• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: Autumn & Hidden Variable Statement Regarding Lab Zero Games


Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Recently, a number of Lab Zero Games employees have decided to leave the company as a result of actions by Mike Zaimont and a series of reported incidents that involved Mike over the years.

Autumn Games and Hidden Variable Studios fully support those employees who have chosen to stand by their principles and leave in light of that behavior, and we find their allegations to be credible. As such, effective immediately, we will no longer be working with Mike Zaimont or Lab Zero Games.

Although Hidden Variable has worked on Skullgirls Mobile since 2015, we are a 100% independent studio from Lab Zero Games. Our formal relationship is with Autumn Games, who are the official IP holders for Skullgirls.

While Mike never worked for Hidden Variable or Autumn, his behavior nonetheless directly contradicts our shared core values of mutual respect, decency, and professionalism. Everyone has the right to work in a safe environment, and we were disheartened to hear that this was not always the case at Lab Zero.

One of the things that makes Skullgirls so special is the incredibly passionate, kind, and generous community that has grown around the game and enabled it to flourish over the years. We know how much Skullgirls means to the community and how many of you have given so much of your time, energy, love, money, and support to enable Skullgirls to thrive. In light of recent events, we understand that this is a trying time for everyone involved.

That said, Skullgirls is bigger than any individual, and it will take more than the unacceptable behavior of any one person to bring it down.

Skullgirls, in all its forms, has been a product of years and years of effort from dozens of dedicated developers, artists, designers, and more. As such, Hidden Variable and Autumn are committed to investing in the ongoing development of Skullgirls without the involvement of Lab Zero or Mike Zaimont. We plan to work with the many talented individuals who are leaving Lab Zero to build new Skullgirls content moving forward, including the Annie launch on Skullgirls Mobile in the coming months, and her launch in Skullgirls 2nd Encore in 2021. Beyond Annie, we intend to continue working together to provide new Skullgirls content for everyone in the community to enjoy for years to come.

We hope this can serve as a fresh start for the next phase of Skullgirls development, unburdened by the events of the past.

As always, we thank you all for your trust and your ongoing support. Here’s to a brighter tomorrow for the franchise we love, and the many wonderful people who have made it possible.

Hidden Variable Studios and Autumn Games
Great to hear development will continue. Thank you for making a statement.
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Reactions: Legendaryfonics
The key Lab Zero Team:
  • Mike Zaimont - Design Director
  • Alex Ahad - Creative/Art Director
  • Mariel Cartwright - Lead Animator
  • Richard Suh - Lead Clean-up Artist
  • Jonathan Kim - Senior Animator
  • Earl Gertwagen - Designer
  • Brian Jun - Clean-up Assistant / Associate Art Producer
  • Peter Bartholow - CEO / Producer
  • Vincent Diamante - Audio Director
  • Brady Hartel - UI Designer
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Reactions: BallotBoxer
Skullgirls and Hidden Variable have certainly seen their shares of hurdles and challenges, but have always handled them in the most graceful way possible. Everything you have built is the cumulation of passion, dedication, and perseverance. As you said, a community created that, and it will take much more than one person to bring it down.

Stay strong Hidden Variable and Autumn Games, you have our continuous support no matter how this pans out.
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Reactions: Art3mes
i assumed they wanted to finish annie before resigning. skullgirls just lost many talented people with genuine passion

all because of an individual's degeneracy
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Reactions: Diony