• [2018/06/22]
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Other Pls Fix these.

Whether or not you “asked” anyone to interact with it is irrelevant. When you do/say things in public, you are subject to outside perspectives, opinions, and scrutiny whether you like it or not. If that fact bothers or offends you, don’t post.

Firstly, no one has issues with you criticizing the game. I and many others criticize the game very often because we enjoy the game enough to see the potential in it and support it, but recognize that there are issues that can cause people to be reluctant to recommend this game to other players and/or stop players from wanting to continue playing the game themselves.

The ISSUE is the specific things you choose to criticize the game for. Between the “games should be longer argument”, the “AI too hard” argument, the “energy system bad” argument, the “more story mode content” argument and the “resources are too scarce” argument, most of the points you bring up have a foundational issue underneath them which is why you’re being criticized.

“Games should be longer”, most fighting games are 99 seconds, or 1 min 39 secs, in the grand scope of fighting games, SGM’s matches last pretty long.
“AI too hard”, you do not understand how to exploit the AI. It’s funny that you bring up Kevin Pepino when he literally has a video on it and I even said before that he made a video on it.

“Energy System bad”, when the energy part of the skill tree is maxed, every energy refills in 5 mins, 12 energy per card, meaning in 30 mins, it’s halfway through and to fully refill, it takes an hour. Keep in mind that if you use other variants, while your other variants are on cooldown, they still are refilling so you don’t really need to even wait a full hour. ALSO, the game gives free in-game energy refills through gifts and deployments.

“More story”, addressed in previous roadmaps.

“Resources to scarce”, some definitely are. It’s a bit silly that you get about 3-5k theonite a month and the only way to get new variants is either to a) grind out bp, PF and hope for RNGesus to bless you, b) Overpriced limited time shard exchange, c) spend ALL of your theonite that you made for the month on 1 singular 10+1 event relic, and hope for the best OR d) pay real money for RNGesus to STILL have a chance to screw you over. It’s also a bit silly that the lowest XP treat is very rarely given for free in any game mode. It’s also a bit annoying how hard you have to grind for coins, so much so that end game players usually just convert their theonite to CC.

The problem with the way you put it is that you made it seem as if the game makes it extremely difficult to get the resources you need to be a good/high ranking player when that’s very much so not the case and I even gave you advice on how to properly allocate your resources so you don’t waste your time/resources on rookie mistakes. Other people even agreed with me lol.

This doesn’t happen to me because I know how to exploit the AI lol. There are specific timings when they release their block, they almost always sweep in the corner, they almost always eventually hit your block with something unsafe that you can punish with. I and many others skate by just fine and if there was a game problem and not a personal problem. More of the community would be concerned with such [oppressive] AI, but they don’t because that’s not an issue for most people.

This is blatantly false for two reasons, a) moves are the backbone for variants meaning having a level 12-15 moveset makes a HUGE difference (depending on the specific variants and stats you invest in and hopefully not investing much into bronze moves) and b) there are many ways to counter any given variant in the game, but it requires careful consideration and planning. Heal gets countered by heal block, curse, hex (if an SA is causing the regen), buff cleanse, and inverse polarity. Reflect gets countered by invincibility, barrier, self heal, and (kinda) drain.

If it was “impossible” multiple mid/high/top level players (that are on YT) would never be able to reach 500% Health ATK.

I don’t know if you know this but words and actions have implications and effect other people. When you make criticisms about aspects of the game you want to change, that will affect other people who play the same game.

Also, you definitely misinterpreted when I said “change entirely for you”. I was not saying that you want to change “everything about the game”, I was saying that you wanted changes that (for the most part) NO ONE else wants, that no one else is asking for and when you get reasonable pushback from people you hide behind the “this is just my opinion bro”. You do not exist in a vacuum. Other people matter too.

So am I.

You do realize that by conceding that the highest players spend little to no money reaching their spot that you essentially conceded on two crucial points. A) That this game is pay to win and B) that the game is at fault for your personal lack of progression.

How can people who pay $0.00 succeed in a game that’s pay2win? Do you know what pay2win means? How did they succeed if they didn’t pay any money???? That’s a pretty bad pay2win model if you ask me. (Though to be fair to you, this game is slowly getting pay2win crept and I REALLY don’t like it.)

Of course it is????? Welcomes to gachas and business. How do you think they’d be able to maintain servers or make any money? You can grind it out and get to the same place, or you can pay your way through and still get relatively good results. It’s not even like if you have a fat wallet that this game becomes kindergarten easy because if you lack fighting game fundamentals, it doesn’t matter how many maxed out diamonds you have, you will loss.

You are really having a rough time understanding me. You don’t have to care about my opinion or anyone else’s opinion on a personal level, but when you put something out into the world that have effects on other people, you should expect people to respond because that is how society and the world functions at large. If you want the freedom to express your opinion without scrutiny, find a way to make a post then lock the comments, have your opinions privately or suck it up and learn how to deal with pushback like a regular functioning member of society.

My initial message had 0 passive aggressiveness in there at all. I remember when I was at a place where my account was at a plateau and I didn’t have anyone to help me or anywhere to turn to so I tried to help you out so that you can take responsibility for your account and have more fun with the game. I come from a time where there were NO YouTubers that made guides on how to progress the game, the in-game tutorial was (and still is) horribly outdated, and you had to go to ch0 for advice to maybe hopefully get some real advice while trying to avoid some of the very suspect convos that ran concurrently. I understand that struggle so I tried to help.

My passive aggressiveness, and overall aggression came from you mischaracterizing my words and taking my words out of context to make me seem more jaded and sinister than I actually am. Am I supposed to be happy about that??

Once again you fail to understand me. No one is saying your opinion is “irrelevant” because you opinion isn’t shared by mid/high/top level players. I’m trying to get you to understand the underlying issues and holes in your arguments. The reason I said that these demographic of players don’t have these problems is because the problems you bring up literally (figuratively) go away with experience and labbing combos. Only new/low level players share these sentiments.

No one told you to grow up, nor was it implied that you were immature (until you started doing immature stuff) and to either “get better or quit”. The reality is you probably made this post because you were running into issues in game that you were displeased with. Displeasure over time leads to people taking breaks/quitting. That’s one path you can go down if you choose to not take any of the advice provided not only in their thread by me and others, but in other threads like New Player FAQs or going to discord and asking what variants you should level up/or account advice, or watching YT beginner guides. The other path is actually taking the advice. Your choice.

I believe you can make the right choice. Godspeed.
Well fine, we both have our own opinions and its nothing to fight about, i agree with some of your points but i also have my own. Have a good day.
Hey folks, Appreciate all of the feedback and discussion in this thread. While not everyone will agree with thoughts on balance, mechanics, characters, and many other factors of any fighting game, we appreciate that folks are able to discuss these matters without getting too hot. As the post above says 'It's nothing to fight about'!

We appreciate all feedback - from buffs and nerfs to suggestions and bug flags. While we cannot act upon all of these suggestions (and some we simply might not agree with), know that your thoughts, ideas, and commentary is being passed through to the development team, in hopes of keeping SGM an engaging and entertaining game for everyone. We do keep any eye on all of these threads, and we do make note of people's thoughts and opinions. So you aren't speaking into a void :)

Thanks for your support!
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The bots aren’t made to be “super powerful”, you’re dealing with a skill issue.
could be said a little more gentle but the bots are very exploitable once you get the hang of things indeed!

To the OP: I think the timer gives incentive to invest in more stats and better variants. If there was a really long timer, you could win no mercy with a bronze eliza that has little investment! That wouldn't make for a good game imo, you need to be rewarded for becoming stronger.
could be said a little more gentle but the bots are very exploitable once you get the hang of things indeed!

To the OP: I think the timer gives incentive to invest in more stats and better variants. If there was a really long timer, you could win no mercy with a bronze eliza that has little investment! That wouldn't make for a good game imo, you need to be rewarded for becoming stronger.
i meant just a minute longer like 4:00 minutes, sorrry
Hey folks, Appreciate all of the feedback and discussion in this thread. While not everyone will agree with thoughts on balance, mechanics, characters, and many other factors of any fighting game, we appreciate that folks are able to discuss these matters without getting too hot. As the post above says 'It's nothing to fight about'!

We appreciate all feedback - from buffs and nerfs to suggestions and bug flags. While we cannot act upon all of these suggestions (and some we simply might not agree with), know that your thoughts, ideas, and commentary is being passed through to the development team, in hopes of keeping SGM an engaging and entertaining game for everyone. We do keep any eye on all of these threads, and we do make note of people's thoughts and opinions. So you aren't speaking into a void :)

Thanks for your support!
ok thanks and i also have a question, are you guys going to update story mode again in the new couple of updates
ok thanks and i also have a question, are you guys going to update story mode again in the new couple of updates


We’re going to be following a Roadmap structure similar to what we did last year:

  • COMING SOON means something you can expect to see in our next 1-2 updates.
  • IN DEVELOPMENT means something we’re targeting for 2024.
  • IN CONCEPT means things we are in the process of exploring, which could make an appearance sooner, but likely won’t see the light of day until 2025.

NOTE: Obviously if we listed EVERYTHING we’re talking about/considering, this list would be 100+ items long - this is simply meant to reflect some of the things near the top of the pile.

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