• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal I got cheated on prize fights


New Member
Aug 17, 2024
Reaction score
I beat a generally easy prize fight and it was the last one i needed for reward progression. After I won, the app crashed in the loading screen, and when I came back, I got no reward and it still used up my energy. So, I went to fight a WEAKER prize fight, and for some reason the bots just straight up cheated and I lost, causing me to lose my streak a second time. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!
Unfortunately, despite many updates to prevent it, there's still a chance the game can crash while loading, usually as a result of some unknown network connection problem. Part of why we implemented the fixed streak restore cost was to make it less painful when players lose their streak like this.

As far as the second part of your post, you'll need to be more specific. 'Bots straight up cheated' doesn't tell me much.
They would sometimes ignore hits with no buffs and just get out of combos.
They would sometimes ignore hits with no buffs and just get out of combos.
You mean like in a true combo(combo counter is white) they would out of nowhere use a Blockbuster or Special Move, even though they should be in hit stun?
You mean like in a true combo(combo counter is white) they would out of nowhere use a Blockbuster or Special Move, even though they should be in hit stun?
Yeah! They would escape mine with a regular hit and put me in a combo.
@jujuonthebeat next time this happens, favorite the replay and share it here. There's a lot of nuance in our game with multiple modifiers interacting with each other in strange ways, hitboxes, attack speeds, etc.

Unless you have a very specific, detailed example of a fight where this happened, there's not much for me to work with here unless I can see the fight in action.
Forgot to favorite the clip, but the bots on master found a new exploit on top of ignoring attacks. They can use another attack on the middle of using a special move. Valentine just started using a special move and mid swimg started a combo on me with regular attacks.