• [2018/06/22]
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Game Director
Hidden Variable Dev
May 5, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey everyone!

As most of you are no doubt already aware, we are going to be launching our Sync PvP VERSUS MODE in our next update! Although the Closed Beta test helped to shed some light on our plans for the mode and how it works, we wanted to help answer any other questions you had as we prepare for its full release.


These questions are all pulled from what you shared on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord. If you have any other questions that aren’t covered here - please respond below! If need be, we may update the FAQ accordingly. Thanks!


When is the release date?
Very soon! We are targeting mid-October. We will share specific dates as soon as they are available.

How do the PvP modes work?
There are two varieties of Versus Mode - Competitive and Free For All.


In Competitive you will use pre-balanced Fighters and Moves that EVERYONE shares to fully level the playing field. Signature Abilities, Marquee Abilities and Modifiers are disabled.


In Free For All you can use any characters from your current Collection with all their bells and whistles intact. Although Competitive is always available, Free For All will cycle between variations every hour:

Bronze Only > Silver Only > Gold Only > Diamond Only > Pure Free for All > Bronze Only > ...

This event schedule will help maximize the odds of players being able to find a match in Free For All. We may tune this schedule further after release.

Will there be modifiers in PvP like Prize Fights?
Currently, just the restrictions for Competitive and Free For All mentioned above are in place. There are no additional Match Modifiers.

Are any Fighters banned from PvP? Why is ____ banned from PvP?
There are three Fighters that are currently banned from VERSUS Free For All:
  • Big Band - Beatbox
  • Peacock - Inkling
  • Eliza - Diva Intervention
During our playtesting, we found that each of these characters featured techniques that could be used to exploit their SAs against a human opponent that made it very difficult to counter (even with an ideal counter character).

As such, those Fighters cannot be used in public matches via FIND OPPONENT. However you CAN still use these Fighters in PRIVATE MATCHES!

Note that Double - Heart of Darkness is also disabled in VERSUS Free for All due to her Signature Ability causing issues in versus play. We recommend avoiding her even in PRIVATE MATCHES, as you will likely run into issues and even disconnects. We'll do our best to resolve these issues for a future release!

How will matchmaking work? If I have one carry and two weaklings with total FS 3,000, will I get paired with teams of three FS 1,000 fighters?
Correct - matchmaking will only take into account your total team FS.

If you’re ever having trouble with opponents you’re finding in general matches, you can reach out to players in in-game Chat or Discord and coordinate a Private Match there.

Will there be a friends list to go along with PvP? How do we challenge our friends?
Although we unfortunately will not have Friends Lists in for our next update (one of the next features on our list!) you can still match up with your friends by having one of you host a Private Match and then sharing the 5-digit lobby code with them so they can join.



Will there be rewards for PvP?
Yes! For now, there will be a brand new 4th Daily Mission that will always grant you 15 Theonite for winning 3 Versus Mode matches of any type.


Will there be a ranking system like Rifts?
Nope! While we have some long term ideas for additional VERSUS-based content, right out of the gate we wanted to keep things simple.

Will every fight be 3v3, or will there be options for 1v1?

For now, every fight will be 3v3, but we are interested in exploring more variations in the future.

These questions were decidedly NOT related to VERSUS MODE, but while we’re here, we wanted to give you an update on some other frequently asked questions...

When's Guilds?
Social Features (including collaborative and competitive modes and content) are our next major push after Versus Mode. Stay tuned for more details!

When's Fukua?!
We do still have plans to integrate Fukua, but in light of other development priorities, she will not be released in 2019.


When's Webtoon?!!
We are still in the relatively early stages, but things are humming along! We’re excited to share more info once we have the green light to do so.

When are you going to fix _____ in Rift Battles?
We know that there are various frustrations that folks have with Rift Battles. Know that we are well aware of them and are planning to re-examine certain Rift Battle features at a high level to help ensure it meets our standards as an exciting, challenging, asynchronous competitive mode that most effectively tests the Collection and Skill level of two comparable opponents.

That should do it for now! As always, we can’t thank all of you enough for all of your support and feedback (both supportive and critical) -- everything helps us ensure Skullgirls mobile can be the best experience possible.

We’re expecting this new Versus Mode update to bring a lot of new (and lapsed) players back to the game which will then let us build extra momentum going into next year.

As is our tradition, I’ll be posting another update near the end of the year with an overview of some of the things we have planned for 2020. Needless to say, we’re extremely excited about what the future holds for Skullgirls moving forward!

Thanks again! Don’t forget to tell a friend to play Skullgirls mobile! ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

Charley (aka MightyZug) and the rest of the Skullgirls Mobile team
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How is blocking going to work? Didn’t someone say some time ago that if this game had a PvP mode the two players would just block until time runs out?
I just wonder what the reward for testers would be
I just wonder what the reward for testers would be
Rewards will go out some time after 4.0 is released. You'll be happy with em, don't worry :)