• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Crash Pf bug . A clip has been recorded .

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New Member
Jul 7, 2023
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While playing pf 121 streak. When I killed them all it got stuck and I started to play alone In The field. And when the time finished I lost the game and now I have to pay 605 theonite to stay in my streak. Will.post it on utube too shortly. Not sure if I can post it here .
My mobile is Samsung s22 ultra . Android 11
We still have some super rare edge cases where stuff like this can happen unfortunately. Let me know where the video is posted and I can take a look.

The most common bug I'm aware of is if Filia tags in and hits an opponent who's also tagging in, Filia can fly off screen and never return, but even that one is pretty dang rare.
Hello bones . Thank you for reaching me out. Me and my brother been playing it for more than on year now . And I can tell you I never got this bugg while playing .
Please find below link for the bug

Thank you 😊
Sorry bout this one, it's super super rare. What we believe is happening is that if Filia tags in at the same time as the opponent, there is a chance her tag in will hit and then she'll go flying off the screen. I've been pushing to get this fixed but apparently it's pretty complicated. Hopefully will be fixed very soon!
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Sorry bout this one, it's super super rare. What we believe is happening is that if Filia tags in at the same time as the opponent, there is a chance her tag in will hit and then she'll go flying off the screen. I've been pushing to get this fixed but apparently it's pretty complicated. Hopefully will be fixed very soon!
Dear Bones : thank you for your explenation , even though i was dammaged but i didnt care about it as much as i wanted to share a bug to be fixed in future . but i will take this aportunity to ask for a favour . and i hope you can grant it .
my brother always support this game by buying alot of things from store , same goes for me but ( he is more hehe ) nonthe less he loves the game and that makes me happy but in july month he baugh alot of July exclusive jackpot relics ( u can check his history ) in order to get Blu streak which he didnt in the end. and that by itself frustrated him . myrequest is if you can send him Blu streak as a present i will apreciate it even if this means taking the one i have to give it to him or if i have to pay it, i just want him to be happy and keep playing this game :)
My brother ID is : 2e8f-9m082
My Brother Nickname in Game : Dark-Vahakn

* ps regardless of your answer we will play the game and we love it
An admirable request, but unfortunately I'm not able to send specific fighters to players. Good luck!
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