• [2018/06/22]
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My Queries :


Active Member
Jan 20, 2022
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I have lot of questions as a Mid level Player regarding variants, abilities and mechanism: (when I say invested I mean XP and skill tree)
1. Hype Man or Number One or Wrestler X
2. Doom can kill opponent that are tagged out or they need to be in fight?
3. How to deal with CM and Bio?
4. Rainbow Blight or Xenomorph or Evergreen Evil or Doublicious(gold) I have all
5. Should I evolve fighters to gold or wait (toad, freaky, bhd)?
6. I currently have bhd as my main filia and many say to me to use Hair Apparent so should I change (all coins and time)?
7. How to combo VH or Counter Venom with valentine?
8. Killjoy or Grevyard?
9. I am only spending in silvers so should I spend in my golds coz I have lot of good golds but they are expensive
10. I have uninvested silver variants of characters that I don't have any mains(beo, annie, squiggly, pea) in so should i focus on these or just prioritize my current mains(double, painwheel, BB) ?
11. How to get coins fast? (no theo pack please I am saving them for bigger relic offers)
12. How to deal with unblockable BBs coz they come when opponent have way less hp left and they kill you:(?
1. Wrestler X

2. Doom counter pauses while the recepient is tagged out and will continue once they enter the playfierld.

3. CM you want someone with low damage multihit moves and buff removal. Rusty is a great counter. Bio is trickier and depends on how much damage you can dish out, if you dont have a heavy damage dealer go for bleeds or miasma and meter control and don't let her get dragon charges. If you have a big damage dealer get her low, kite her so she gets a charge and punish big to kill her supports.

4. Rainbow. Evergreen for defense and Doublicios last as a can opener.

5. I'd wait for a good prize fight clearing gold like Harlequin, Claw & Order or Wulfsbane.

6. I don't think Hair Apparent is powerful enough to warrant the investment. BHD is perfectly fine, just get her a Kill Joy with Trauma Center.

7. Get a knockdown, charge VH:typeA. L5, throw VH, L5, air combo, CounterVenom.

8. Kill Joy. This one is not even a contest, you will use her as a level 60 diamond all the time.

9. Sadly, golds are usually an order of magnitude stronger. For example, a Big Top might carry you competently through mid game but once you get a Halequin you'll just wonder why did you even bother. Of course, there are some exceptions, but in general the good silvers and bronzes are more of a utility pick than a point character to steamroll prize fights.

10. If you have some good variants in the backburner invest in them. You want to diversify your line up as some PFs will be waaaay easier with some characters than others and you want those sweet sweet golds at the end of the rewards.

11. Sorry to break it to you, but Theo is the answer. At least in this point in your journey.
First of all, don't feel like you´re missing out on the Relics at this point; you will just end up with a bajillion variants and no canopy to actually use them. Think about it this way, a fully invested Doublicious will get you through PFs, Holodeck Hazards and will actually find a use in Rifts. Way better than having a ton of random underpowered Nunsenses and Immoral Fibers?
Second, buying Premiere Relics from the Cabinet with canopy is a great investment. Set aside some Theo so you can shoot for a Hyper Variety Pack but do get some cash from your dailies.
Beyond that, do your Medici PFs religiously and sell every piece of garbage move that comes your way.

12. Don't let them get to their BB3s in the first place! use meter control and don't let them make you block once they charge it as that's her trigger to throw it.
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Thanks @Irghen, I needed something on Doubles as She is my main and I got tons of gold doubles without investment.

3. CM you want someone with low damage multihit moves and buff removal. Rusty is a great counter. Bio is trickier and depends on how much damage you can dish out, if you dont have a heavy damage dealer go for bleeds or miasma and meter control and don't let her get dragon charges. If you have a big damage dealer get her low, kite her so she gets a charge and punish big to kill her supports.
Bio is heavy rider, I usually bleed stack her but in the current pf immunity and final stand pops up and it becomes hard. In higher streaks she becomes a real time eater. Mostly BB3 works best against her or i use outtake to deal with her at last.
9. Sadly, golds are usually an order of magnitude stronger. For example, a Big Top might carry you competently through mid game but once you get a Halequin you'll just wonder why did you even bother. Of course, there are some exceptions, but in general the good silvers and bronzes are more of a utility pick than a point character to steamroll prize fights.
But ain't silvers are cheaper and easy to max. I agree on the utility point but in rifts and pfs utility works more than brute force.
sell every piece of garbage move that comes your way.
DId it once when I was low level. Had to use same moves with every variant for fighters now I just buy Good stat Golds, sell every Silver or Bronze I get. Reviewing all moves will take time (got way high no. of moves) and chosing which will be best for desired variants and which will be trash will take eternity 😅
But ain't silvers are cheaper and easy to max. I agree on the utility point but in rifts and pfs utility works more than brute force.

The difference in strenght is worth the massively increased investment, even if you only get one.. say, Diva Intervention or Primed it will carry all your silvers along. It obviously depends on your current resources, but if you can muster enough canopy and skill points to max one of the top tiers' character ability, some move slots and a bit of damage you'll get some great ROI.

Also, utility is nice but I usually just shove energy refills to my Neuromancer until I get to a 30 streak and get timed out by a Dream Band / Spitting Image / Assassin Greed team.

DId it once when I was low level. Had to use same moves with every variant for fighters now I just buy Good stat Golds, sell every Silver or Bronze I get. Reviewing all moves will take time (got way high no. of moves) and chosing which will be best for desired variants and which will be trash will take eternity 😅

Yeah we need an auto sell button for bronze moves, silver moves and everything with a flat attack or hp and crit resist.