• [2018/06/22]
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  • Balance idea: Add a buff that negates all defense reduction and put it on band
    Includes the reduction from Piercing?
    Yeah. People will probably think it's broken but we're not bringing back full power Futile and seeing the way Ringlets melt about anything I don't think it would be too bad
    All I want for christmas is to get my pretty MA border without needing to invest in crit stats so I can deal with Painwheels q.q
    It's been almost 2 years since call buff. Meanwhile, Nyawn remains exactly the same. Please make Nyawn 1/3/5 or 3/4/5, it would give fortune just a little more utility q.q
    Anyone experienced with discord bots, help me with a project: A bot that takes new forum posts form here so we can have a cheat report here that goes right to the proper place
    Everyone: "Decrypted needs a buff" - HVS: *Buffs decrypted* - Everyone: "Hey I was using her for that thing you removed"
    • Haha
    Reactions: rexturtle1120
    If you're gonna mention her use against light nodes, even if they weren't dead Scarlet outdamages her even there and literally just needs a taunt to remove her only downside. Or Diva outdamages her by spamming Fury.
    That’s why I say she needs the bleed back! Scarlet only inflicts the bleed whilst Decyrpted converts it by 3. if they were going to keep one of the “new” SAs it should have been that 50% against buffs one. The rate at which fighters get buffs now is crazy. Her current SA1 just makes her weaker over time. I don’t get it.
    At this point, I'm certain they removed the bleed SA on purpose, for exactly the reason you say. Convert 3 opponent buffs to bleed is probably worthy to be a gold SA at the rate fighters get buffs now -_-

    At least stealing buffs is extremely fun, fun enough that I'd actually use her again! But I do think the other SA should've been tuned up as well. 50% bonus is pretty meh, pretty much gotta use an outtake with her. If they don't want her to be meta I'll settle for unique meme
    @ anyone who knows me from the discord: it has a massive security issue so I won't be in the SGM discord for a minute. You can get hacked even without your username and password exposed, and with 2fa on. Look at the top reply here for more info
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    Reactions: rexturtle1120
    The discord app is a web browser, so it's extremely easy to inject javascript that waits until you're offline to start the payload, a scam link for "free nitro". They can do this without your username, password, or 2FA.

    You're probably fine if your account sent these messages, but change your password in case I'm wrong. Definitely change your password if you clicked on any of those links, as you're definitely at risk.
    Cool tip I just learned and tested: Crits ignore elemental penalty. So if you wanna take sheltered to a frost armor node, you can (kinda)
    Ayyyyyy got Wind Stalker for every Fortune! That makes four comple-*remembers I sac'd DM yesterday* three complete collections!
    @fanghoul sorry I'm missing our rematch, personal (good) stuff came up and I don't have the time. Your AG was walling me anyhow lol
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    Reactions: fanghoul
    Truth be told, it's almost all AG. I kill the other two in under a minute combined but two minutes of MGR looping with my 2x Atk HQ, I get her down to about 1/3rd of her HP q.q
    It's alright though, I'll have her counter up soon :p Although the fact that you continue to be below me says a lot about the matchmaker right now lol
    Thanks for the feedback! It's tough planning out nodes when you can't see what is and isn't working.

    My biggest problem with your boss node was just the sheer number of final stand and revive effects that we going on, especially Surgeon General's. Otherwise I think my Primed would have busted through.
    (As an aside, the way Trauma Center sometimes decides to apply Final Stand before the damage is applied is pure pain)
    At first I thought I got D1 cause the rng liked me. Turns out most my opponents don't level moves. Level your moves, it's a big change!
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    Reactions: fanghoul
    A lot of people also don't appear to have been spending their rift coins on Catalysts, which seems like a mistake.
    Agreed, I've found some nice catalysts in the shop which helped as well. Armor Rating has made my boss very difficult (Admittedly, I see why people want this toned down lol)
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