• [2018/06/22]
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Other HUD: team swap button positioning


New Member
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
2 immediate concerns. First, on iPad my team swap buttons are too far from my move buttons to be comfortable for me and would like to adjust them. 2nd has been mentioned but I want to change my user name away from my google name. Overall very impressed with the game but please, we aren't all playing on phones.
I also play on the Ipad and you can use your left hand to swap team members... I think it's fine the way it is but.. maybe others dont lol

But where else will they go though? Just a thought...

Regarding your second issue, I also brought this up the other day and I think it should be priority no.1... I think one of the devs did mention they were working on it!
I also play on the Ipad and you can use your left hand to swap team members... I think it's fine the way it is but.. maybe others dont lol

But where else will they go though? Just a thought...

Regarding your second issue, I also brought this up the other day and I think it should be priority no.1... I think one of the devs did mention they were working on it!

I just want the team swap buttons lower. I play with my thumbs and they don't reach that high. I also wish I could make the buttons smaller. I've also noticed that my skill points are not char specific and wasted a bunch on a lvl 1 guy cause I figured hell, why not spend his starting points. Think the way that works should of been made more clear and it also seems like a pain to have to lvl lowbies for the skills even if they are dupes and I don't even want them but hey, prolly easier than lvln my main for the skills so as annoyed with wasted points as I am, it might be better this way sort of. Undecided. Changing skills from main to dupes to lvl them is annoying.
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I've also noticed that my skill points are not char specific and wasted a bunch on a lvl 1 guy cause I figured hell, why not spend his starting points. Think the way that works should of been made more clear and it also seems like a pain to have to lvl lowbies for the skills even if they are dupes and I don't even want them but hey, prolly easier than lvln my main for the skills so as annoyed with wasted points as I am, it might be better this way sort of. Undecided. Changing skills from main to dupes to lvl them is annoying.
Try to stay on topic with your feedback. The devs are more likely to see your problems and issues if they're in separate threads. Lumping all your issues into one thread makes them very hard to find.