• [2018/06/22]
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Parallel Realms


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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Coming in 5.4 (probably end of June 2023), a new survival mode for Skullgirls Mobile...


It has it's own section on the main menu:

So it may not require daily event tickets, but it looks to have the same gauged difficulty levels (BASIC, ADVANCED, EXPERT, MASTER). Maybe it has it's own, new ticket system. I have over 700 red Rift Tickets, so I wouldn't mind spending them on the Parallel Realms.

What kind of rewards do you expect? Resources or XP? Rift coins, keys, or relic shards? Precious retakes?

Looks like a great place for support fighters to shine.
Looks like a great place for support fighters to shine.
Yeah, since they made a point to emphasize "no regen" between battles; HP Drain/Regen/Resurrect variants seem a bit OP in this scenario (sucks for you if you don't have any yet). I hope the Devs know this too and have put in some challenging modifiers in the Master difficulty to combat this straight forward strategy.
So it may not require daily event tickets, but it looks to have the same gauged difficulty levels (BASIC, ADVANCED, EXPERT, MASTER). Maybe it has it's own, new ticket system. I have over 700 red Rift Tickets, so I wouldn't mind spending them on the Parallel Realms.
Yeah, it all depends. From the image there seems to be at least 3 'areas', so it is not quite 'endless'. And from the map layout, it feels very Rift-like 'per area'. Having tiered difficulty like Dailies...it is assumed that a ticket of some sort is required (I mean, Rifts and Dailies use tickets to 'limit' access), unless it is locked out like PFs are. Then, is it once a day? Or once a week like AE? It would suck if Event Tickets were needed OR a third type of ticket, but I wouldn't complain if Rift Tickets were used instead.
What kind of rewards do you expect? Resources or XP? Rift coins, keys, or relic shards? Precious retakes?
Again, it depends on how accessible it is; Unlimited or multiple runs a day? Once a day? Once a week? That accessibility will dictate the type/amount of rewards. Right now, Rifts is a ticket per attempt, but it is a week long event with rewards at the end. Personally, Even the current Rift rewards I feel are too little for the number of (winning) fights needed to secure them. And with what you can buy with Rift Coins being so limited, I certainly do not value them too highly. So, I'd want PR rewards to be different and useful enough from Rift Rewards to warrant the effort. If nothing else, we better earn XP for each match. Besides, most rewards are situational depending on your goals within SGM, "Precious retakes"...are they? Not to me, so no thanks. I mean, any reward offered in any mode can be obtained in another part of the game, right? If you're not converting one in-game resource/currency for another, then you're spending time, so is my time worth the (redundant) reward? I think AE is a good return on one's investment (albeit too short a run/challenge for only once a week). I 'm hoping PR might be the middle ground between AE and Rifts in terms of ROI, depending on the reward structure, of course.

My only complaint based on the one image, is that because it looks/feels Rift-like, I'm afraid it is not 'different' enough to do along side Rifts, Rifts is too exhausting and repetitive as it is, and this feels more of the same (only RNG teams). I'm also concerned that this also claims "to utilize your whole Collection" al a Rifts, which means what in this context? Cuz in Rifts, it means you have access to your whole collection, but in reality you only use 12-15 of them per map, since you can only use a card once. So, how are you "utilizing our whole collection" in PR really? From what it is implied; you take 1 team through an area, 'no reg' between battles/nodes (unless you go to a heal node). I assume if a team member is defeated during battle, you'll replace them at the start of the next battle or are you down a fighter? (I'm guessing you can resurrect a fallen card a that one node) If you lose your whole team, then what? Restart the map with a different team? Ok, that's a bit excessive, maybe try the same node with a different team? Run over? Who knows?

TL;DR - I want to be excited for a new mode, but because I don't like Rifts and want to maximize my ROI, I'm keeping my expectation low until we get more details.
I hope the harder difficulties give diamond-related items. Maybe a small amount of Diamond relic shards and one Diamond key? Of course, the hardest difficulties should give more of that stuff.

As for the gameplay itself, I think it'll be interesting if it was a roguelike mode, similar to Integrated Strategies from Arknights.
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i will personally will like to be more challenged then reqarded with this new game mode . Late game players only have rifts and maxing out fighters for entertainment.
no late game retention is not good for no game in the long run
i wish YOUR fighters will be randomized aswell
Diamond keys, diamond dust, and even a diamond relic would be nice! Since it is called "Parallel Realms" it might have similar theming to Rifts, so I'm expecting Rift Coins somewhere. But as evilgordo mentioned, I want this new mode to have a new combination of rewards and not be redundant to the other modes.

The harder difficulties Fae_Astras is talking about:

Looks terrifying interesting!

Makes me wonder though, if you need to use your best fighters, they are probably level 60 and have no need of XP ("congrats on beating that 300k node, have two takiyaki treats"). Less Holodeck Hazards, more unpredictable Accursed Experiments?

"Precious retakes"...are they? Not to me, so no thanks.
lol, some of my characters have too many, and some not enough rerolls. There are plenty of moves that are almost perfect...

I hope there are some ultra-rare, almost secret artifacts in the pool beyond the common catalyst-inspired examples. Like if you are lucky, you can get something over-powered, like the Skull Heart (timeless 5x regen, 200% damage, permanent precision, etc.).

Maybe PR could be like a Darkest Dungeon campaign, where you pick a small group of fighters (6?) and you are stuck with them the entire attempt. If a party member is defeated, they become a useless coffin like in Dragon Quest, until you can get to that resurrection node.

Otherwise, I would be amazed if they have a system that tracks the HP of my 800 fighters.
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i will personally will like to be more challenged then reqarded with this new game mode . Late game players only have rifts and maxing out fighters for entertainment.
no late game retention is not good for no game in the long run
i wish YOUR fighters will be randomized aswell
Actually, how about when starting a new run, you receive a set amount of "currency" that can be used to recruit fighters or be saved to upgrade/recruit rarer fighters.

For example, you receive 6 "currency", and diamonds cost 6 currency, gold with 4 currency, silver with 2 currency, and bronzes are free but you can only recruit one per recruitment opportunity.
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Makes me wonder though, if you need to use your best fighters, they are probably level 60 and have no need of XP ("congrats on beating that 300k node, have two takiyaki treats"). Less Holodeck Hazards, more unpredictable Accursed Experiments?
I guess this is a good point, most certainly for the 2 new tiers, there's no room for 'weak link' in your team, so maybe gaining XP isn't all that important, but still, a level 58+ with good moves can still rumble and it would be nice if they could level up during a run.
I hope there are some ultra-rare, almost secret artifacts in the pool beyond the common catalyst-inspired examples. Like if you are lucky, you can get something over-powered, like the Skull Heart (timeless 5x regen, 200% damage, permanent precision, etc.).

Maybe PR could be like a Darkest Dungeon campaign, where you pick a small group of fighters (6?) and you are stuck with them the entire attempt. If a party member is defeated, they become a useless coffin like in Dragon Quest, until you can get to that resurrection node.

Otherwise, I would be amazed if they have a system that tracks the HP of my 800 fighters.
Agreed. This is where PR is either gonna be great or 'meh'. There needs to be something interesting or unpredictable to set it apart from just a tweaked Rifts/HH/AE mode.

Update when?
Diamond keys, diamond dust, and even a diamond relic would be nice! Since it is called "Parallel Realms" it might have similar theming to Rifts, so I'm expecting Rift Coins somewhere. But as evilgordo mentioned, I want this new mode to have a new combination of rewards and not be redundant to the other modes.

The harder difficulties Fae_Astras is talking about:

Looks terrifying interesting!

Makes me wonder though, if you need to use your best fighters, they are probably level 60 and have no need of XP ("congrats on beating that 300k node, have two takiyaki treats"). Less Holodeck Hazards, more unpredictable Accursed Experiments?
1600% ATK. How are we supposed to survive that? Any Special Move or Blockbuster and we are dead.

And imagine try to Kill Split image or Dread Locks with 1600% HP and these modifiers? Even a Bronze can be hard to deal with
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I hope after this, heavy handed or star spangled get a buff, because let's be honest, we use them for their moves, Marquee abilities and prestige ability, well that's my opinion, i don't know about everyone 😅
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I am definitely looking forward to the new gameplay. It's very exciting and it would be nice to have something new to challenge people with. Im eager to see details on the new mode. Hope you guys are as well. :)
Now that the mode is out, I want to write down a wishlist I have with this mode because I think there's so much potential to make it more exciting! At the moment I'm writing this, I have not tried the two extra difficulties.

I'm hoping Parallel Realms will continue to be developed and not simply a static game mode that is left to run on its own. Like how Prize Fights now have monthly event Prize Fights with ever-changing rewards, I think Parallel Realms can be adapted in the future to hold some of those similar features to increase variety, theme and excitement.


I'm thinking once every quarter, or perhaps as a celebration of some anniversary/release, there could be a special time-limited Parallel Realms with new rewards, modifiers, maps, and boss fights.

As an example, let's say we want to go BIG with Marie's release (c'mon, she's the SKULLGIRL). Aside from the usual relics/shards and stuff, we can have an exclusive Parallel Realms that runs only in the first month of her release (or two weeks, up to you). This exclusive Parallel Realms will replace the current existing one, just for this short duration of time.

It can include:
1. New maps and modifiers
2. An original story from a parallel dimension where everything goes!? (non-canon dialogue)
4. Exclusive rewards such as Avatars to commemorate the event (and as a badge/trophy to show that you cleared it)
5. A way to farm the exclusive Marie Relic shards for F2P players (within limits, of course)

The implementation doesn't have to be as drastic as this. Perhaps out of the three areas, only the third area gets this change. Perhaps the Marie Boss Fight could be optional to clear (and be stupidly overpowered as a fun puzzle challenge) with a custom Avatar as a reward to show off the fact that you cleared it. Perhaps this special event can only be cleared once and would return back to the existing mode again after clearing. Perhaps the reward structure can also be tied to the month's Battle Pass. There are lots of ways to go about this, and different things to think about.

TL;DR I'd like to see this mode be developed further to have special events with exclusive rewards
this game mode was created for djinn frizz... i had no problems clearing the master level... this game mode is promising i want to try the other levels as soon as possible...
this game mode was created for djinn frizz... i had no problems clearing the master level... this game mode is promising i want to try the other levels as soon as possible...
Completely agree, Djinn Frizz + Evergreen Evil can get you up to 10 enrages and cheesing through even opponents at 1600% HEALTH is not a problem. Unfazed + Evergreen Evil is also a good carry, health drain + meter control is a must and she does well in both with MIASMA.

So far, I have not encountered super defenders like Splitting Image, Model Leader, Unholy Host, Dream Band, Death Wish and Plot Twisted even in Nightmare difficulty. Wonder if the devs left them out or I'm just lucky. Definitely have encountered Corrosive Agent, Immoral Fiber, Vaporwave Vixen and some other annoying defenders though so look out for them and plan accordingly (Immoral Fiber can definitely wipe out a fighter if you don't kill it with precision or hex it). Also if you see any marqueed Painwheels, it is definitely Tainted Blood since it's fixed at the first marquee for every fighter. So avoid those nodes if possible or bring fighters with sustainability.
Completely agree, Djinn Frizz + Evergreen Evil can get you up to 10 enrages and cheesing through even opponents at 1600% HEALTH is not a problem. Unfazed + Evergreen Evil is also a good carry, health drain + meter control is a must and she does well in both with MIASMA.

So far, I have not encountered super defenders like Splitting Image, Model Leader, Unholy Host, Dream Band, Death Wish and Plot Twisted even in Nightmare difficulty. Wonder if the devs left them out or I'm just lucky. Definitely have encountered Corrosive Agent, Immoral Fiber, Vaporwave Vixen and some other annoying defenders though so look out for them and plan accordingly (Immoral Fiber can definitely wipe out a fighter if you don't kill it with precision or hex it). Also if you see any marqueed Painwheels, it is definitely Tainted Blood since it's fixed at the first marquee for every fighter. So avoid those nodes if possible or bring fighters with sustainability.
Don't need to worried about that, I have met Death Wish, Model, Unholy host on all first 3 node at the second stage in Nightmare. At that point, it's all about chosse the lesser evil.

They're not that beefy compare to the usual defender that we face in Rift or Prize Fight, but the fact that Nightmare and No Mercy have concrete resolve just throw half of the Roster that rely on debuff away (ie Double, Filia, Valentine). I don't mind hard opponent, but the modifier is just not fun to play against.
So just finished no mercy. I was actually struggling until I started using Stand out for regular nodes. Thankfully I finished it and got the Aeon icon. From my experience buff removal is the way to go. Fear Robo-Fortune.
I've been playing on the difficulty for the second day without mercy and I still don't have an aeon badge.

On the first day I couldn't pass the last room, there was a leader model, a killer's greed and a gloomy puppet.
And also a modifier that with a chance of 15% on impact caused bleeding. As a result, greed was instantly eaten away and burned through prestige, resurrecting the leader. I was able to kill them both, but then Mario resurrected them all. If someone is interested to see my suffering, here is a link.

And even though it was unpleasant, I decided to go to this level of difficulty again, because I thought that I was just unlucky with the enemy.

I couldn't get through the first boss room today. There was a stellar cast, a thirst for death and a killer's greed. I was able to kill the train. Then, having lost almost all the strong heroes, I killed the thirst for death, well, how I killed... She immediately resurrected from a passive ability with 75% health and 2 miasmas. I didn't try anymore, because there was no desire or strong heroes left.

From all this I would like to suggest 3 things
1) it is obvious that there is no place for debafers in this mode, and there are quite a few of them in the game. I think it's worth changing some of the catalysts so that you can use different heroes and not just those who play through buffs (a vivid example of Jinn).
2) the ability to resurrect during a match, at least for those who have this passive ability (bioexorcist, etc.)
3) heroes who are alive at the end of the match can be reused (now losing on a timer kills the whole team)
4) the Unholy Host has been sorted out, let's do something about the thirst for death. I'm talking about her ability to cast damage and adopt buffs. I understand that the canon is 7 years old and decided to make 7 combos, but it's too easy. (and I honestly don't see a way to pass 78k thirst on the throne with resurrection and getting regeneration by timer).

I really wanted to put the message in the suggestions section, but I didn't want to breed topics, let it hang here for now.


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I saw that No Mercy was the challenge I was looking for outside of Rift. Definitely struggled, but It was fun overall! It's not a mode for the faint of heart for sure. I enjoy watching others find a way through this challenging difficulty.
my 2 cents about it :
FLOORS are do-able usually 5 or 6 fights get you to the boss ( fight more = more modifiers , fight less = less modifier )(modifiers seems to stay the same every reset so you shold get used to it )
any 2 support ( pref dmg increase and survavibility )with some sort of cheeser (pref buff gaining type and hp recovery)

BOSS trade 1 for 1 - i did it with 1 beowulf and 2 bronzes , killing one variant , time out or suicide ( doesnt work when u manually quit) replaying gets rid of the dead body on the floor which seems to be the biggest issue - rinse and repeat

* was worried watching other videos that NO MERCY might be a lvl 15 moves ONLY type of thing , but def do-able with some lvl 9 moves if willing to lose some fights . i will defintly say theres no wiggle room with the fighters tough : what you pick , you need to be confident about how to play them