• [2018/06/22]
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Fights Make Brain Drain AI more Smarter, Faster, and Better.


New Member
Apr 6, 2024
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It has been about 2 months since the Brain Drain AI changes...

I have seen a good bit of improvements on how the AI fights and how viable it is on auto battling Prize Fights like Medici Shakedown, Show Me Your Moves, or some Daily Events like Accursed Experiment.

But the AI is still not entirely as good as the Opponent AI when comes to Intercepting, Blocking, Tag-In, and overall Fighting.

So here are some of the Cons:

Button Mashing - just like the old AI, it can still spam Inputs outside the range of the opponent, or even attacking on block hits without stopping, so Brain Drain AI can be very detrimental to use on aggressive AIs like on Parallel Realms No Mercy or in PF Streak 20 and above.

Tag-Ins - AI tends to quicky tag-in to another fighter in mid combo, so it is more likely to expose out the support fighters that are meant to be on the backline instead of fighting.

Brain Drain AI is still DUMB - it still hasn't reach its full potential and most likely to stay that way unless it can be improve in the later update.

(No one dares to make feedbacks about it either)

But hopefully this feature gets a patch, it will be a great addition to the game since SGM updates can only do so much update before we wait for another 3 month or so.

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I agree, but to a degree. I don't want the AI to be too good, to where the game devolves into an auto-battler where you just watch the screen.

Imo the AI shouldn't even be present for certain modes, or its strength should be determined based on the given mode.

For example, Dailies and Story Mode. Imo the AI should become much stronger once you complete a given node, so every time to do it again, the AI will be able to clear it with no problem. Reason behind this being that once you complete those modes, there's no reason to go back to them, apart from some cheeky XP. Which this change would help with.

For Monthly, Element, Medici and Diamond Prize Fights disable it all together. Disable it also for Rifts and Nightmare and No Mercy Parallel Realms

Challenging content should remain challenging, while the not so hard stuff should allow you to just speed through it with the AI
I believe the original intention with the AI is to assist beginners in learning the mechanics of the game. It evolved into a tool that lets players save some time.

My suggestion is a more comprehensive approach and both will need to be implemented together.

1. Remove battle assist after player lv 15 or 20. This remains a part of the tutorial of learning the game.

2. Add “skip fight” option for content that is too easy for high level players, similar to the daily skip ticket. This can be done with something like, your team’s total PF must be a least 2x the team you are fighting.
I only ever activate Brain Drain for two reasons:

1- To overpower early streak opponents without wasting any effort.

2- x3 Speed to skip some animations.

I never thought of it as something that should work "really well" or even "well" at all. It is just a little QoL for me, nothing more.