• [2018/06/22]
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Lost chars in sacrifice...

Erick Draves

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2018
Reaction score
So there I am, as a good father, teaching how to play skullgirls to my daugther.

And she likes it!! And she keeps playing for a bit, and then... I realize many of my chars are goneee!!

I know is my fault because I didn't favorite them. So, well... If nothing can be done, I will understand.

Cry with me for a Xenomorh, a Diva, a Epic Sax... And others chars that I can't say who they where.

I can't be mad, never to my little one, only a little sad, but those where goood times with those chars...

If you can help me, I would apreciate it, if not, again, I understand game rules... Thanks for the hard work!!
Maybe you have a chance. I've seen some threads about huge mistakes, and it seems that the devs can revert them one time only. If I can remeber right, there is a link to you send a ticket about it.
I have heard people sacrificing their max gold and things like that. Maybe if you send a ticket the devs can "restore" your account to before that happened. Hope you get them back! Remember to favorite your characters next time!
Haaam... How do I ticket a Dev?...
Thanks!! I will fave even my doooog!!!