• [2018/06/22]
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"PHANTOM THREADS" - Strategy and Discussion


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
Reaction score
"I will rob you of everything!"​

Variant: Gold
Palette: NEW - Ann (Persona 5)
First Appearance: 4.2 (Mar. 2020)
Demo: https://twitter.com/sgmobile/status/1241515946759655425

Signature Ability


SA1: When an opponent is KNOCKED DOWN, Fukua gains BLESSING for 10 seconds and removes 1 opponent BUFF.
SA2: When using a BLOCKBUSTER, remove all BLESSINGS and gain ENRAGE for 10 seconds and HEAL for 5% HEALTH per BLESSING removed.

First time doing this since I haven't seen a thread on this variant yet. Thanks @BallotBoxer for creating threads; I copied your format so that it looks nice too lol.

At first glance, she looks like a really good unit offensively for rift. She has the means to remove a buff, gain enrage and also recovery! I think we're going to see a lot of people using her.

What do you guys think?
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She looks strong. Maybe too strong....

Also, this calls into question wether you will still earn the No Deaths bonus in Rifts if, say, your Phantom Threads avoided permanent death through Blessing. It's not some great mystery, I just haven't interacted with Blessing enough to know.
She looks strong. Maybe too strong....

Also, this calls into question wether you will still earn the No Deaths bonus in Rifts if, say, your Phantom Threads avoided permanent death through Blessing. It's not some great mystery, I just haven't interacted with Blessing enough to know.
Yes you still get the bonus. Blessings is a great way to avoid dying to Immoral Fiber if you don’t kill her with hex or precision.
If this Sa is true, she is very close to a Diamond Tier
SA1 upgrades increase Blessing duration: 10s -> 15s -> 20s

SA2 upgrades increase health recovery per Blessing: 5% -> 7% -> 10%

Definitely agree that she's going to be really strong, with her buff removal, self healing, and plenty of Enrages. She's gonna be the Fukua I focus on when it comes to upgrades and such.
SA1 upgrades increase Blessing duration: 10s -> 15s -> 20s

SA2 upgrades increase health recovery per Blessing: 5% -> 7% -> 10%

Definitely agree that she's going to be really strong, with her buff removal, self healing, and plenty of Enrages. She's gonna be the Fukua I focus on when it comes to upgrades and such.
20s? Holly Molly
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Reactions: Lililira
i spend all my theo on the new 10+1jackpot relic 1 phantom thread and 2 chemlon twist and a bunch of silvers. is my theo well spent? should i level phantom thread asap?
I got her today :D

Which stats does she prioritize and which moves would be important for her?