• [2018/06/22]
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Other My Future Skullgirls Guild


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Jun 26, 2023
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I Am planning soon for the future for my Guild mode and story background in this game. Everything`s done and Set by each character and story of her own.
Still waiting for the GUILD mode to open up soon 🥰🤤😜

just in case I will post in advance some major Important notes of my own here so it should be understood.


1.All Names and Variant Colors made By My Own 3 Month Period Analysis and work

2.Decided to Keep in the Original made Palettes rather with some few changes

regarding on SKIN Colors on Lady Parasoul and some few others

3.All Names made and created by my own Analysis and Observations based

upon Abilities, Quotes and Story Origin and Background. Several Background

Story Origins were also shared from SkullGirls Official PS Games but

NOT Yet Available in Mobile version

4.Finally This was my Full Dedication to this Game`s Characters from and with

straight from my Heart and Soul - together with Hard Dedicated Work!



An Infamous Underground organization that functions as a Guild behind the
shadows of society and environment in most countries. They aside and share
corporations with famous Intelligence agency groups such as CIA, FBI and
other Intelligence organizations. They Investigate about great secret Criminal
Groups around across the world and then they are sent in secret missions
in order to stop and put an end to great criminal syndicates and mafias that
plague the world in great fear and political corruption.
NETSPOD`s Investigation tools specializes both in
Cybernetic Networks and Strategic Warfare, thus It`s members consisting of
the most powerful and extremely dangerous supernaturals in the entire world.

✝️ Parasoul,the Black Cicada Princess
NETSPOD`s Leader, lady Parasoul, woman of good ambition and determined
resolution decides to take the critical matters to her own hands and to her
own colleagues to resolve cases that even natural humans could not ever
accommodate to do. Decided to act upon her own way from her Royal Father`s
Governance in separate, Parasoul will clean up every Evil in the world as much
as possible she can do to achieve. Even sacrificing her own Life for her country.

Lady Parasoul`s nick name as the "Cicada Princess" derives from her love
and Joy of Cicada insects, as even her own Umbrella weapon that looked
kinda similar as to a Dark Greyed Red Eyed Insect, Cicada. Her name was
Infamous but known Only to the entire world`s Secret Investigation Agencies
and organizations. Both FBI and CIA highly respected her and her guild with
dignity and honor. Thus giving to Her and her guildmate friends, all the action
that they all needed to have in.

Lady Parasoul`s closest friends are consisted from the most. From her close
childhood friends, Marie and Peacock to the far known colleagues of their
own consisted of the deadliest caliber.
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✝️ Marie and Peacock
Both Marie and Peacock were local orphans who were both kidnapped by
On Line Internet Predators who then had been abused and harassed by their
captives. Upon recovery and Rescue by the ASG Lab Scientists, both of them
ended up in very extremely extraordinary circumstances and thus possessed
very powerful extreme abilities that No ordinary Supernatural could ever have!

Marie had an ability of Necromancy and NecroKinetics while Peacock, aka
Patricia, had a very extraordinary unique ability of summoning "Cartoon Like"
Violent characters formed from her own Imagination. At same time embracing
a Spirit of a Vampire Demon that was Implanted in her "by Imagination" from
the effect of both anger and hate towards her own captives.
As Peacock`s name was suggested, Peacock`s body which that resembled
of an animal known as "Peacock" had been concluded by her looks.
Both of them had a very grizzly critical unpleasant experience by their captives.
With their bodies that got mutilated and dismembered - they both had their
bodies "alienated" and transformed into another kind of look.
Rumors had it that their predators were a religious sect of a cult that enjoyed
to lure out young children to their ways and then sacrificed them for their
Satanic Rituals.
Marie also had the same painful awful experience similar to Peacock`s thus
making her closest to both Lady Parasoul and peacock.
Marie now serves once again as a full faith Honor Maid to the guild`s rest hour
services by serving Hot Coffee and Tea with Sweet Cookies and biscuits.
While Peacock goes around outside their guild compound scouting for any
enemy intruders

Both Marie and Peacock sworn allegiance and gave oath, together along with
their childhood friend, Princess Parasoul, with the help of their organization,
In order to stop and Put an End to those Evil Satanic Cultists that roam around
the world.
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As Lady Parasoul moves on with her Organization, through these past 2 years after NETSPOD was created - her past was catching up on with her - making herself to realize the human she used to be before she turning into a transmutated ghoul.

now she remembers and realizes how much more powerful she had been when she was still living as a human.

She was a Royal Princess,
She was a powerful Warrior,
She was Undefeatable,
She was Invisible...
She was Indomitable!
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Now as the Parasoul's organization went on solving cases and helping out lives over the years a shadowy group emerged within but in a surprising profile and ambition of still supporting lady Parasoul and her organization.

Peacock was one of them eventually but as they bonds went closer several issues among their own "private" sect group went unnoticed by the organization.

their own ways involved several actions that were somewhat overwhelmed and over exaggerated for even Parasoul to handle on.
✝️ RAZOR BLADENS - NETSPOD`s Shadowy group of Fear and Death:

emerged and created from the organization itself...

Their Fighting tactics consisted of guerrilla moves and hardcore resistant methods with Suicidal tendencies in order to clear out their traces from the local police authorities and Finish their job killing quickly.

Totally invulnerable and very firm they stood among of All in the entire organization as the most greatly feared group of assassins - where Assassination and Cleaning Up was just their usual ordinary business.

5 secret Legendary Professional assassins were known as the RAZOR BLADENS
consisted of the most notorious and bloodthirsty assassins of all times.
Those 5 were Black Dahlia, DarkClaw Panther, BuzzKill, BombDevil Vampire
and the SpiderFang Demon Crow.

These 5 were among those who were devoted to their league in order to deliver
Justice and Retribution to those who abuse both Natural Order and the

Those names and characters who will be mentioned below were themselves true
former remnants of a certain crime syndicate known as MEDICI Mafia.

MEDICI mafia was a ruthless and heartless criminal organization that controlled once a separate country known as Meridian but now after with the death of the Medici Brothers everything got finally peaceful and very happily quiet around nowadays
but still the shadow remnants of it's own members still roam around the current quiet city streets and neighborhoods....

and one of those shadow remnants of the past from the fallen mafia was the Razor Bladens group
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✝️ Black Dahlia the Red Devil Reaper

Black Dahlia was lately known with a new name as "RED DEVIL REAPER" who used
to take in extreme pleasure and Joy from Pain and Suffering. Psychotic and
Mad to the core Dahlia used to Dismember her targets and Blow them apart
into nothingness. Former Right hand Assassin of deceased Mafia Boss, Lorenzo
Medici, Dahlia now vows to serve and protect Parasoul and take In all the
Pleasure back that was Limited to her ways by her former masters from the
old Medici mafia.
Dahlia stroked a good deal and made a future nonbreakable contract with lady
Parasoul in order to give her the compromised "entertainment" that she seeks.
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✝️Ms Fortune the DarkClaw Panther
An extremely freaky and scary legendary character known as Ms Fortune,
was a mercenary fighter who was profiled as a Tiger Cat Lady who would
eventually perform suicidal moves such as removing her own head to use
against her enemies while Dismembering them at times with her Blade as her
own head rumbles around the fight. Known as the Legendary
"DARKCLAW PANTHER" and thus was nick named by her freaky ability due to
her Undying condition that concluded her as an Immortal being, Ms Fortune
was also nick named and dubbed as "IMMORTAL FORTUNE"
Ms Fortune, aka Nadia Fortune, just like Peacock and Marie, had sworn to
revenge her own captives who had kidnapped her and heavily abused her body
thus becoming one of the guild`s Top Generals and secretive Officers in order
to put an end to those evil perverted people who take pleasure upon
victimizing children for pain.
Nadia Fortune was also a heavy skilled martial arts fighter with an extremely
speedy and seemingless tactics that used to bring down targets to their knees even
before they surrender.
She now serves as one of the Intelligence Officers of the guild. During at her free
Cat Outing Hrs - she would run out to assassinate a Drug Dealer or two.

✝️ PainWheel Carol the BuzzKill
Another young girl who was surprisingly very quiet but very aggressive in nature
once encountered with someone. Painwheel Carol, also who was once a
schoolgirl who resided at a very quiet peaceful neighborhood in her own was
kidnapped and brutally beaten by both her schoolmates and boyfriend out of
jealousy and hate of her exotic beauty looks.

The unpleasant harsh experience that Carol had received from her own
schoolmates had left her with an unbearable urge of anger and rage towards
her own schoolmates upon recovery at a clinic.
Then thus treated and revived by Lady Valentine, a master surgeon, Top guild
Official and another legendary assassin of fame.

Painwheel Carol had now been trained to be quiet and peaceful in mind, but
however when she is faced with Criminals or people that she sees as
"Evil Abusers" then her thirst for blood will Surpass her appetite for Killing.
BUZZKILL was Carol Painwheel`s nick name that drawned great fear and
oath among those who were known for child abuse and rape.
BuzzKill was now a name of Fear and Death towards those who committed
mass drug dealings with murders and child rapes.

✝️ Peacock the BombDevil Vampire
A Tom Boyish girl who had embraced both Imagination and Joy by Fun of
Violence and Bombing Up things away with a "KA - BOOM!"
a Spirit of a Vampire Demon that was Implanted in her "by Imagination" from
the effect of both anger and hate towards her own captives.
As Peacock`s name was suggested, Peacock`s body which that resembled
of an animal known as "Peacock" had been concluded by her looks.
Rumor had it that her looks just look like a Vampire with an extreme thirst for
blood and Destruction! Extreme fear is lead by this Parasoul`s childhood
friend alongside with Marie.
BombDevil Vampire was now name known for her constant explosive Tips and
references on putting down foes quick without any timers.

✝️ Fukua the SpiderFang "Demon" Crow
Fukua was known as the SPIDERFANG CROW who lived as much as her
Immortal Youth ability had it. Similar in looks of her younger sister Filia who
was also far younger and still a Schoolgirl attended at classes. Fukua had been
far experienced in both Combat Tactics and used her "Mirage & Drain"abilities
to manipulate her targets and then Drain their Life source and abilities.

Fukua, unlike her twin sister, Filia - who was more friendly and humble -
is a ruthless and relentless fighter who cares Only about executing her objectives
and does her best for NETSPOD`s missions to clear out the "Evil Dirt" from the

Fukua is a legendary assassin who just cleans up and runs off to report.
At times even,Annie, Squigly and Cerebella would argue and question about her heartless actions/ motives and self centered desires.
Fukua, as one of the Top Assassins of the Razor Bladens - has a faithful
pledge aside with both Lady Parasoul and Black Dahlia, along with Eliza,
BuzzKill, DarkClaw Panther and Peacock.

In a time of an event - on a mission upon of taking down a particular Mafia Syndicate down to it`s knees, Fukua used even a threatening method of killing an
8 Year old Girl - right front of her own Mafia Boss Father in order to make them to submit to surrender.

As before Fukua would
strike her deadly Fang on the 8 year old child....
Annie had intercepted and deflected her move while Squigly and Ben tried to hold Fukua off from killing the young child.
The young girl was unharmed and brought to safety by the authorities
summoned by both Mr Ben and Annie.
While Dahlia observed this with silence, laterwards she advised Fukua with
BuzzKill to control down her own actions with low profile.
This was noted to Lady Parasoul and thus placing Fukua as one of the most
extremely relentless and heartless assassins of their guild. Placed as #2 right
next to Lady Dahlia with Eliza. Fukua as of now was humbled down and taken note for the
1st time in her own history.

Fukua was considered one NETSPOD's most extremely powerful and dangerous assassins

✝️ Cerebella the Hell`s Hand / EarthBreaker

Cerebella known as the "Hell`s Hand" - aka "EarthBreaker"was a poor
orphaned girl victimized from civil war, delivers her vengeance and thirst for action with Justice against upon the most notorious, evil crime syndicates around the world. She keeps up at her own pace of both fame and Devotioni with passion fighting evil.

Cerebella is totally merciless when it comes to kidnappers and child abusers and spares No quarter of holding back from a fight.

Earthbreaker has the capability to smash the Earth itself open until even the Hell's Lava itself from the earth will surface up to burn out everything!

✝️ Eliza the Eternal Golden
Demon Mummy

the 6th of the most notorious bloodthirsty assassins was famously as a Club Diva singer known as Cleopatra Eliza who was known Legendary ins secret of her Devilish form of a "Demon Parasite" that lived within her bodyt hus taking it out in the open for an Onslaught against mafia gangsters.

Eliza`s Hellish form that brought Extreme Fear and Bloodshed to all was known to be described and dubbed as the "Golden Demon Mummy"

Eliza's Inner Demon was also known as Sekmet, a legendary parasite of a demon that lived for centuries within it's own human host

Lady Eliza, just like Dahlia, stroked a good Future Deal with Parasoul and Marie,
in order to take down the Evil society that has been plagued around the world.

✝️ Annie the Solar Meteor StarFlame
Another short height lady but older by age, known as BadStar Annie was
another great fighter of Justice and great determination to protect the weak and defenseless. Annie was known to all even by her universal world of Cosmos.
Extremely skilled in both Acting and Sword Mastery she pushes her way through to punish the wicked and save her friends`s planet from the clutches of Evil.

Annie refused to accept the principles and ways of the Razor Bladens and was almost in conflict with the most of them overtime as they did their missions.

Fukua also usually would have deep arguments with Anny for keeping in top priority for those who needed to be protected and those who needed to be persecuted.

Annie totally despites Fukua's murderous ways and fights always for her right to protect everyone.

Lately now Annie was Discovered to have in herself a secondary awakening ability inside her within.

An ability known as "Rekka Bankai" that empowers and changes her appearance slightly with white hair and a meaner sharper blade that would cut down even the hardest Rocks on Earth!
Her beloved companion Sagan empowered as well together.

A Legendary wrestler who even knew Hulk Hogan ever since. Beowulf was a
long time Legendary wrestler who got once a great sacrifice for his own, in
order to protect his family. He slaughtered a Great Demon Spirit who slew his
family and only to be possessed by it`s own Kin and appearance.
As the years passed after his family`s demise, his body changed entirely to
something that he did not even desire to have in.
As the spirit of Grendel that possessed his body, He slowly transformed into
the Demon Beast itself that he slayed down thus turning his own skin into a
Moon colored variant and his body turning into a demonic form of a Werewolf.

Beowulf now promises to lend his Fists and service to protect the weak and the defenseless and fight alongside with Parasoul`s friends as he slowly fights off the very demon inside him that once he fought.

✝️ Ben the DevilSonic JazzBox man
Another one was a respected American police officer who got beaten down
during his own duty by his own crooked unit of corrupted twisted officers who
later became his own sworned enemies of one`s own kind.
Benjamin Birdland was a Policeman who sworn allegiance to the law and to
protect the weak from harm. Now as one of the Top guild officers in NETSPOD
he desires one thing, To punish and deliver Justice to those who were moraly
corrupted and especially of those of the police authorities.
His name dubbed as "DevilSonic" was because of his "Evil Looking Eyes" -
which was just a profilic cover up to draw fear against the bad guys.
Mr.Ben, just like Annie with Squigly, turns a bit against Fukua`s ruthless actions

In a time of an event - on a mission upon of taking down a Mafia Syndicate
down to it`s knees, Fukua used even a threatening method of killing an
8 Year old Girl - right front of her own Mafia Boss Father. As before Fukua woulds trike her deadly Fang on the 8 year old, Annie had intercepted and stopped her move while Squigly and Ben tried to hold Fukua off from killing the young child.

The young girl was unharmed and brought to safety by the authorities
summoned by both Mr Ben and Annie.

Big Ben took the child secretly to a family who neeed to take good care of child. Both parents were Big Band's good friends and both with the child
(Mafian Boss daughter) we're left with great Happiness and Joy.

Everyone were Indebted to Big Ben for all his kindness and care.

while back at his Organization, he scolded and advised Fukua not to do such of a thing again.
Fukua, with a burning rage, bloodthirst and Hate within her, tried to calm down and finally agreed.

While Ms Dahlia observed this with silence, laterwards she advised Fukua with BuzzKill to control down their actions with low profile.

Officer Ben now watches closely and observes Fukua at her actions.
This was noted to Lady Parasoul and thus placing Fukua as one of the most
extremely relentless and heartless assassins of their guild.

Jazzbox Ben promised and vows to keep everyone safe and in good moral levels within the organization while they're fighting the evil corruption around the world
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✝️ Filia the ScorpionFang Falcon
A Local Japanese schoolgirl, Filia, aka known as "ScorpionFang Falcon" was
a great known martial arts fighter but also a supernatural who had her own
Hair hosted by a Demon soul in a shape of a Hair Fur , thus making her more Agile and Active but yet
bloodthirsty and determined to beat down the bad guys who abused other
schoolgirls around the country.

Always cheerful and overactive, Filia showed a great will of devotion and
passion to fight alongside with everyone No matter what.
Filia was always a very friendly and humble to everyone around her.

Rumors through her history had it that she was the true bloodsister of Fukua who was also known as the
ruthless legendary assassin.

Fukua, the SpiderFang Crow, thus possessing both same
types of abilities but in different ways. They even almost shared the same
name as their own last name derived.
Soon they were both dubbed as the "Fang Sisters" by all.

Filia was only yet younger than her own sister but yet still powerful and
considered extremely Dangerous and Deadly as equal to that of her sister.

Fukua who was much more elderly and lived even more than 30 yrs of age in difference from her 19 yrs.

One day it was said and rumored that If ever fate would decide that when Filia would have the strength and courage to ever face her own ruthless blood sister Fukua, then it would surely shake up their entire whole guild organization and the world outside.

Filia swears to protect everyone around her no matter what it takes and save them from the grasping clutches of her ruthless sister, Fukua if was Necessary.

✝️ Squigly the Twilight Dragon Queen
A Young Innocent Mistress who had a beautiful singing voice, that used to sing at Soap Operas and National Parks, was suddenly killed by a Yakuza Hitman
who had considered her as an Inferior. The Yakuza Leader had one daughter
of their own who was competed at both singing and Martial Arts thus upon singing competition, Squigly had won and earned the Top Price Trophy that
placed her upon Top leaderboards. Her shining Top glittering position had
driven extreme jealousy and hate towards her companion who was also a contestant aside with her who happened to be a daughter of a Yakuza Mafian
Leader. Squigly got murdered later in that night upon celebration with her
family Thus concluding her as Totally R.I.P. and Scratched out of the List.
Now Squigly had a possession of a mysterious ability of Ressurrection and Life
Inducement without her knowledge. As her mysterious ability took on surface
upon being buried down upon her death, Squigly comes back to Life in sudden
with the help of a Parasite known as Leviathan, a Dragon Snake like being
that was suspected to be her own Host ever since her birthline.

Leviathan was a spirit Dragon that came into a form of a parasite, who had
been heavily Inspired and Loved by Squigly`s Voice, which that droved It to
Ressurrect her out from the grave. It was rumored that Squigly`s Harmonic
Voice could even shake the heavens, bringing Extreme Joy and Passion of
Hope with Happiness to all. This had also awakened some Ancient divinities and ancestral beings, such of the Shigikami and Spirit Dragons that rome the worlds above.
Another rumor had it that 3 of those Shigikami - aka
"Death Gods" - were also Sehkmet, Ryou and Samsong, who were Ancient
Death Spirit Gods who laterwards possessed both the Fang Sisters and Eliza.

Squigly now here never wished any harm upon anybody this making her the
perfect role model of the NETSPOD guild as a peaceful recruitment officer.
Both with her faithful spirit God friend Leviathan, they promise and hold oath together alongside with their other friends in the guild to pass down Judgement
and punish those Evil Yakuza gangsters along together, as they would be
treated as like any ordinary ruthless criminal organization in the world.

As her name was derived as the "Twilight Queen" she was noted to strike down enemies at early mornings without warning thus putting down defenses of
every gang/ syndicate to the core. Squigly also would usually hide down on the
ground for surprise attacks in order to bring down her foes with her Dragon Spirit