• [2018/06/22]
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Halloween - Costume Party Prize Fight


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
COSTUME PARTY Prize Fight 10/28 - 10/31

COSTUME PARTY Milestone Rewards
  1. 25,000 = 10 Theonite 5,000 Canopy Coins
  2. 50,000 = 20 Theonite 7,500 Canopy Coins
  3. 100,000 = 30 Theonite 11,250 Canopy Coins
  4. 325,000 = 40 Theonite 17,000 Canopy Coins 1 Spooky Relic
  5. 800,000 = 50 Theonite 25,000 Canopy Coins
  6. 1,500,000 = 60 Theonite 38,000 Canopy Coins
  7. 2,500,000 = 70 Theonite 57,000 Canopy Coins 1 Spooky Relic
  8. 4,500,000 = 80 Theonite 85,500 Canopy Coins
  9. 8,000,000 = 90 Theonite 128,000 Canopy Coins
  10. 12,500,000 = 100 Theonite 192,000 Canopy Coins 1 Spooky Relic
  11. 25,000,000 = 200 Dark Elemental Shards 500 Gold Relic Shards
  12. 50,000,000 = 300 Dark Elemental Shards 250 Diamond Relic Shards
  13. 100,000,000 = 500 Dark Elemental Shards 1 LEGENDARY RELIC
TOTAL: 550 Theonite 566,250 Canopy Coins 3 Spooky Relics 1 Dark Elemental Essence (1000 shards = 1 crystal) and more!

Event Rewards
Score at least 100,000 to unlock:
Top 61% - 100% = 1 Spooky Relic
Top 31% - 60% = 2 Spooky Relics
Top 11% - 30% = 3 Spooky Relics
Top 10% = Necrobreaker Squigly and 4 Spooky Relics
Rank 1 - 100 = Necrobreaker Squigly, 1 diamond key, and 5 Spooky Relics

COSTUME PARTY Fight Modifiers

At the start of the match, gain 1 random permanent BUFF or DEBUFF, excluding DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS. When a BLOCKBUSTER is used, the effect will be replaced with another permanent effect.


At the start of the match, gain 1 random permanent BUFF or DEBUFF, excluding DISABLE BLOCKBUSTERS. When a BLOCKBUSTER is used, the effect will be replaced with another permanent effect.


Heat Synced Annie
X-Bot Robo-Fortune
Très Chic Valentine

Moonstruck Annie
Thrill Shrieker Squigly
Criminal Mind Cerebella

Wrestler X Beowulf
Freaky Friday Painwheel
Souls Sister Fukua

2019 Spooky Relic: https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/threads/spooky-relic.15991/
Last year the box was overflowing with 8 silvers, 3 golds, and 9 diamonds. This year moves to the typical 3-each format, with new character Annie (like the Back to School Relic had increased Fukua) on two tiers!
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Good question! 2019 looked like this:
25k = 10 theonite 5,000 coins
50k = 20 theonite 7,500 coins
100k = 30 theonite 11,250 coins
325k = 40 theonite 17,000 coins
800k = 50 theonite 25,000 coins
1.5mil = 60 theonite 38,000 coins
2.5mil = 70 theonite 57,000 coins
4.5mil = 80 theonite 85,500 coins
8mil = 90 theonite 128,000 coins
12.5mil = 100 theonite 192,000 coins Spooky Relic
50mil = 3x 12 hour double XP boosts
100mil = Necrobreaker Squigly 2 diamond keys
250mil = New Nightmare Relic

I managed to get the ultra-rare Squigly but could not get to that guaranteed-diamond mountaintop. 100 million is tough enough. 250 million still gives me vertigo.
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I get the PF milestone rewards are just speculation, so I won't comment on that.

However, I'm disappointed by what the Spooky Relic has to offer this year. No silver Annie is a bad sign as someone who only has two Solar Flares and never got to pull her again. I guess you can't make the newbie too easy to get, but man, people who get the free relics to find only silvers are gonna be pissed.
I managed to get the ultra-rare Squigly but could not get to that guaranteed-diamond mountaintop. 100 million is tough enough. 250 million still gives me vertigo.

Agreed! Thanks to the 1-day extension last year, I (barely) managed 100M milestone?. I know a lot of players cried 'foul' that a 250M goal was too much and I'm guessing that's why we haven't seen that milestone since? I know that PF rewards are not guaranteed to repeat from previous PF reward structure, but they are a good starting point for speculation. I wouldn't mind seeing the 250M goal again, only because my collection is much larger/stronger than last year, as I'm sure everyone else's is too ;)

As for Necro... Necro has been obtainable in each Halloween PF so far, so here's hoping that trend will continue.
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I'm hoping Necro is attainable this pf, since the chances of getting her via in-person convention meetups is pretty much gone for the foreseeable future.

Last year, I was too much of a newb to get to her 100mil milestone, but I can definitely manage it this year! I hope she's still there and hasn't been moved to a more difficult threshold.
OMG it's already been a year? My necro should be completely maxed out by now but I guess I'll use the PF as an excuse to grind with her.
I wonder why they didn't put a silver Annie in the pool, they could've removed Wrestler X and put Triple Threat instead.

My only guess as to why they didn't do that was to make sure the newcomer wasn't too easy to obtain. If Annie could be easily obtained as a 1 in 3 chance for silver tier, everyone who had a Spooky Relic would most likely then have an Annie if they didn't have her already.

I vented my gripes about it in this thread already, and while I've calmed down, I still wonder if I should save my theonite or not until 4.5...
My first Halloween Prizafight :confused:
Bring on the SPOOK !
Ballotboxer, I have been waiting for this post since February!! :eek: THANK YOU

Long story short, missed most of the Halloween prize fight last year and wasn't really strong enough to compete. Now I am determined to get a Necro but... well I've read the other posts here and I agree. Where is she?? She's important to this prize fight!
...It is tradition o_O

Also, Halloween was always exciting because (like Christmas) it meant the release of new variants~*

I think now they've found a set amount of each fighter they like and don't want to deviate from that. Still, that sort of puts a damper on the excitement of the holiday events. Now they're all the same and that's rather boring in my opinion. No exclusive releases of fighter variants, no bonus diamonds, no difference between this event and any others this year.

What's your thoughts? Should Halloween and Christmas be the same as the rest or special?
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I agree, they did set the bar pretty high for last year's Halloween and Christmas PFs, that's for sure.

This year, I guess with the timing of Annie's release, they can't really add any more variant releases as to not over shadow her debut?
But, if Neco is not part of the rewards structure this year, I'd say players will be disappointed.

If this year's Season's Beatings rewards structure follows the rest of the holiday PFs this year, that too will be a disappointment as last year's was very generous with 20 milestones leading up to 100M earning you 6 relics! (Who knows? Maybe Xmas relics will have new exclusive variants this year?)

I'd say the holiday PFs are special in and of themselves, but it'd be nice if 1 or 2 a year (they don't have to be the same holiday's each time) had some rewards that were a bit more 'special' than the rest ;)
Ballotboxer, I have been waiting for this post since February!! :eek: THANK YOU

Long story short, missed most of the Halloween prize fight last year and wasn't really strong enough to compete. Now I am determined to get a Necro but... well I've read the other posts here and I agree. Where is she?? She's important to this prize fight!
...It is tradition o_O

The in-game mail about the Halloween Celebration says that Necrobreaker will be a prize in the costume party, we just don't know what the requirement will be to get one. My guess is she will still take 100million points to obtain.

Also, Halloween was always exciting because (like Christmas) it meant the release of new variants~*

I think now they've found a set amount of each fighter they like and don't want to deviate from that. Still, that sort of puts a damper on the excitement of the holiday events. Now they're all the same and that's rather boring in my opinion. No exclusive releases of fighter variants, no bonus diamonds, no difference between this event and any others this year.

What's your thoughts? Should Halloween and Christmas be the same as the rest or special?

Annie release doesn't count for this?
cant wait for the grind! im sooo ready

i wish we have more events tho. we have nine holiday ones i think, but i want one each month? so like for holiday we can have roughly same rewards and modifires every year but get new modifiers and things for the rest?
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The in-game mail about the Halloween Celebration says that Necrobreaker will be a prize in the costume party, we just don't know what the requirement will be to get one. My guess is she will still take 100million points to obtain.

Annie release doesn't count for this?

No because they were holiday related. Last year we had Criminal Mind and Neuromancer (if I remember correctly) and for Christmas we got evergreen evil double and mean one peacock. Usually they wait until these big holidays to release hot new variants. Yes, Annie is huge and exclusive right now, but she doesn't relate to the holidays and her release didn't directly tie in with them.
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I talked about this reward with many Korean users. They looked at the last Halloween event bounty rewards and new skins that were released, and were very disappointed with new the Halloween bounty. They were terribly disappointed that the necrobreak was not included in the reward. I was disappointed that the new skin wasn't released because I was rewarded with satisfactory rewards from all previous Halloween, but other Korean users were angry at the news that they couldn't get the Necrobreaker.

It seems difficult to add a new skin because the time is already imminent, but if possible, I would like to add a Necrobreaker as a reward for Korean users other than me and a lot of other users who have been waiting for the Necrobreaker.
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So now that I've got a chance to look at it... Necro is fairly easy to get this year. I don't recall what it took to get her last year but this time you only need to get top 10%. Last Costume Party that was 20 mil. If you're aiming for the 50 or 100 mil milestones you should be more than safe.

So much for bragging rights.

All in all, I think a lot of players share my disappointment with this event. As we've discussed here, it IS like all other events. Of course, the Devs have been busy with Annie so I don't think we should be too hard on them for it. Just play and hope Christmas will be more exciting I suppose.

What are your thoughts on the prize fight and rewards so far?
I think moving Necrobreaker Squigly from milestone rewards to event rewards was a good call.

Event Rewards
Score at least 100,000 to unlock:
Top 61% - 100% = 1 Spooky Relic
Top 31% - 60% = 2 Spooky Relics
Top 11% - 30% = 3 Spooky Relics
Top 10% = Necrobreaker Squigly and 4 Spooky Relics
Rank 1 - 100 = Necrobreaker Squigly, 1 diamond key, and 5 Spooky Relics

Like Hall☆weenQueen said, with 2019's 10% being 20 million, it is like knocking 80 million off last year's price to get her.

I'm aiming higher, of course. Don't stop at 20 mil and think you are safe! A wave of Annie-maniacs could push that 10% number higher than you expect.
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I think this pf is fair, in some ways, Necrobraker is way easier to get than the last year, the cut off for her in the milestone was 100m. Reach the 10% should be easy, aim to the 50m (half than it took the last year in milestones) and its a guarantee reward, but I'm not sure how the cut off was the last year for the 10%... Hopefully this change in the rewards don't upset the players, have in mind this year was a hell of a ride for everyone and for the devs who give their best on keep going with the game despite all the troubles we're living now on days

Cheer up! Necrobraker is still reachable for most of the players