• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

For casual players who don't have the option to spend hours playing every day or can only play on the weekend, it is very difficult to get diamond keys
I love how the first justification is that this game requires you to grind endlessly, when even 1-2 hours gives you plenty of time to advance/get resources
As there is currently no fixed score to get a diamond key, you play without knowing whether you will win or not.
You mean the rift scores that let you know the minimum?
I'm a casual player, unfortunately I can't get 70 million points to try to secure a diamond key and I have more than 20 level 1 diamond characters and only 2 diamond keys, it's taking me 6 months to complete a diamond
If you have over 20 characters and didn't save enough resources then it's on you. Also 6 months for s diamond for someone who considers himself a casual is damn good
The Parallel Realms and treasure node key is random. I've completed it over 100 times and only got 1 diamond key so far.
RGNesus do be fickle
PF Diamond can only get a Dima key if you make more than 65 million, unfortunately for those who can't play every day this isn't possible.
Soooo, isn't there a way to know how much you need for a key or not? Because this directly contradicts your first statement, also doing 5 rift battles per day gives you enough coins to buy one on the store
I'm personally a huge fan of the removed energy from story nodes.
Infinite attempts without having to waste energy refills for the harder nodes is a blessing when you're limited to fighters you don't have well-invested.
I have some suggestions,

maybe it'll be better if there was auto fill button at the screen we choose which fighters to play with .. like choosing the nearest fight score or favourite characters.. like how filters work but with auto fill.

This will make rift battles, prize fights less boring and faster.

In rift battles,maybe we can select what character we are going to use in each node and this will be the default for each rift battle.. and if the player loses a battle it asks him to modify what characters he's going to choose

Also, instead of choosing what node to play, it will be better if it just get into the next node, most times i always finish the first two nodes that have 1vs1 , then i go for the two nodes that have 2vs2 then 3vs3.. i always choose that and it's boring that i keep waiting for the game to load in every single node.

It will be better if there's an auto fill button in which players can activate or deactivate it.

Also, in daily events, most times i just get the new tickets, skip some daily events to get some rewards and repeat.. maybe you can add an advantage for playing.. like if you played the whole squigly's daily event you get a squigly relic.. the same for other characters.
Nice update; the faster load times are huge! However, the robo-fortune prestige bug still hasn't been fixed (just tested it with overclocked, still there 😢).

However, the exp change to Story Mode in my eyes is an odd choice

I don't really understand the point this is making. What's the benefit of removing another way of grinding exp? If people still grinded the stage in a "post-Holodeck Hazards/XP Treats world," wouldn't that mean that those resources are not enough? IMO this removal is not player-friendly, as it makes the player rely on more limited EXP resources. There are no incentives to touch story mode anymore for end-game players.

Also, any future plans to rework/improve retakes? Re-rolling moves feels like playing a slot machine and wasting 50 retakes to not get the stat you wanted is incredibly dreadful.
You still gain XP from story mode, the value is just reduced. With the 3x AI and no energy limit, you can farm significantly more XP than before, at least from my quick testing. If anything, it encourages using your 2x XP boosts
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Like the faster loadtimes, can feel the speed improvement :)

Other changes also neat and while the tierlist is not equal to my opinion (the correct one :) ), it's still far from the worst I've recently seen.
You still gain XP from story mode, the value is just reduced. With the 3x AI and no energy limit, you can farm significantly more XP than before, at least from my quick testing. If anything, it encourages using your 2x XP boosts
Which stages are you farming/testing? I tried playing "that" stage in Peacock's Origin Story, and the AI doesn't seem good enough to consistently beat it.
She's already been nerfed pretty hard. Why would you want her to be nerfed even herder?
What nerf bro? Last path she was buffed too far!!! Or that was called modification at least, not nerf. Read carefully pls!!! The evasion, and armor removed only when her opponent use a blockbuster, plus drain 10% blockbuster every 5 sec, that's ridiculous. Better to keep her past SA, rather than this current one, but decrease the damage ratio. The deal is armor, evasion and stun, which is nearly impossible to neglect, so the pool of counter fighters shrinks a lot. And not only me, a lot of other players also agree that. With new robo fortune variant Reimaged, if put them both in a single node, how can you deal with that mess? It's time to nerf her!!!
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Which stages are you farming/testing? I tried playing "that" stage in Peacock's Origin Story, and the AI doesn't seem good enough to consistently beat it.
I'm changing my opinion, maybe I just lucked out my 2 attempts on the double Bella node. Tried again now, and 3 losses in a row with the AI...
Can you guys please remove the redirect for the battlepass? It's super intrusive and annoying. I keep clicking it by accident and getting confused wth is going on... It feels like a dark pattern UX decision to bring people to the Battlepass. If anything, it's only discouraging me from buying it..
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So after a few days of playing, I didn’t notice too much of a difference with loading time. Yes the loading screens seem a split second faster and that’s awesome, but it does leave more to desire because this patch did not address the main issue of overall “transition” time.

The main culprits from my play experiences are:

1. The animation of showing each reward animated one at a time is time consuming. This is the worst when you clear Accursed Experiment and have to wait 20s or so for each character’s skill points to pop up. A long time ago you could just tap “Continue” and skip but one patch made it so you can no longer do that. Even claiming rewards from mail animates each item individually.

Suggestion: make it an option to just display all of the rewards at the same time rather than animating each item you get.

2. The amount of confirmation “Continue” buttons you have to tap after each match, especially when you are getting rewards. For example, for Medici prize fight I would get 150k+ points in a match and I’ll have to claim each milestone rewards separately so that’s a good 15s or so of waiting and clicking.

Suggestion: just display an overall summary of all the rewards at a glance instead of showing individual milestone rewards.

I get that for new players it’s cool to see animation for claiming each rewards because you need time to learn what they are and understand what you’re getting. But for long term players there should be a “skip animation and confirmation dialogue” option so we can save some transition “loading” time.
So after a few days of playing, I didn’t notice too much of a difference with loading time. Yes the loading screens seem a split second faster and that’s awesome, but it does leave more to desire because this patch did not address the main issue of overall “transition” time.

The main culprits from my play experiences are:

1. The animation of showing each reward animated one at a time is time consuming. This is the worst when you clear Accursed Experiment and have to wait 20s or so for each character’s skill points to pop up. A long time ago you could just tap “Continue” and skip but one patch made it so you can no longer do that. Even claiming rewards from mail animates each item individually.

Suggestion: make it an option to just display all of the rewards at the same time rather than animating each item you get.

2. The amount of confirmation “Continue” buttons you have to tap after each match, especially when you are getting rewards. For example, for Medici prize fight I would get 150k+ points in a match and I’ll have to claim each milestone rewards separately so that’s a good 15s or so of waiting and clicking.

Suggestion: just display an overall summary of all the rewards at a glance instead of showing individual milestone rewards.

I get that for new players it’s cool to see animation for claiming each rewards because you need time to learn what they are and understand what you’re getting. But for long term players there should be a “skip animation and confirmation dialogue” option so we can save some transition “loading” time.
Valid points. It feels especially slow in Rifts
What nerf bro? Last path she was buffed too far!!! Or that was called modification at least, not nerf. Read carefully pls!!! The evasion, and armor removed only when her opponent use a blockbuster, plus drain 10% blockbuster every 5 sec, that's ridiculous. Better to keep her past SA, rather than this current one. Her old SA's passive damge is not a problem. The deal is armor, evasion and stun, which is nearly impossible to neglect, so the pool of counter fighters shrinks a lot. And not only me, a lot of other players also agree that. With new robo fortune variant Reimaged, if put them both in a single node, how can you deal with that mess? It's time to nerf her!!!
View attachment 24315
Her past SA's passive damage was bassicaly destoying you in the Parallel Realms - with 1200% ATK, as well as losing hp in rift battles was crusial - this is where the problem actually was. Now basically you either prevent her from gatting buffs (curse, hex stand out's SA, etc), or just use immunity to bypass the stun. Armor and evasion by itself is not a problem it all.

So yes, she was NERFED and she's completely fine now. Not even nearly as broken as, for example, unholy was at launch. Just another SS defender that takes some planning to bypass - and this is the way it should be.

To be clear: I don't even own Megalomaniac
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Her past SA's passive damage was bassicaly destoying you in the Parallel Realms - with 1200% ATK, as well as losing hp in rift battles was crusial - this is where the problem actually was. Now basically you either prevent her from gatting buffs (curse, hex stand out's SA, etc), or just use immunity to bypass the stun. Armor and evasion by itself is not a problem it all.

So yes, she was NERFED and she's completely fine now. Not even nearly as broken as, for example, unholy was at launch. Just another SS defender that takes some planning to bypass - and this is the way it should be.

To be clear: I don't even own Megalomaniac
Imo, she deserves nerf. If dealing with only her, maybe not a problem, but you should remember that in a team, there is not only her broken, there are still 2 others. With upcoming "broken" variants coming, she gonna be a nightmare in any detense team.

Besides, you mentioned curse, immunity, hex, which basically solve almost anything in the game. How many fighter can access to them? And can they deal enough damage to take her down? Standout, she is eliza, who has low atk base, and no damage boost in her kit.

You said armor and evasion are not problems, so where is her problem? Her stun and blockbuster drain come straight from her armor, and evasion give her ability to punish you if you dont have deadeye.

In term of stagety to counter her, you should have mentioned tagging her in to beat her first, rather than listing obvious buff and debuff applied for almost cases. I know some variants can access to those buff or debuff, but they are at least gold (normally diamond), not common, hard to get, and if you dont have them, how can you take some plan to bypass?

You assume her balanced, but I don't think that.
(Actually her old SA damage was troublesome)
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How many fighter can access to them?
Basically any fighter with skitchy in the back, not to mention more obscure ways like Blitz&Glamour + Inner pieces, or Light variants + Prism Plumage.

can access to those buff or debuff, but they are at least gold
Purrfect Dark is silver, she has acces to timeless curse
Tomb & Gloom is silver, she has ecces to both curse and hex
Graveyard shift is silver, she has acces to curse
Nunsense is bronze, she's basically a counter to any water defender, including Megalomaniac
Shadow Ops has acces to curse and also she gains immunity by het taunt, shes is silver

But overall, the fact that you need a top-tier (gold/diamond) attacker to deal with top-tier diamond defender makes complete sence.

Standout, she is eliza, who has low atk base
Standout has the highest damage amoung all Elizas variants. 11k is not low atk at all. And Eliza is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) attacker in the game thanks to her movekit. You can destroy Megalomaniac even with Tomb & Glood, and Standout with
twice more damage absolutely flies through her.

You said armor and evasion are not problems, so where is her problem?
Yes, stun is a problem - because it leaves you watch yourself get beaten. Armor is countered by piercing, evasion is not a problem too as long as you keep her cornered. Like, we have kitten who has c chance to get evasion at any moment (which is more powerful) - but I assume you are not considering her as a broken defender.

We have many sertain defensive variants who are basically unbeatable with sertain attaking variants - it always a chess game. But megalomaniac is not one of them, you have a choice - either to prevent her from buffing, or just get immunity and destroy her by basically any varriant with enough damage.
Basically any fighter with skitchy in the back, not to mention more obscure ways like Blitz&Glamour + Inner pieces, or Light variants + Prism Plumage.
- Blitz is good, but you need to corner her to deal evasion, so you need to tag her in first: -1 move slot.
- Gaining immunity from tag-in with support variant like Sketchy and Prism is niche, noone can assure you will not be stun to tag out, or not suffer tag in lock. But still a visible approach.
Purrfect Dark is silver, she has acces to timeless curse
Tomb & Gloom is silver, she has ecces to both curse and hex
Graveyard shift is silver, she has acces to curse
Nunsense is bronze, she's basically a counter to any water defender, including Megalomaniac
Shadow Ops has acces to curse and also she gains immunity by het taunt, shes is silver

But overall, the fact that you need a top-tier (gold/diamond) attacker to deal with top-tier diamond defender makes complete sence..
- There are silver variants which can access or deal those buffs or debuffs like hex, curse and immunity, I know, but their low natural base attack can't affect much in high streak or rift.
- Therefore, owning top-tier gold and diamond variants with good investment is obvious, but you need time to be able to build one good enough to counter Megal.
Standout has the highest damage amoung all Elizas variants. 11k is not low atk at all. And Eliza is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) attacker in the game thanks to her movekit. You can destroy Megalomaniac even with Tomb & Glood, and Standout witht wice more damage absolutely flies through her.
- 11k is decent, not impressive as a diamond at all. Basically, Standout damage opponents using raw damage through her blockbuster (usually 3rd one). Her kit is utility and versatile one, I agree, but in perspective of boosting damage, she is not good at that.
- How about resistance? That can make Standout's SA a joke.
- The first time I've heard that a silver like Tomb can destroy Megal.
- Assume you can defeat Megal with both Eliza, I don't thinh there is much time left to finish the rest of opponents team.
Yes, stun is a problem - because it leaves you watch yourself get beaten. Armor is countered by piercing, evasion is not a problem too as long as you keep her cornered. Like, we have kitten who has c chance to get evasion at any moment (which is more powerful) - but I assume you are not considering her as a broken defender.
- Armor being pierced, but there is defense too, 50% piercing for 50% defense, I dont' know what space piercing can do if there are 3 stacks armor or more, plus 50% defense.
- Can only corner her if she is the first active fighter, or tag her in to defeat first: -1 move slot.
- Maybe I can defeat her in some situations, but overall, she's still too OP with overstuffed kit: Quietus neglect final stand and blessing, high hp, permanent armor, evasion, stun, blockbuster drain, ...
We have many certain defensive variants who are basically unbeatable with certain attacking variants - it always a chess game. But megalomaniac is not one of them, you have a choice - either to prevent her from buffing, or just get immunity and destroy her by basically any variant with enough damage.
- Sometimes I wish I can defeat her smoothly like strategy I made, or like what you concluded. But that's only some theory on paper, which can be so different in real fight.
- Still the problem: time, lack of damage and tool to defeat a defensive team having her. I know dev can balance her like what they've done to Unholy, but I don't know, maybe till the community feel frustrated to face Megal, they will.

I give a vote to nerf her anyway.
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- Blitz is good, but you need to corner her to deal evasion, so you need to tag her in first: -1 move slot.
- Gaining immunity from tag-in with support variant like Sketchy and Prism is niche, noone can assure you will not be stun to tag out, or not suffer tag in lock. But still a visible approach.

- There are silver variants which can access or deal those buffs or debuffs like hex, curse and immunity, I know, but their low natural base attack can't affect much in high streak or rift.
- Therefore, owning top-tier gold and diamond variants with good investment is obvious, but you need time to be able to build one good enough to counter Megal.

- 11k is decent, not impressive as a diamond at all. Basically, Standout damage opponents using raw damage through her blockbuster (usually 3rd one). Her kit is utility and versatile one, I agree, but in perspective of boosting damage, she is not good at that.
- How about resistance? That can make Standout's SA a joke.
- The first time I've heard that a silver like Tomb can destroy Megal.
- Assume you can defeat Megal with both Eliza, I don't thinh there is much time left to finish the rest of opponents team.

- Armor being pierced, but there is defense too, 50% piercing for 50% defense, I dont' know what space piercing can do if there are 3 stacks armor or more, plus 50% defense.
- Can only corner her if she is the first active fighter, or tag her in to defeat first: -1 move slot.
- Maybe I can defeat her in some situations, but overall, she's still too OP with overstuffed kit: Quietus neglect final stand and blessing, high hp, permanent armor, evasion, stun, blockbuster drain, ...

- Sometimes I wish I can defeat her smoothly like strategy I made, or like what you concluded. But that's only some theory on paper, which can be so different in real fight.
- Still the problem: time, lack of damage and tool to defeat a defensive team having her. I know dev can balance her like what they've done to Unholy, but I don't know, maybe till the community feel frustrated to face Megal, they will.

I give a vote to nerf her anyway.
I'm not sure about you guys but I've been cheesing megalo since she was added with purrd and/or anyone with bleed/miasma. Her benefits of having armor is bad, I agree, but even without curse, saving up 3 full BBs and just spamming them works wonders, pretty much rendering her SAs useless after that.

I'm not trying to boast but I wouldn't call myself a mid game player if the highest fs I got is a golden headstrong, so if you're wondering, she's not that hard as long as you have the right pieces and keep your eyes on her hp.
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