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Moisterrific's Eliza Tier List


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
Reaction score

Character ability: WARRIOR GODDESS
  • BLOCKBUSTERS involving Sekhmet will now leave Eliza in Sekhmet Mode for a short duration. All damage taken by Sekhmet is recoverable

Tier 1: Diva Intervention
Rarity: gold
Element: light
Max ATK: 4731
Max HP: 32158
Max FS: 10313
Signature ability: BLEACHED BONE
  • 50% of the damage inflicted by Sekhmet attacks is regained as HEALTH
  • Sekhmet attacks drain 8% of the opponent's BLOCKBUSTER METER
Stats: +100% ATK, +50% defence, +50% HP
Resistances: stun, disable, cripple
  • Lady of Slaughter
  • Nekhbet Breaker
  • Sekhmet's Fury
  • Sekhmet's Bite
  • Upper Khat

Tier 2: Bloodbath
Rarity: gold
Element: dark
Max ATK: 5444
Max HP: 28934
Max FS: 10492
Signature ability: SANGUINE SOLO
  • If either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER, both fighters are afflicted with BLEED for 10 seconds
  • 100% chance to convert all BLEED effects on self into REGEN
Stats: +50% meter gain, +100% HP, +50% defence
Resistances: stun, disable, cripple
  • Lady of Slaughter
  • Khepri Sun
  • Sekhmet's Fury
  • Sekhmet's Turn
  • Sekhmet's Bite

Tier 3: In Denile
Rarity: bronze (worth evolving to silver and gold)
Element: water
Max ATK: 3468
Max HP: 23621
Max FS: 7567
Signature ability: BENEATH THE SKIN
  • Gain ARMOR for 15 seconds when triggering Sekhmet
  • Remove all negative COMBAT EFFECTS and gain IMMUNE for 15 seconds when triggering Sekhmet
Stats: +50% meter gain, +50% defence, +100% HP
Resistances: stun, bleed, disable
  • Lady of Slaughter
  • Sekhmet's Turn
  • Sekhmet's Bite
  • Sekhmet's Fury
  • Upper Khat

Tier 4: Bloody Valentine
Rarity: silver (worth evolving to gold)
Element: air
Max ATK: 4051
Max HP: 27557
Max FS: 8834
Signature ability: PYRAMID SCHEME
  • Regain 10% HEALTH when either Fighter uses a SPECIAL MOVE
  • Regain 15% meter for all BLOCKBUSTERS when either Fighter uses a BLOCKBUSTER
Stats: +100% HP, +50% defence, +50% ATK
Resistances: stun, bleed, disable
  • Nekhbet Breaker
  • Sekhmet’s Fury
  • Sekhmet’s Bite
  • Osiris Spiral
  • Upper Khat

Tier 5: Scarlet Viper
Rarity: silver (worth evolving to gold)
Element: fire
Max ATK: 4667
Max HP: 24787
Max FS: 8991
Signature ability: SEEING RED
  • Inflict BLEED for 15 seconds on both fighters when triggering Sekhmet
  • Gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds when suffering a DEBUFF
Stats: +50% meter gain, +100% ATK, +50% defence
Resistances: cripple, stun, disable
  • Lady of Slaughter
  • Sekhmet's Turn
  • Sekhmet's Bite
  • Sekhmet's Fury
  • Scarlet Ladies

Tier 6: Red Velvet
Rarity: gold
Element: fire
Max ATK: 4018
Max HP: 35.4K
Max FS: 10.1K
Signature ability: WITCHING HOUR
  • Inflict HEX for 15 seconds when triggering Sekhmet, disabling opponent SIGNATURE ABILITIES for the duration of the effect
  • If an opponent TAGS OUT while suffering from HEX, the next opponent will be inflicted with 3 random DEBUFFS for 15 seconds
Stats: +50% meter gain, +50% defence, +100% ATK
Resistances: stun, disable, bleed
  • Lady of Slaughter
  • Sekhmet's Turn
  • Sekhmet's Bite
  • Sekhmet's Fury
  • Exile from Aaru

Tier 7: Decrypted
Rarity: bronze
Element: dark
Max ATK: 3257
Max HP: 28610
Max FS: 8202
Signature ability: ENVY
  • Inflict 50% bonus damage against an opponent with beneficial COMBAT EFFECTS
  • Convert 3 enemy BUFF(S) to BLEED when triggering Sekhmet.
Stats: +50% meter gain, +50% defence, +100% ATK
Resistances: bleed, stun, disable
  • Lady of Slaughter
  • Sekhmet's Turn
  • Sekhmet's Bite
  • Sekhmet's Fury
  • Upper Khat

Special Moves: (level 15)
  • Burst - On HIT, inflict ARMOR BREAK for 10 seconds
  • Chaos Banish - Has a 100% increased chance to land a CRITICAL HIT
  • Dive of Horus - Has a 100% increased chance to land a CRITICAL HIT
  • Exile from Aaru - Forces enemy to TAG OUT on HIT, removing all COMBAT EFFECTS
  • Middle of the Sphynx - On HIT, reduces the meter of opponent BLOCKBUSTERS by 50%
  • Osiris Spiral - 10% chance on HIT to inflict HEAVY BLEED for 10 seconds
  • Scarlet Ladies - TAUNT your opponent to gain REGEN for 15 seconds
  • Throne of Isis (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Upper Khat - 50% chance on HIT to STUN opponent for 6 seconds (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Weight of Anubis (worth upgrading to lvl 15)

Blockbusters: (level 15)
  • Khepri Sun - 8% bonus damage if opponent is in the air (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Lady of Slaughter - 100% chance to set opponent's SPECIAL MOVE and TAG INS on COOLDOWN (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Nekhbet Breaker - 50% chance on HIT to inflict ARMOR BREAK for 8 seconds (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Sekhmet's Bite - 50% chance on HIT to inflict CRIPPLE and ARMOR BREAK for 5 seconds (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Sekhmet's Fury - 50% chance on HIT to gain ENRAGE for 8 seconds (worth upgrading to lvl 15)
  • Sekhmet's Turn - 50% chance on HIT to inflict BLEED for 8 seconds

  • This tier list is current as of version 2.0.1
  • This tier list is made under the assumptions that all fighters are level 50, have the most suitable stats, and the most viable loadout relative to their signature ability
  • This tier list is made to be as objective as possible and its purpose is to help players gain a general understanding of good and bad fighters
  • This tier list does not factor in any fight modifiers, so specific fighters ranked good or bad may vary in performance depending on the modifier
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An interesting thing to note about Bloody Valentine is that the 10% HP regeneration actually revives her when an enemy uses a special while she's dead. That being said, its very likely that she will regain the HP even if she's not on the field.
An interesting thing to note about Bloody Valentine is that the 10% HP regeneration actually revives her when an enemy uses a special while she's dead. That being said, its very likely that she will regain the HP even if she's not on the field.

That is actually a bug confirmed by a Hidden Variable staff in the Discord chat. It will be fixed in a future update.
How come blood bath isn't available?
There isn't any way of getting Eliza out of relics yet and the only gold Eliza they are offering right now is the diva intervention variant out of the prize fights, if Eliza gets her own character relic once she is available in relics the bloodbath variant will probably be in that.
Still, I'm glad we're getting her at all. Her relic is something that needs to be put in post-haste.
There isn't any way of getting Eliza out of relics yet and the only gold Eliza they are offering right now is the diva intervention variant out of the prize fights, if Eliza gets her own character relic once she is available in relics the bloodbath variant will probably be in that.
I understand, but that doesn't answer the question as to why blood bath isn't available even from the prize money thing
I understand, but that doesn't answer the question as to why blood bath isn't available even from the prize money thing

The trend so far is to offer the gold fighters available from premiere relics as rewards for top 10% scoring players or higher in the gold PF. So far they have not put up character relic exclusive fighters as any of the rewards in gold. Maybe this will change in the future, maybe it won't. But right now we can tell that when Eliza comes out Bloodbath will be exclusive to her relic and Diva Intervention along with everyone else will be also available from the premiere and shard to get relics.
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The trend so far is to offer the gold fighters available from premiere relics as rewards for top 10% scoring players or higher in the gold PF. So far they have not put up character relic exclusive fighters as any of the rewards in gold. Maybe this will change in the future, maybe it won't. But right now we can tell that when Eliza comes out Bloodbath will be exclusive to her relic and Diva Intervention along with everyone else will be also available from the premiere and shard to get relics.
Aside from Blood Bath. What other card exclusive to the character's relic?
Aside from Blood Bath. What other card exclusive to the character's relic?

Here are the ones as of 1.2.1:
  • Dread Locks Filia
  • Private Dick Big Band
  • Last Hope Valentine
  • Buzzkill Painwheel
  • Armed Forces Cerebella
  • That's All Folks! Peacock
  • Princess Pride Parasoul
The exclusive characters are exactly that: exclusive. They offer better abilities and stats, so it makes sense they'd be harder to obtain. This way, people would have to spend theonite or money to get the knife, earning money from the game. Putting them in rewards for pfs would negate that.
The exclusive characters are exactly that: exclusive. They offer better abilities and stats, so it makes sense they'd be harder to obtain. This way, people would have to spend theonite or money to get the knife, earning money from the game. Putting them in rewards for pfs would negate that.

Actually most character relic exclusive golds are not as good as the non-exclusive gold ones.
That's all folks seems kind of obvious thinking about it, but why is Princess Pride bad? The Regen from tears seems really useful. Plus she looks better than the primed one imo. As for DL and dick joke, why are they bad?
That's all folks seems kind of obvious thinking about it, but why is Princess Pride bad? The Regen from tears seems really useful. Plus she looks better than the primed one imo. As for DL and dick joke, why are they bad?

Primed is better because of her sheer damage output. The regen from tears has been nerfed from 10s to 6s and she now gets 6% HP aback from detonating tears instead of 10% originally. Pre-nerf Princess would be better than Primed though.

Dread Locks overall has worse stats than Parasite Weave and worse stats than even some bronze and silver fighters when evolved to gold. Her signature abilities are completely useless unless you take a lot of hits and damage.

As for Dick, he's not bad in any way since he has a chance to stun on hit as well as stun immunity. Epic Sax is simply better because he has the highest DPS out of all the fighters.
I got some of the exclusive characters from the general relic when I do the 10+1 not the specific character one.
Primed is better because of her sheer damage output. The regen from tears has been nerfed from 10s to 6s and she now gets 6% HP aback from detonating tears instead of 10% originally. Pre-nerf Princess would be better than Primed though.

Dread Locks overall has worse stats than Parasite Weave and worse stats than even some bronze and silver fighters when evolved to gold. Her signature abilities are completely useless unless you take a lot of hits and damage.

As for Dick, he's not bad in any way since he has a chance to stun on hit as well as stun immunity. Epic Sax is simply better because he has the highest DPS out of all the fighters.
So why'd they nerf PP? That makes no sense to me. 4 seconds lost is a MASSIVE hit to her usefulness, two seconds wouldve been fine. I wasn't aware dread locks sucked that much though. Good god, she's in need of a buff if frayed ends is better than her.
As a result of the 1.2.3 Sekhmet mode buffs, Diva Intervention is now tier 1.
I have a question, if Bloodbath Eliza has a 100% to turn all bleed effects into Regen, and in Medici Shakedown, you get a permanent bleed effect, would that mean Bloodbath Eliza will have a permanent Regen effect if used on Medici Shakedown?:eek: