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Bug - Normal Not getting Revolutionary Relic

Jul 18, 2024
Reaction score
As you can see from the attached screenshots, I did receive the revolutionary relic (from the prize fights events) but when I went to the relics sections to check I seemed to not received it (which I actually did), please help fix this bug, it happened a lot of times already (probably 3 or more relics of these I'm not getting). 😔
I don't see any screenshots. Can you be more specific about what happened? At most you would have 3 Relics from the PF, you're saying you never got those? If you share your account info I can look into it as well.
Looking at your account, you've only scored 177,464 in the Fireworks Show Prizefight so far, which is not enough to get even 1 Revolutionary Relic.

To get your first Revolutionary Relic you need to have a total of 325,000 points.

Good luck!