The matchmaking in Quick Play is inconsistent and not well balanced (as of version 1.1.1). Often I get matched against a team significantly weaker than mine and the fight turns out to be an easy win for me, where I just plow through all 3 opponents with a single fighter and take little to no damage. But easy fights like these are boring and reward minimal XP gain.

Rarely it will put me against an opponent with around the same or slightly higher Fighter Score and it turns out to be a more exciting fight with a fair chance of victory for both sides. Also I gain more XP from winning which really helps in levelling up gold characters that are already high level.

Another problem I noticed was imbalanced teams at high FS matches. Such as this one where there are two very strong characters and one really weak one, instead of three moderately strong characters like the ones on my team.

I suggest having some sort of option that lets us choose how strong the opponents or maybe a much better internal system that matches the player based on their win/loss data. For example, initially I get matched against opponents with around the same FS as mine (with a +10%/-10% Underdog difference), as I win more fights the opponents FS increases up to a maximum of the AI team having an 80% advantage. And future opponents stay strong until I start losing matches, at that point the matchmaker slightly decreases the opposing team's FS.
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