Hub, need a quick gold gift and have to back out, got to the store (which takes time to load...or freezes up the game), go to the Daily Deals tab, scroll, then convert for 1 gold gift (or more if you need them or have enough pinks at all).

Also, many times features are designed/implemented with narrow usage in mind, but once in the wild, it becomes apparent that it's original implementation was not suited for wider/frequent usage.
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The more people open the STORE section, the higher the chance that players will stay and perform a cash microtransaction. It's the same reason why grocery stores place the milk, eggs, and other things which people plan on purchasing far from the store entrance while lining the path to those selections with items that shoppers might buy on impulse. Come in for the pink heart conversion, randomly pick up a 55-pack of Loose Cannon relics while you're there.
SGM is a gacha and they exist to make money. I may not like that fact but I can't deny it either (something something surviving under capitalism). How about we meet in the middle and put a quick "convert" button next to the gifts that takes you to the daily deals part of the store?
I know that, that's why I hate the placement so much.
Keep the free Daily Deals in the shop, sure. That's fine; it makes sense.

But the Social Gift Conversion just doesn't belong there.
The shop isn't even designed for it, with that 94-day timer they have to keep resetting.