• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal Interesting bug


New Member
May 14, 2018
Reaction score
Was in a prize fight earlier and encountered an interesting bug, to say the least.
I was fighting a painwheel, with my Graveyard shift, Bloody Valentine, and Ivy League.
I tagged out Graveyard shift I believe and when Eliza dropped in, painwheel somehow got ahead of Eliza and even managed to catch Valentine before it was even able to escape. Now I had two fighters on the screen, and the painwheel was past my Eliza. This only lasted for a few seconds, but it did considerably drain valentines health and Eliza was somehow hitting painwheel from behind during it? It was weird. I actually found it kind of fun, and I wish it was a real feature, like the PC version where you can go behind the enemy, and you could get two fighters stuck on the screen.
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I find the double dash/ knockback moves kind of useless, and it would be cool if we could fight from behind, to make the field feel more alive.
Can you tell us which fight this was? Which game mode, and specifically which node or win streak count. Do you think the fight modifiers might have had something to do with what happened?